
051114 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


051112 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


051111 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


Patente auf Leben: US-amerikanische Unternehmen patentieren bislang frei verfügbare Pflanzen und wollen deren traditionellen Anbau verbieten

Marken-Gene: Fortpflanzung als Urheberrechtsbruch und Patente auf Leben

US-amerikanische Unternehmen patentieren bislang frei verfügbare Pflanzen und wollen deren traditionellen Anbau verbieten.


Schriftsteller kritisieren zunehmende Zensur

Pressefreiheit: Schriftsteller kritisieren zunehmende Zensur (14.11.05)

Die Zensur gegen Schriftsteller und Journalisten nimmt nach Einschätzung der Schriftstellervereinigung PEN Deutschland und des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels in vielen Ländern zu. Vor allem in Afrika gebe es immer mehr Verleumdungsklagen gegen Journalisten, die Korruption aufdeckten und demokratische Rechte einforderten, teilte das PEN-Zentrum Deutschland am Montag in Berlin mit. Auch Verleger und Buchhändler gingen durch ihre Arbeit oft ein großes Risiko ein.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Schriftsteller kritisieren zunehmende Zensur

Pressefreiheit: Schriftsteller kritisieren zunehmende Zensur (14.11.05)

Die Zensur gegen Schriftsteller und Journalisten nimmt nach Einschätzung der Schriftstellervereinigung PEN Deutschland und des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels in vielen Ländern zu. Vor allem in Afrika gebe es immer mehr Verleumdungsklagen gegen Journalisten, die Korruption aufdeckten und demokratische Rechte einforderten, teilte das PEN-Zentrum Deutschland am Montag in Berlin mit. Auch Verleger und Buchhändler gingen durch ihre Arbeit oft ein großes Risiko ein.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Umverteilungspläne der Großen Koalition

Koalitionsvertrag: Umverteilungspläne der Großen Koalition (14.11.05)

CDU/CSU und SPD planen umfassende Umverteilungen durch höhere Steuern und verringerte Ausgaben für die breite Bevölkerung und Milliardenausgaben für die Wirtschaft. Ngo-online listet geplante Maßnahmen auf, die im Koalitionsvertrag stehen oder vom designierten Bundesfinanzminister Peer Steinbrück erläutert wurden.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Umweltverband beklagt soziale und ökologische Schäden durch Staudamm-Bauten

Studie: Umweltverband beklagt soziale und ökologische Schäden durch Staudamm-Bauten (14.11.05)

Der Bau von Großstaudämmen richtet nach einer Studie des WWF noch immer enorme soziale und ökologische Schäden an. Daran habe sich auch fünf Jahre nach den Empfehlungen der Welt-Kommission für Staudämme (WCD) nichts geändert, so die Umweltorganisation. Eine am Montag vorgelegte WWF-Studie listet sechs Dammbauprojekte aus den letzten fünf Jahren in Spanien, der Türkei, Australien, Island, Laos und Belize auf, die die Anforderungen nach Einschätzung der Umweltschützer nicht erfüllen. Der WWF kritisierte auch die Rolle der Bundesregierung."Obwohl Deutschland sich öffentlich zu den Empfehlungen der WCD bekannt habe, unterstütze die Bundesregierung weiterhin ökologisch und sozial bedenkliche Staudammprojekte.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA

With so much happening now to expose the deceit of the Bush administration, it is a good time think back on the last two presidential and Congressional elections, as well as considering those yet to come. The below materials, forwarded to me by a friend who's also a journalist, offers not only alarming facts about the cronyism and monopoly inherent in the companies that tally up our very votes, but also their ties to the Bush agenda. Thought you had enough issues to be p... off about before? Like Jello, there's always room for anger, that is--if it leads us to act. Please be sure to at least forward this out widely.

John Pietaro

20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA

From ufpj-news


Free Voice of America (FVOA)

20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA Sun Jan 15, 2006 23:17

Forwarded with Compliments of Free Voice of America (FVOA): Accurate News and Interesting Commentary for Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free. NOTE: Adam Trombly founded Project Earth [] with Buckminster Fuller more than three decades ago; his Call below is a splendid stimulant for our flagging energies. -- kl, pp

From: Adam Trombly
Date: January 14, 2006 6:27:43 PM EST
To: Subject: 20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA

FYI: This is a great set of links for your edification. Even if you are not in the USA you can get an idea just how corrupt the people we are fighting to get our country back from really are. This is a not a dead issue until every state rejects non-verifiable electronic voting! Until then our "democracy" is a Republican-sponsored farce! Every Senator and Congressman both on a State and Federal level who does not support Verifiable Voting must be defeated regardless of party affiliation. Please do not succumb to denial and/or depression. Remember New Orleans and the 90,000 square miles that were leveled by Katrina alone in the Gulf States. Think about how you and your family will fare when such a disaster visits your community! Rise up off of your behinds and get to work. These people are killing our children in Iraq for the sake of their lies. Are we stupid? Are we alive? If we are not stupid and we still count ourselves among the living, then we have an immediate and Patriotic Duty to reclaim our country and our lives from the tyranny of these monsters. If you are in denial, then snap out of it! Send this email on to as many of your contacts who might still be human while you still can. This is not a joke. By the time these morons admit what they have done to the Earth it will be The Day After Tomorrow!

20 Amazing Facts about Voting in the USA Did you know....

1. 80% of all votes in America are counted by only two companies: Diebold and ES&S.

2. There is no federal agency with regulatory authority or oversight of the U.S. voting machine industry.

3. The vice-president of Diebold and the president of ES&S are brothers.

4. The chairman and CEO of Diebold is a major Bush campaign organizer and donor who wrote in 2003 that he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."


5. Republican Senator Chuck Hagel used to be chairman of ES&S. He became Senator based on votes counted by ES&S machines.

6. Republican Senator Chuck Hagel, long-connected with the Bush family, was recently caught lying about his ownership of ES&S by the Senate Ethics Committee.

7. Senator Chuck Hagel was on a short list of George W. Bush's vice-presidential candidates.

8. ES&S is the largest voting machine manufacturer in the U.S. and counts almost 60% of all U.S.votes.

9. Diebold's new touch screen voting machines have no paper trail of any votes. In other words, there is no way to verify that the data coming out of the machine is the same as what was legitimately put in by voters.

10. Diebold also makes ATMs, checkout scanners, and ticket machines, all of which log each transaction and can generate a paper trail.


11. Diebold is based in Ohio.

12. Diebold employed 5 convicted felons as consultants and developers to help write the central compiler computer code that counted 50% of the votes in 30 states.

13. Jeff Dean was Senior Vice-President of Global Election Systems when it was bought by Diebold. Even though he had been convicted of 23 counts of felony theft in the first degree, Jeff Dean was retained as a consultant by Diebold and was largely responsible for programming the optical scanning software now used in most of the United States.


14. Diebold consultant Jeff Dean was convicted of planting back doors in his software and using a "high degree of sophistication" to evade detection over a period of 2 years.

15. None of the international election observers were allowed in the polls in Ohio.


16. California banned the use of Diebold machines because the security was so bad. Despite Diebold's claims that the audit logs could not be hacked, a chimpanzee was able to do it! (See the movie here:


17. 30% of all U.S. votes are carried out on unverifiable touch screen voting machines with no paper trail.

18. All -- not some -- but all the voting machine errors detected and reported in Florida went in favor of Bush or Republican candidates.

19. The governor of the state of Florida, Jeb Bush, is the President's brother.

20. Serious voting anomalies in Florida -- again always favoring Bush -- have been mathematically demonstrated and experts are recommending further investigation.



APFN CONTENTS PAGE: http://www.apfn.org/old/apfncont.htm

Find elected officials, including the president, members of Congress, governors, state legislators, local officials, and more.

APFN, PMB 107, 6630 W. CACTUS #B107, GLENDALE, AZ 85304


Die elektrosensible Frau G. aus Salzburg berichtet über ihre leidvollen Erfahrungen mit Mobilfunk

ORF2 Mobilfunk in der Barbara Karlich Show Di, 15.11. 05, 16 Uhr

Wichtiger Programmtipp: bitte Weiterleiten

ORF2 Di, 15. 11. 05, um 16 Uhr

Die elektrosensible Frau G. aus Salzburg berichtet über ihre leidvollen Erfahrungen mit Mobilfunk und spricht zum Thema.

mit freundlichen Grüßen

Michael Meyer
Risiko Mobilfunk Österreich
Plattform Sozialstaat Österreich - Netzwerk Zivilcourage
A - 5165 Berndorf,
Stadl 4
Tel/Fax 0043 - 6217 - 8576

Stonewalling the Katrina Victims

The New York Times poses the question, "Why did the Bush administration focus on trailer parks built by FEMA - which is actually not a housing agency - instead of giving the lead role to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, which has so much experience on this issue?"


Ohio 2005: Shenanigans Again?

Once again, the Buckeye state has hosted an astonishing display of electronic manipulation that calls into question the sanctity of America's right to vote, and to have those votes counted in this crucial swing state.


The Other Cloud on Republican Horizon

Of all the pending controversies in Washington, few may be as perilous for the Republican majority as the one swirling around former powerhouse lobbyist Jack Abramoff.


White House Declines to Rule Out Torture

In an important clarification of President George W. Bush's earlier statement, a top White House official refused to unequivocally rule out the use of torture.


Aid and Comfort

William Rivers Pitt writes that the old chestnut has been hauled out in public again: if you do not support the war, if you do not support Bush, you are betraying our troops and giving aid and comfort to the enemy. It is worthwhile, in the face of this resurgent nonsense, to take a long, hard look at what "aid and comfort" really is.




Bad Budget Blunted For Now

What's the meaning of the Republican impasse over the budget?

A Woman's Place: Your Letters

by TomPaine.com Readers

More on Libby's lies, women in powerful positions and understanding the Paris riots: Readers react in this week's letters.


Free Trade, Free Guns

by Frida Berrigan, TomPaine.com

Bush's trip to Argentina capped off five years of Latin America policy that has promoted militarization and demoted development.


It's Not Just Judy

by Russ Baker, TomPaine.com

The notorious Times reporter is only a symptom of the disease affecting political journalism.


Target Wal-Mart

by Robert L. Borosage and Troy Peters, TomPaine.com

Wal-Mart's triumph is the defeat of middle-class America.



Informant: Milo

Amerikanische Folter durch Kritik aus dem Militär bedroht

Als Donald Rumsfeld nach dem Abu-Ghraib-Skandal behauptete, in Irak gelte die Genfer Konvention und in Afghanistan folge man ihrem \"Geist\", wollte Captain Ian Fishback es genau wissen: Was ist erlaubt, was nicht? Was folgte, klingt fast wie ein Märchen.

G.Wendebourg / metainfo hamburg

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis:

Infopool / metainfo hamburg www.hh-online.com

We've Seen the Inner Workings and Felt the Consequences

Iraq War Vet Pat Resta Speaks Out About the War and Occupation

by Derek Seidman

Patrick Resta, 26, served as a combat medic in Iraq. His aunt and uncle were killed in the World Trade Center on September 11th and about three weeks later he was called to active duty as part of homeland security. Patrick is now with Iraq Veterans Against the War, and he spoke with Derek Seidman of Left Hook about his experience in Iraq, and the American anti-war movement...


Suing the War Party

by Ahmed Amr

For the last two years, the Plame case has slowly inched its way through the obstructionist mine fields planted by the Bush administration and the New York Times. Granted, the indictment of Lewis Libby is an encouraging sign that the rule of law still applies to one and all -- at least when Patrick Fitzgerald is on the case. That said, neither Libby nor anyone else has yet to be convicted of any crime. Even if the Pollard treatment was properly administered to Libby and he was made to rot in jail for the rest of his natural life -- it would not begin to account for the enormity of the criminal activities that went into launching this war of choice. When the history of this neocon enterprise is finally written, the outing of Valerie Plame will appear to be nothing more than a minor tangential detail in a much larger conspiracy. Libby was by no means a lone wolf and, in the final analysis, the betrayal of a CIA agent was merely a crime to cover up another crime -- the systematic corruption of intelligence to make a case for an illegal war. So far, the legal process has snared only one member of the cabal that engineered this unnecessary and very costly venture. If this is still America, the law will eventually catch up with Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, George Bush and the assorted neo-con wizards responsible for this quagmire. Without minimizing the importance of the Plame case, allow me to suggest that we now have enough evidence available to prosecute a series of other crimes...


The Magic Words

by Patricia Goldsmith

In a Washington Post


article discussing last Tuesday’s election, I finally heard the magic words I’ve been waiting years to hear: “It’s not just that they lost these elections,” said Democratic pollster Geoffrey Garin, “but that none of their old tricks worked that they’ve relied on to give them the edge in close contests.” A Republican representative from Virginia, Thomas M. Davis III, put it more emphatically, declaring that the GOP’s cultural wedge issues “are just blowing up” in the suburbs. “You play to your rural base, you pay a price.” Sweet! And about time...


Enemies of Democracy

by Ken Sanders

In yet another disturbing example of our leaders' contempt for such antiquated notions as democracy and the rule of law, on November 10, 2005, the U.S. Senate voted to prevent suspects detained at Guantanamo Bay from challenging their detentions. The Senate's decision (which will surely be adopted by the facile House) would eviscerate the 2004 Supreme Court decision which held that the detention centers at Guantanamo were not outside the jurisdiction of U.S. law. As a result of the Senate's vote, Guantanamo detainees would no longer be able to challenge the very basis for their detention. In other words, they would no longer be entitled to demand that the U.S. demonstrate that it has good reason (hell, any reason) to suspect an individual of terrorist activity. Detainees, who are only suspected of terrorism, would no longer have access to any legal proceedings (not even the sham proceedings they are currently afforded) in order to demand some kind of legal and factual foundation for the allegations leveled against them...


Nonviolence on Veterans Day?

by Greg Moses

Veterans Day reminds us of the price we pay for failing to do better in the nonviolence department. If heroism is an archetype of Veterans Day, so is abject loss of life; death come knocking; lives and loves interrupted forever. War on film may be a stage for heroic character, and on-screen killings might provide certain air-conditioned thrills, but war lived through is horror by the second, and the sight of an authentic human body etches the mind. Veterans Day therefore is a most logical time to decide that we can create better arts of peace...


Darkness Over Empire


Graham Amendment Invokes Constitutional Crisis

In blatant defiance of the Constitution's guarantees of Habeas Corpus and separation of powers, the Senate on Thursday approved the Graham Amendment to the Department of Defense Authorization Act by a vote of 49 to 42. Five Democrats joined all but 4 Republican Senators in giving the President unfettered power to hold prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, for the rest of their lives, with no criminal charges, and no right to challenge their confinement by Habeas Corpus.


How Bush Defiled Veterans Day


The Worst Speech of Bush's Presidency


Has American Democracy Died an Electronic Death in Ohio 2005's Referenda Defeats?


UN Food Expert Condemns US Tactics in Iraq


Inaccuracies in Bush's Defense of Lead-Up to War


New War, Same Lies


Health concerns with Broadband over Power Lines (BPL)


The Government of India confirms national ban on Terminator

Ban Terminator Campaign Breaking News, November 14, 2005 http://www.banterminator.org

The Government of India confirms national ban on Terminator

The Government of India has given final notification confirming the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer’s Rights Act, Act 53 of 2001, which prohibits registration of plant varieties containing Terminator genes.

The Act contains the following language:

"18. (1) Every application for registration under section 14 shall— (c) be accompanied by an-affidavit sworn by the applicant that such variety does not contain any gene or gene sequence involving terminator technology"

Farmers hail PVP & FR Act notification ASHOK B SHARMA, Financial Express, Bombay, India Posted online: Monday, November 14, 2005 at 0000 hours IST New Delhi, Nov 13 Farmers have hailed the government’s decision to notify the Plant Varieties Protection and Farmers’ Rights (PVP&FR) Act, 2001. They said that though the decision is belated, it would solve the farmers’ problems to a great extent.

The legislation was passed by Parliament way back in 2001 and received Presidential assent in the same year, but was withheld from notification, which prevented its implementation over the past few years.

The Act, apart from protecting farm bio-diversity, allows farmers to save and exchange seeds in unbranded form for use in the next crop season. The Act has also banned registration of seeds containing terminator technology vide section 18 (1) (C).

The government has recently constituted Plant Varieties Protection and Farmers’ Rights Board under the chairmanship of Dr S Nagarajan for implementation of the Act.

Speaking to FE, executive chairman of Bharat Krishak Samaj (BKS) Dr Krishan Bir Chaudhary said: “The PVP&FR Act was long withheld from its implementation due to pressure from the interested lobby of seed companies. This law gives some leverage to farmers in matters of use of seeds, though not complete freedom. There had been recent attempts to nullify this meagre freedom given to farmers under this Act by the introduction of amendments to the Seeds Act in the Parliament. The farmers will not tolerate any such move and demand immediate withdrawal of the proposed amendments to the Seeds Act. Rather PVP&FR Act should be further amended to give more freedom to farmers.”

Dr Chaudhary had earlier expressed concern over Delta & Pine Land announcing its new plans to foray into the seed sector, after it got patent rights for its terminator technology in patent offices abroad. He now said that with the notification of PVP&FR Act, the country is better poised to deal with this situation.

Dr Chaudhary was the sole farmers’ representative to the recently held global conference on biotechnology hosted by Asia-Pacific Association of Agriculture Research Institutions (APAARI) and FAO in Bangkok where he demanded that the seed multinationals compensate farmers for failure of Bt cotton.

URL: http://www.financialexpress.com/fe_full_story.php?content_id=108540

Below is the press release from the Government of India:



New Delhi, Kartika 20, 1927 November 11, 2005

The Protection of Plant Variety & Farmers’ Rights (PPV&FR) Authority has come into being with the enforcement of the Act, 2001, and the Rules framed thereunder. A notification to this effect was issued today by the Department of Agriculture & Cooperation. The Authority would now regulate all matters pertaining to plants and seeds varieties of the country and would act as the national registry for documentation, indexing and cataloguing of all flora of the country, including extant varieties, farmers’ varieties and land races. The Authority will also be registering new varieties thereby protecting the breeders’ rights, inclusive of both farmers and the industry.

The Authority represents the interests of a wide spectrum of stakeholders, which include the scientific community, farmers’ organizations, women, tribal entities and State and Central Government as also the State Agricultural Universities.

The PPV&FR Authority is a major step forward in stimulating investment in the agricultural seed and plant sector and would greatly encourage development of new plant varieties. It will protect the interests and rights of farmers and the farming community and recognize their contribution to the selection and preservation of traditional varieties. The Authority also has the mandate to administer the National Gene Fund which ill help conserve and protect our plant genetic resources/biodiversity.

The PPV&FR Authority is presently functioning out of the premises of National Agricultural Science Centre at Pusa, New Delhi, and is headed by Dr. S Nagarajan, recently appointed as its chairman.

Republicans Losing Control of Agenda

The one time minority party with a common agenda, Republicans have become a 'big tent' of turmoil with the loss of credibility due to political woes.


Air Force Ministers Evangelize Cadets

A private missionary group has assigned a pair of full-time Christian ministers to the US Air Force Academy, where they are training cadets to evangelize among their peers.


Let's Try Baloney

Eleanor Clift references foreign and domestic embarrassments as to the cause of the collapse of Bush's delusional world in dire need of political direction.


Justice Dept. Purging Civil Rights Lawyers

The Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, which has enforced the nation's anti-discrimination laws for nearly half a century, is in the midst of an upheaval that has driven away dozens of veteran lawyers and has damaged morale for many of those who remain.


Conflicts of the Heart

Gordon S. Livingston, West Point graduate, reminisces about his experiences in Vietnam and advises the next generation of cadets on being mindful of whether the rationale of the war bears relationship to the ground combat.


Cornyn Tied to Reed and Abramoff in Casino Scam

Former Christian Coalition director Ralph Reed claimed in a 2001 e-mail to a lobbyist that he choreographed John Cornyn's efforts as Texas attorney general to shut down an East Texas Indian tribe's casino.


Vaccination Genocide Exposed in Canada

Hidden from History: The Canadian Holocaust Vaccination Genocide Exposed in Canada:

First Nations in the Dark About Vaccines

The article below documents genocide via vaccination against First Nations aboriginal people in Canada who are not being told the truth about the immense dangers of vaccination, which is being forced upon them. Candace Hill was put in a "quit or be fired" situation due to her efforts to expose the truth. She quit. Despite warnings not to go public with this information, Hill has generated this article, and has appeared on many radio shows to expose this genocide. She also continues to help the Sto:lo and other First Nations people, as well as aboriginal people world wide. IAHF has received reports similar to this from numerous other countries, including Australia, S.America and Africa where aboriginal people are being genocidally expunged via a vaccinations as well. This is part of a global ruling elite Eugenics policy that must be further exposed and halted.

Candace Hill is a Cree First Nations Indian woman living in British Columbia Canada where she runs "Walking in Balance" , a holistic nutrition practice and is available for private consultation and interviews. Hill is a member of a group of aboriginal women from Canada who travel world wide to foster healing unity amongst aboriginal people, and all people. Candace can be reached at slavenomore@excite.com

Sto:Lo First Nations in the Dark about Vaccines !! by Candace Hill, Surrey, BC Canada slavenomore@excite.com My story began six months ago as the first Wholistic Nutrition Counsellor for the Aboriginal Head Start program under Xyolhemeylh Health and Family services, in Mission and Chilliwack B.C Canada to educate the Sto:Lo First Nations people. The goal of this program is to help parents in a very positve, way empowering them to become the first teachers to their children. However the shocking truth is that the Xyolhemeylh Health and Family services program is in fact doing the opposite, to the point where it is actually engaging in GENOCIDE through the administration of highly dangerous vaccines,along with calculated withholding of information necessary for families to be able to make their own choices regarding whether or not to vaccinate their children. I don't make this accusation lightly. I was blessed with the opportunity to work with families who have taught me so much.Yet it saddened me to see what little they knew about good nutrition,herbs, vitamins /minerals and other alternative medicines.

It was very apparent from the beginning that something was not right with the Xyolhemeylh Health and Family services definition of what constitutes good health. This programs health means drugs, vaccines, nix(pesticide) and an enviroment which selectively witholds information necessary for these people to properly educate themselves and in turn empower themselves with improved health, They simply are not taught about prevention and how to keep their immune systems strong. I define good health to using whole foods, organics, natural medicines and learning about the connection between body,mind and spirit and allowing the body to heal itself using whole foods,organics,natural medicines.

I observed too much secrecy in the program especially regarding vaccines.For the Sto:Lo families vaccines seem to be mandatory. No information was ever provided allowing them to make a choice despite the reported dangers. The nurses are told to make the families feel like bad parents if they do not vaccinate. The truth regarding the dangers of vaccines was intentionally suppressed, along with basic information about health and prevention. I provided a few families with some information: "Side effects from vaccines maybe due to the bacterial toxin or virus component of the vaccine, or to the chemicals used in the preparation and preserving of the solution. These chemicals include mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, and a variety of other known toxic materials."

"It was noted by by Dr. William Torch of the University of Nevada School of Medicine that the D.P.T(diptheria, pertussis, tetnus) may be responsible for SIDS. He noted in one survey that two thirds of 103 children who died of SIDS had been immunized with DPT vaccine within three weeks of each death"

"Indigenous people have been subjected to many vaccinations. (Let us be aware that they are difficult to beat into submission and they own vast tracts of land which the authorities would like to have for their own benefit") Because of distributing this information I was threatened with losing my job. My response was that at least I would know in my heart I had done the right thing. I guess money means more to them than protecting human lives. (What upset me even more was when I was told not to discuss vaccines with Ida John of the Sto:Lo First Nation, she is the nutrition counsellor,prenatal and traditional birth counsellor, alcohol and drug counsellor and spiritual healer and leader and is very respected by her people and many others outside the community.

Now I realized that there was intentional deception towards these families. The secrecy, and unwillingness by the Health and Family services staff to allow me to communicate with Ida John clearly indicated that they had something to hide. My supervisor told me that these people really could not make clear decisions on their own, I was told to focus on nutrition, and not discuss vaccines . She added that one person can not make a difference to which I replied that one is all it takes. Change happens if individuals are brave enough to go against the status quo by telling the truth.

A meeting was held with three nurses, two supervisors and Ida and myself. Ida was the only Sto:Lo person present, she felt outnumbered and spoke on behalf of her people. We did agree that families deserved a choice and I suggested we need to educate the staff and suggested we all go hear a few doctors speak on the dangers and side effects of all vacciness, but after distibuting vaccine literature I was told by my supervisor not to make this public, it was not mandatory for the nurses and was only propaganda. I was ordered to stop communicating with the Sto:Lo families and also with Ida John, until they were back in a weeks time and then would decide what they would do with me.

Considering that I had observed a high incedence of deaths within the Sto:Lo communities linked to suicides, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and God only knows what else it saddened me that so much valuable information was being deliberately witheld from them. I realized that their accusations against me were false and it was wrong of them to attempt to prohibit me from communication with the families and Ida John but that was really their way of trying to fire me.. However I have too much dignity and respect for myself so I chose to resign and go public with my story in order to get the truth out. I once said to a man " no matter what happens I know Creator knows the truth and I have faith that I am doing the right thing".

I don't think they realized they had done me a favour because under our Canadian Charter of Rights I have the right to Freedom of Speech and Expression, and they have no legal right to suppress these rights, or the rights of the Sto:Lo people to learn the truth. The day I resigned I was told that a nurse had quit because she could not keep administering the vaccines because she had seen too many adverse side effects and too much death. I had seen the adverse reaction reports from when the vaccines had been administered, so I guess that particular nurses conscience was getting to her and she just couldn't stand hurting people any more.

I really just want the Sto:Lo people to start to question and demand the truth and in doing so they will empower themselves to be as healthy as they once were before the white man drove them off their land, and corrupted them into using such toxic substances as white sugar, white flour, and alcohol and started killing them using pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines while suppressing their traditional use of herbal remedies. I strongly recommend to the Sto:Lo people that they hire an attorney and proceed to sue Health Canada and Xyolhemylh Health Services as well to demand a complete investigation by their members of Parliament in order to stop these genocidal actions immediately. The truth shall set us all free! And I will never stop speaking the truth for the people. References:

(1) Vaccine guide(Making an informed choice) Randall Neustader OMO ISBN1556432151

(2) Vaccination and Immunization Dangers and Delusions and Alternatives (What every parent should know) Leon Chaitow ISBN 0852071914

(3) Medical Mafia? Dr.Guylaine Lanctcot ISBN 0964412608

Vaccination Organizations and Resources
(Website of Dr.Leonard Horowitz) Section on Vaccines:
Numerous resources listed.

New Atlantean Immunisation Resources

Vaccination Information Paradigm-

Immunisation Awareness Society

Dr.Harris Coulters Website

Leading Edge Reasearch Group- The Biological Manipulation of Human Populations

Informant: beefree


Population Manipulation and Control

The Psychosocial, Chemical, Biological and Electromagnetic Manipulation of Humans

Students Rebuffing Military Recruiters

More High Schoolers in State Opt Out of Lists

by Maria Sacchetti and Jenna Russell

More than 5,000 high school students in five of the state's largest school districts have removed their names from military recruitment lists, a trend driven by continuing casualties in Iraq and a well-organized peace movement that has urged students to avoid contact with recruiters.

The number of students removing their names has jumped significantly over the past year, especially in school systems with many low-income and minority students, where parents and activists are growing increasingly assertive in challenging military recruiters' access to young people.

Since 2002, under the federal No Child Left Behind law, high schools have been required to provide lists of students' names, telephone numbers, and addresses to military recruiters who ask for them, as well as colleges and potential employers. Students who do not wish to be contacted -- or their parents -- notify their school districts in writing.

In Boston, about 3,700 students, or 19 percent of those enrolled in the city's high schools, have removed their names from recruiting lists. At Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, 952 high school students, more than half the student body, ordered the school system not to give their names to the military this year.

Overall, approximately 18 percent of the public high school students eligible in Cambridge, Boston, Worcester, Lowell, and Fall River have opted to remove their names. Though no official national statistics are available, a group founded six months ago to raise awareness of the law said visitors to its website have downloaded 37,000 copies of a form that can be used to remove students' names from the recruiting lists.

''There's momentum you can see," said Felicity Crush, spokeswoman for the San Francisco-based Leave My Child Alone project. ''As soon as people become aware of it, they start to take action."

Students cite the rising death toll in Iraq as a key factor for their lack of interest in the military, but also acknowledge concerns raised by their parents.

Gwen Claiborne, 18, a senior at Madison Park Technical Vocational High School in Roxbury, said she had her name removed from the call list at the urging of her father, who served in the military.

''It's much more scary now," said Claiborne, who wants to be an electrician. ''A whole bunch of troops are dying."

Lidija Ristic, 17, a senior at Cambridge Rindge and Latin, fled war-torn Serbia with her family when she was 4. Now an opponent of the war in Iraq, she said she feels urban students are especially being targeted by recruiters.

''I'm just for peace," she said. ''I think it's horrible that they come here and try to recruit people."

In interviews, military officials downplayed the significance of the trend, and said they do not track the number of students on the lists from year to year. They stress that the contact information from high schools is only one way to reach potential recruits, and there are alternatives, such as motor vehicle registration databases, college day fairs at the schools, or visits to shopping malls.

One Massachusetts Army recruiting commander, however, expressed concern that school officials' increasing efforts to accommodate students who want their names omitted are causing delays in the Army obtaining the contact lists. More than two months into the school year, roughly one-third of the 75 public high schools in communities north of Boston have not handed over their lists yet, said Captain Mark Spear, based in Woburn.

''About 35 percent are still delinquent, and we're haggling back and forth, and they're saying the opt-out [period] hasn't ended," he said. ''By this time of year we would like to have the names in hand."

Lowell High School was among the schools still accepting opt-outs late last week, and had not yet handed over its list to recruiters. ''They get impatient, but we will respond in proper time," said Headmaster William Samaras. ''At times you're pushed, and so you push back."

The No Child Left Behind law requires school systems to inform parents and students that they have the right to withhold their names from recruiters or other groups, and many school systems, including Boston, include an opt-out form in student handbooks. But activists say some schools have not done enough to inform families of their options, and that some parents do not realize their child's information has been passed on until they begin receiving brochures about the armed services or phone calls at home from recruiters.

Several local antiwar groups, including the American Friends Service Committee and United for Justice with Peace, have worked in recent months to spread the word about the provision and distribute postcards that families can send in to their schools to remove their children's names.

''We know that military recruiters create profiles," said Mariama White-Hammond, executive director of Project HIP-HOP, a Boston youth organization that has assisted students in taking their names off the lists. ''They're not going to recruit rich kids from Newton. They're going to recruit our kids."

At Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, peace activists handed out leaflets to students explaining the provision last fall and this fall. In Fall River, the number of students who removed their names jumped from 40 last year to 225 this year, after school officials, responding to a parents' concerns, sent home notices about the law and ran an announcement on the school TV station, an official said.

The military is stepping up its marketing efforts, with a new ad campaign launched by the Pentagon this fall aimed at persuading parents to be more open to their children enlisting. The ads urge parents to ''make it a two-way conversation" if their children raise the idea of joining the military.

Some school leaders are skeptical of peace activists' campaign to separate military recruiters from students, and question whether young people really understand the issue. At Madison Park in Roxbury, activists descended on the school this year with banners and postcards, said Principal Charles McAfee, whose son is in the Coast Guard. ''A lot of [students] didn't really know what they were signing," he said. ''I don't know how you can articulate that [argument] in five minutes."

In addition, not every urban school has seen large numbers of students asking to be left off recruiting lists. In Brockton, fewer than a dozen made the request.

And for some students, the military remains an attractive option. Alan Bonifaz, a senior at Madison Park, wants to be an auto technician, and thinks the military will offer training, money, and adventure. ''I'm inspired by people going to war," said the 18-year-old.

Copyright © 2005 The Boston Globe

Informant: Raulmax

Marchers Protest Inmate Death, Urge End to Use of Stun Guns

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From Information Clearing House

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And why it should never be done

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Iron Fisted America


Für Allianz gesellschaftlicher Gegenmacht

Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste Homepage: http://www.die-soziale-bewegung.de
Email: die-soziale-bewegung@web.de

13. November 2005

Die große Koalition der Wahlverlierer plant die Aufweichung des Kündigungsschutzes und will Gesetze erlassen, die unsichere Beschäftigungsverhältnisse gnadenlos ausweiten (2 Jahre Probezeit ohne jeglichen Kündigungsschutz). Das Rentenalter soll angehoben werden, Maßnahmen gegen erwerbslose junge Menschen, die gezwungen werden sollen, bis zum Alter von 25 Jahren bei ihren Eltern zu wohnen, weitere Verschärfungen und Verletzung der Persönlichkeitsrechte bei Hartz IV-Betroffenen. Dennoch sind von den Gewerkschaftsspitzen noch keine deutlichen Signale gekommen, dass sie diesen Plänen entschlossenen Widerstand entgegen bringen werden oder auch gemeinsam mit den sozialen Bewegungen gegen diese Maßnahmen vorgehen wollen. Deshalb ist es wichtig, dass wir zusammen so etwas, wie eine "strategische Allianz der gesellschaftlichen Gegenmacht" entwickeln. Daher laden wir Euch und alle aktiven Gewerkschafter und Gewerkschafterinnen des DGB und sämtlicher Einzelgewerkschaften dazu ein, selbst den Rahmen mitzugestalten, um ein starkes Bündnis für die Verteidigung der Rechte der Erwerbstätigen und der Erwerbslosen zu initiieren, Projekte zu verabschieden und gemeinsam umzusetzen.

Ein wichtiger Ort für diese Initiativen kann die Aktions- und Strategiekonferenz am 19./20. November in Frankfurt sein:

Samstag, 19. November, 10:30 Uhr bis Sonntag, 20. November, 15:00 Uhr in der Universität Frankfurt (Main) Ab Hbf. mit U4 zur "Bockenheimer Warte" (2 Stationen) > Campus Bockenheim/Kommunikationszentrum (Mertonstraße) Aufruf und Homepage der Konferenz:

Meldet Euch an! Außerdem gibt es Mitfahrbörsen sowohl auf unserer Homepage als auch auf der Homepage der Konferenz, die helfen können, Fahrtkosten zu sparen.

Wichtige Impulse der Konferenz könnten folgende sein: - Tarife für mehr Arbeitsplätze (z.B. Arbeitszeitverkürzung bei Lohnausgleich) - Die ver.di-Kampagne für einen Mindestlohn wird vorgestellt und über die Notwendigkeit von Grundeinkommen diskutiert.

Auch über die Kampfbereitschaft der Gewerkschaften und die mögliche Unterstützung durch die sozialen Bewegungen muss gesprochen werden. In Frankfurt ist ebenso eine Vertiefung der Vernetzung der sozialen Bewegungen untereinander geplant.

Nach Input-Veranstaltungen am frühen Samstag mit jeweils Menschen aus der Gewerkschaft und aus den sozialen Bewegungen sind Schwerpunkt-Foren zu verschiedenen Themen geplant, aus denen heraus sich wiederum verschiedene Unterforen bilden sollen. In diesen wird jede und jeder Aktive mit MitstreiterInnen über die eigenen Initiativen sprechen und diese gemeinsam weitertreiben können. Am Sonntag sollen die verschiedenen Bereiche wieder zusammengeführt werden, und wir wollen über gemeinsame Initiativen und Projekte sprechen, die unsere Kämpfe gegenseitig stärken können.

Ausführliche Informationen findet Ihr/finden Sie auf der Homepage der Aktions- und Strategiekonferenz. Um wenige Wochen nach der Konferenz sowohl über die gemeinsamen als auch eigene Projekte sprechen zu können, wird das nächste bundesweite Treffen unseres Aktionsbündnis am 10. Dezember in Göttingen stattfinden. Meldet Euch schon jetzt bei uns dafür an!

Von der Seite des Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste aus senden wir als Koordinierungskreis unsere Grüße an die Menschen, die schon am Wochenende im Wendland sich auf Widerstandsaktionen gegen einen Atommülltransport vorbereiten, der ab dem 21. November stattfinden wird.

Mit solidarischen und kämpferischen Grüßen
Wolfram Altekrüger, Claudio Coladangelo, Renate Gaß, Peter Grottian, Ottokar Luhn, Michael Maurer, Edgar Schu, Detlef Spandau, Rainer Wahls, Helmut Woda

Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste Koordinierungsstellen:
Michael Maurer, m.m(at)dalichow-online.net (Brandenburg); Ottokar Luhn, info-gotha (at) offenes-buendnis.de (Thüringen); Helmut Woda, Helmut.Woda (at) web.de (Karlsruhe); Detlef Spandau, Detlef.Spandau (at) gmx.net (Ostwestfalen/Lippe); Claudio Coladangelo, teoanacatl (at) web.de (Giessen/Mittelhessen); Rainer Wahls, Rwahls (at) web.de (Berlin); Wolfram Altekrüger, W.Altekrueger(at)gmx.de Vernetzungsbüro: Renate Gaß, R.Gass1 (at) gmx.de (Kassel); Edgar Schu, E.Schu1 (at) gmx.de (Göttingen) Wissenschaftliche Beratung: Peter Grottian, pgrottia (at) zedat.fu-berlin.de

Know Your Rights


Informant: Be Kind Whenever Possible

UK wartime torture camp

By Ian Cobain

11/12/05 "The Guardian" -- -- The British government operated a secret torture centre during the second world war to extract information and confessions from German prisoners, according to official papers which have been unearthed by the Guardian.

More than 3,000 prisoners passed through the centre, where many were systematically beaten, deprived of sleep, forced to stand still for more than 24 hours at a time and threatened with execution or unnecessary surgery.

Some are also alleged to have been starved and subjected to extremes of temperature in specially built showers, while others later complained that they had been threatened with electric shock torture or menaced by interrogators brandishing red-hot pokers.

The centre, which was housed in a row of mansions in one of London's most affluent neighbourhoods, was carefully concealed from the Red Cross, the papers show. It continued to operate for three years after the war, during which time a number of German civilians were also tortured. A subsequent assessment by MI5, the Security Service, concluded that the commanding officer had been guilty of "clear breaches" of the Geneva convention and that some interrogation methods "completely contradicted" international law.

On at least one occasion, an MI5 officer noted in a newly declassified report, a German prisoner was convicted of war crimes and hanged on the basis of a confession which he had signed after he was, at the very least, "worked on psychologically". A number of people who appeared as prosecution witnesses at war crimes trials are also alleged to have been tortured.

The official papers, discovered in the National Archives, depict the centre as a dark, brutal place which caused great unease among senior British officers. They appear to have turned a blind eye partly because of the usefulness of the information extracted, and partly because the detainees were thought to deserve ill treatment.

Not all the torture centre's secrets have yet emerged, however: the Ministry of Defence is continuing to withhold some of the papers almost 60 years after it was closed down.

© Guardian Newspapers Limited 2005

http://www.guardian.co.uk/secondworldwar/story/0,14058,1640957,00.html http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article10977.htm


UK wartime torture camp

By Ian Cobain

11/12/05 "The Guardian" -- -- The British government operated a secret torture centre during the second world war to extract information and confessions from German prisoners, according to official papers which have been unearthed by the Guardian.

More than 3,000 prisoners passed through the centre, where many were systematically beaten, deprived of sleep, forced to stand still for more than 24 hours at a time and threatened with execution or unnecessary surgery.

Some are also alleged to have been starved and subjected to extremes of temperature in specially built showers, while others later complained that they had been threatened with electric shock torture or menaced by interrogators brandishing red-hot pokers.

The centre, which was housed in a row of mansions in one of London's most affluent neighbourhoods, was carefully concealed from the Red Cross, the papers show. It continued to operate for three years after the war, during which time a number of German civilians were also tortured. A subsequent assessment by MI5, the Security Service, concluded that the commanding officer had been guilty of "clear breaches" of the Geneva convention and that some interrogation methods "completely contradicted" international law.

On at least one occasion, an MI5 officer noted in a newly declassified report, a German prisoner was convicted of war crimes and hanged on the basis of a confession which he had signed after he was, at the very least, "worked on psychologically". A number of people who appeared as prosecution witnesses at war crimes trials are also alleged to have been tortured.

The official papers, discovered in the National Archives, depict the centre as a dark, brutal place which caused great unease among senior British officers. They appear to have turned a blind eye partly because of the usefulness of the information extracted, and partly because the detainees were thought to deserve ill treatment.

Not all the torture centre's secrets have yet emerged, however: the Ministry of Defence is continuing to withhold some of the papers almost 60 years after it was closed down.

© Guardian Newspapers Limited 2005

http://www.guardian.co.uk/secondworldwar/story/0,14058,1640957,00.html http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article10977.htm


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