
Phone mast pulled down after school cancer scare



From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


Menschendienliche Fortbildung und Mobilfunk



Dr. Bergmann 24-04-07

Zum nachfolgenden Beitrag s. rtf-Anlage

Offener Brief von Herrn Dr. Bergmann an die Vorsitzende des Ausschusses Gesundheit und Umwelt bei der Bundesärztekammer Frau Dr. med. Martina Wenker -- Präsidentin der Ärztekammer Niedersachsen; sowie an alle Landesärztkammern

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,

im Anhang ein Schreiben von mir an die Vorsitzende des Ausschusses Gesundheit und Umwelt bei der Bundesärztekammer. Dieser Brief ist auch an alle LandesärztekammerpräsidentInnen gegangen.

Dort noch mit dem folgenden zusätzlichen Vermerk:

Aktuell interessant ist, dass das Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz seine bisherige Position zu den Grenzwerten “klammheimlich“ revidiert: In Sachen NF und Interpretation Grenzwerte der 26. BimSchV war bisher zu lesen: “Nach dem derzeitigen Erkenntnisstand ist bei Einhaltung dieser Grenzwerte der Schutz der Gesundheit der Bevölkerung auch bei Dauereinwirkung gewährleistet". Stattdessen steht jetzt auf der Seite http://www.bfs.de/elektro/nff/vorkommen.html "Die Betreiber von Gleichspannungs- und Niederfrequenzanlagen sind dazu aufgefordert, die Emission statischer sowie niederfrequenter elektrischer und magnetischer Felder im Rahmen des technisch Möglichen zu reduzieren."

In diesem Sinne hoffe ich, dass Ihre Kammer nicht die Versionen der Industrie zur Verharmlosung der Mobilfunkfrequenzen mit Fortbildungspunkten “belohnt.“

Viele Grüße aus Freiburg
Wolf Bergmann


Die Grenzwerte der 26. BImSchV gelten nur für Kurzeitexposition, sind also für Dauereinwirkung nicht anwendbar

Messkampagnen, wissenschaftliche Hinweise, Nachweise und viel Diskussionen


Wi-Fi and National Education - Wi-Fi et Education Nationale

22 april 2007 The Independent: Wi-Fi: Children at risk from "electronic smog".

22 april 2007 The Independent: Danger on the airwaves, Is the Wi-Fi revolution a health time bomb?

23 april 2007 Daily mail: WiFi internet "poses a health risk for children".


Wi-Fi et Education Nationale

22 avril 2007 The independent: Wi-Fi, Enfants en danger avec "l’electrosmog".

22 avril 2007 The Independent: La révolution WiFi est-elle une bombe à retardement pour la santé ?

23 avril 2007 Daily Mail: L’internet par WiFi "pose un risque sanitaire pour les enfants".



The War on Wi-Fi


Back in February I sat in the Attlee room in Westminster and heard Dr George Carlo explain the scientific mechanism by which cells and DNA are damaged by radiation from mobile phones, masts and Wi-Fi. Dr Carlo isn't just some conspiracy theorist. He ran the US cell phone companies' own health research program during the 1990's and is at the cutting edge of research in this area. He backed up his talk with several studies and was able to site research that government scientists weren't even yet aware of.

I'm sorry I completely disagree with the tone of this article. The latest research shows that Wi-Fi and related radiation is dangerous. It is causing health problems. There are more and more cancer clusters being found around phone masts. And our children are being put at risk in some Machiavellian experiment for the sake of feeling all warm and fuzzy about being technologically advanced.

Please stop blindly supporting it.


From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


Health fears over city's wireless network

24 April 2007 09:35

Fresh fears have emerged over the safety of the city's pioneering wireless network after it was revealed the country's health protection watchdog is investigating whether the technology can damage health.

Sir William Stewart, the chairman of the Health Protection Agency, is understood to want a probe into whether WiFi networks - which emit radiation - are affecting the health of schoolchildren.

Meanwhile, it is believed the Professional Association of Teachers will this week write to Education Secretary Alan Johnson to demand an official inquiry because of its own concerns.

Norwich is one of the first places in the country to have a free WiFi service, with more than 200 aerials attached to lampposts providing coverage so people can log on to the internet through laptops anywhere in the city.

Dr Ian Gibson, Norwich North MP, today said he was delighted Sir William, who has chaired two official inquiries into mobile phone safety, was looking into WiFi.

He said: “We need to look at whether or not the radiation from these systems is a threat to health. As with mobile phone masts, the more research that can be done into it the better.”

The £1.1m Norfolk OpenLink project was launched in the city in August last year. The two-year pilot project managed by Norfolk County Council and funded by the East of England Development Agency (EEDA) provides people with free broadband internet access. Each antenna creates a “hotspot” which receives the radio waves which power wireless networking.

By putting up so many antennae a mesh network has been created in Norwich, creating seamless coverage around the city centre.

It covers most of the city centre, as well as key sites such as the University of East Anglia, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and Norwich Science Park.

A spokesman for Norfolk County Council said: “OpenLink has been a tremendous success so far, benefiting many within the city - residents, visitors and businesses, including health agencies. The partnership would not have installed WiFi if there were any proven risk. The Department of Health has given no guidance that WiFi is unsafe.”

The networks are banned in Salzburg in Austria, while Stowe School, in Buckinghamshire, removed WiFi from part of its buildings after a teacher developed headaches and nausea.

Last November Dr Gibson, a long-time supporter of the Evening News Put Masts On Hold campaign and a cancer expert, said he wanted more research to be done on wireless technology after some schools elsewhere in the county ditched their wireless networks. Our Put Masts On Hold campaign has called for mobile phone masts not to be put up near schools or homes until it is proved they are safe, drawing on Sir William's own research into the health effects from the masts.

The latest mobile phone mast research:

New research has added weight to claims that mobile phone masts are a danger to health, meanwhile one mast is being pulled down after so many people claimed it was making them ill.

Parents of children at St Edward's Roman Catholic Primary School in Coleshill, Warwickshire said youngsters had suffered from insomnia, headaches, nosebleeds and numbness.

At the next-door Woodlands special school seven of the 30-strong staff have developed tumours while at least 31 people who live near the mast are suffering from cancer or have already died of it.

Many have pinned the blame on the 27m-high mast and O2, which owns the mast, have agreed to move it, although they insist this was not due to health grounds.

Meanwhile, Dr John Walker, a scientist who helped compile the cluster study in Warwickshire has also identified clusters around masts in Devon, Lincolnshire, Staffordshire and the West Midlands.

In 2002, as part of the Keep Masts on Hold campaign, the Evening News reported how families living in Furze Road, Thorpe St Andrew, said they thought the mobile phone mast installed near them was harming their health.

Do you know of a school that has banned WiFi or are you a parent campaigning to get it removed from your child's school? Contact Dan Grimmer on 01603 772375 or email dan.grimmer@archant.co.uk

Copyright © 2007 Archant Regional. All rights reserved.




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