
Same foot-dragging federal response witnessed two weeks ago in New Orleans and Mississippi

Katrina Redux? Beaumont Paper Finds Federal Storm Failure in Texas

The Beaumont (Tex.) Enterprise reported tonight that disaster response coordinators in the area hard hit by Rita say they are seeing the same foot-dragging federal response this weekend witnessed two weeks ago in New Orleans and Mississippi.


Stranded in Port Arthur

OK, it's not Katrina, but at one of the spots widely expected to be shattered by Rita, FEMA and other agencies didn't seem ready for this hurricane, either.


McCain Takes Stand against Torture

Sen. John McCain, decrying new allegations of prisoner abuse in Iraq by US soldiers, on Sunday backed an amendment to force the American military to live up to its international obligations under the Geneva Convention and "not engage in torture" of detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan.


"Verfassungsfremd": Historiker Baring kritisiert Entscheidung für Neuwahlen


Der Politologe und Historiker Arnulf Baring übt scharfe Kritik an den deutschen Verfassungsorganen. Sowohl Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder als auch Bundespräsident Horst Köhler und die Bundesverfassungsrichter hätten im Verfahren vor der vorgezogenen Neuwahl Fehler gemacht, sagte Baring den "Stuttgarter Nachrichten". So habe der einsame und schlecht begründete Entschluss Schröders zu Neuwahlen die ganze Republik mitgerissen. Bundespräsident Köhler wiederum hätte besser daran getan, den Bundestag nicht aufzulösen, sagte Baring weiter. Die rot-grüne Koalition habe bis zum Schluss gut funktioniert. Die Bundesverfassungsrichter schließlich hätten Schröders Pläne aufhalten müssen. "Hier wurde ein politisches Verfahren aus Erwägungen durchgewinkt, die ich für verfassungsfremd halte", kritisierte er. Der Verfassungspatriotismus habe sich als Phrase erwiesen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Iraq war protester Sheehan arrested

Cindy Sheehan Arrested During Antiwar Protest
by Ryan G. Murphy and Emma Vaughn
LA Times Staff Writers

11:24 AM PDT, September 26, 2005

WASHINGTON - Cindy Sheehan, whose protest camp outside President Bush's vacation home in Texas became a focal point of the antiwar movement this summer, was arrested today outside the White House at the head of a civil disobedience campaign intended to dramatize the opposition to the war in Iraq.

On the third day of demonstrations that brought tens of thousands of opponents to the war to Washington on Saturday, a much smaller group sat down in front of the executive mansion, after being refused an opportunity to meet with a White House staff member.

Before Sheehan, 48, was arrested, she took a picture of her son, Casey, who was killed in an ambush last year in the Sadr City section of Baghdad, from around her neck and tied it with a pink ribbon to the tall, wrought iron fence that surrounds the White House.

As police moved in on the protesters, the demonstrators sang Amazing Grace, This Little Light of Mine, and other songs.

U.S. Park Police spokesman Sgt. Scott R. Fear said, "it's a peaceful demonstration. We are going to take our time arresting them." The demonstrators were given three warnings, after which they were arrested for demonstrating without a permit.

On Capitol Hill, meanwhile, other opponents of the war sought to lobby members of Congress to withhold funding for the military operations.

Mimi Kennedy, an actress who is chairing Progressive Democrats of America, and several others under the banner of Code Pink and United for Peace and Justice, spent the day seeking to argue their case before Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and other Democrats.


Cindy Sheehan Arrested at White House
By TO Staff
t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Monday 26 September 2005

Cindy Sheehan, along with several well-known figures, has been arrested at the front gates of the White House in Washington DC. Sheehan had attempted once again to gain an audience with George W. Bush; again she was refused. Sheehan and her supporters then proceeded to sit down and pray at a restricted point in front of the White House. She and many others have been arrested.

Those who have been arrested with her include Cindy's sister Dee Dee, former state department official Ann Wright, Michael Berg, the father of slain US contractor Nick Berg, Media Benjamin of Code Pink and many veterans and their family members.


Informant: John Calvert

Video Special | Footage of the September 24th March Against the War http://www.truthout.org/multimedia.htm

TO has a launched a special page, Camp Casey Goes to Washington, to cover the anti-war activities in Washington, DC, over the next several days. William Rivers Pitt, Chris Hume, Scott Galindez and L. Wild Horse will be on the ground reporting from our nation's Capitol. Visit the page often for the latest news from the streets of Washington.

Camp Casey Goes to Washington http://truthout.org/campcaseydc.shtml

Cindy Sheehan

Eigenes Handy ist bei Kindern ‘in‘ - Zahl der Mobiltelefone im Kinderzimmer wächst



LBS: Eigenes Handy ist bei Kindern ‘in‘

Zahl der Mobiltelefone im Kinderzimmer wächst

Münster, 26.09.2005-14:36 - Der Trend zum Handy ist auch unter Kindern und Jugendlichen nicht mehr aufzuhalten. Besaßen vor fünf Jahren erst 16 Prozent aller Kinder im Alter zwischen neun und 14 Jahren ein eigenes Mobiltelefon, so verfügten 2004 bereits 71 Prozent darüber, so das „LBS-Kinderbarometer“. Dies ist gegenüber dem Vorjahr eine neuerliche Steigerung um fünf Prozentpunkte.

Die repräsentative Befragung von über 2.300 Schulkindern in NRW ergab, dass mit zunehmendem Alter der Handybesitz fast zur Selbstverständlichkeit wird. „Insbesondere der Wechsel auf eine weiterführende Schule steigert den Anteil der Besitzer eines Mobiltelefons deutlich“, so Brigitte Niemer von der LBS-Initiative Junge Familie, die die Studie in Auftrag gegeben hat. „Es scheint zunehmend so, dass das Handy als eine Notwendigkeit und nicht mehr als reiner Luxus angesehen wird.“ Unter den älteren Jahrgängen ist es außerdem üblich, dass die Jugendlichen ihr Handy selbst finanzieren. Hier sind es vor allem die Jungen mit 40 Prozent gegenüber 28 Prozent der Mädchen, die die Telefonkosten selbst bezahlen. Nach den Gründen für die Anschaffung befragt, gaben die Kinder und Jugendlichen an, dass es „in“ sei, mobil zu telefonieren und Freundinnen und Freunde ebenfalls über ein Gerät verfügten. Ein gutes Drittel (37 Prozent) schaffte ein Handy auf Wunsch der Eltern an.


Omega siehe dazu:

Kinder und Mobilfunk

Mobilfunk in der Schule

Schule und Mobilfunk


Dalai Lama Tells U.S. Crowd War Outdated


Dalai Lama Tells U.S. Crowd War Outdated

The Associated Press
Monday, September 26, 2005; 11:05 AM

PISCATAWAY, N.J. -- The Dalai Lama told 36,000 people at Rutgers Stadium that the concept of war was outdated and young people have a responsibility to make this century one of peace.

"This whole planet is just us," the 70-year-old exiled monk said Sunday. "Therefore, destruction of another area essentially is destruction of yourself."

Tibet's spiritual leader also urged the audience to develop a wider world perspective, not just focus on "America, America, America."

"His quiet mind is the kind of serenity New Jersey, home of strip malls, could use," Arielle Gomberg said.

The speech was the largest nonathletic event in Rutgers history, topping visits by former President Clinton and former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno.

A row of monks, wearing traditional gold and maroon, sat near the stage on blankets, pillows or mats spread across the 10- and 20-yard lines on the football field.

The Dalai Lama, who won the 1989 Nobel peace prize, accepted an honorary degree from Rutgers President Richard McCormick. He said it was an honor to receive it without having to work hard and study.

In his lecture, "Peace, War and Reconciliation," the Dalai Lama said society's dream should be a world free of nuclear and biological weapons.

He noted their danger _ and their expense, saying some African states have an abundance of weapons, but not enough food.

Also Sunday, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave the Dalai Lama the key to the city, calling him "a moral beacon to millions around the world, with a clear and constant voice for human rights."

The Dalai Lama fled Tibet in 1959 following an aborted uprising against Chinese rule in the territory and now keeps an office in exile in the Himalayan town of Dharmsala, India.

© 2005 The Associated Press

Informant: John Calvert

Viele Leute berichten über Symptome durch elektromagnetische Strahlung

Medical News Today

Publiziert bei Gigaherz am 22.9.05

Scientists behaving badly


Wissenschafter benehmen sich schlecht

Abrechnung mit den Propagandalügen des Forum Mobil

Prof. Dr. Jiri Silny


Scientists behaving badly - Wissenschafter benehmen sich schlecht

Eine Kurzfassung aus Nature 435, 737-738 (9 Juni 2005)
Ins Deutsche übersetzt von der Zeitschrift Raum und Zeit

Publiziert bei Gigaherz am 22.9.05

Viele Wissenschaftler fälschen, beschönigen und lassen unpassende Daten unter den Tisch fallen. Dies ergab eine sehr breit angelegte US-Studie von Dr. Brian Martinson von der Health Partners Research Foundation, Dr. Melissa Anderson und RaYmond DeVries von der Universität Minnesota.

Die Beteiligung war sehr hoch

3247 US-Wissenschaftler füllten einen Fragebogen aus, der die Arbeitsweise der Forscher nach ethischen Kriterien abklopfte. Die Befragten konnten dabei anonym bleiben.

Das Ergebnis spricht Bände

15,5 Prozent gaben an, unter dem Druck von Geldgebern Design, Methode oder Ergebnisse einer Studie verändert zu haben. Sechs Prozent gestanden ein, dass sie Daten, die ihren bisher gewonnenen Erkenntnissen widersprochen haben, nicht berücksichtigt haben. 0,3 Prozent bekannten, dass sie Daten gefälscht haben.

Unter dem Einfluss der Wirtschaft Martinson zufolge mache das Resultat deutlich, dass die Wissenschaft verstärkt unter den Einfluss von Wettbewerb, Geldgeber und Kommerz geraten sei. Er schlussfolgert: "Wir haben die Wissenschaft zu einem großen Geschäft gemacht, aber versäumt zu erkennen, dass einige der wissenschaftlichen Regeln sich mit diesem Modell nicht gut vertragen."

Nachdem 33 Prozent der Befragten sich zu einer oder mehreren unlauteren Verhaltensweisen der zehn Hauptfragen bekannt haben, könne "die Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft ein solches Fehlverhalten nicht länger selbstgefällig hinnehmen".

Quelle: "Nature", 9.6.05

Kommentar von Gigaherz Aus der Zeit des Senderkrieges von Schwarzenburg (1987-1998) wissen wir mit Sicherheit, dass die Wissenschaft zu 75% von der interessierten Industrie, zu 20% vom Staat und nur gerade zu 5% aus Eigeninitiativen lebt. Wobei zu beachten ist, dass für Staatsbeiträge wiederum interessierte Wirtschaftspolitiker ein entscheidendes Wort mitzureden haben. Bei den Erhebungen von Dr. Brian Martinson von der Health Partners Research Foundation, von der Universität Minnesota kann es sich demnach nur um die berühmte Spitze des Eisberges handeln.

Ein verantwortlicher Studienleiter sagte damals (1995) in einem vertraulichen Gespräch: „Wenn ich nicht das schreibe, was meine Auftraggeber von mir erwarten, kann ich für mein Institut nach spätestens 18 Monaten den Konkurs anmelden. Auf jeden Fall müssen Sie bei jeder wissenschaftlichen Arbeit sehr gut zwischen den Zeilen zu lesen verstehen.“ Vielfach behalten sich die Auftrag- und Geldgeber sogar vor, die Zusammenfassung und das Fazit selber zu schreiben. So auch geschehen bei der besagten Gesundheitsstudie um den Kurzwellensender Schwarzenburg, wo sich die UNI Bern am Schluss weigerte den total verdrehten Kurzbericht mit zu unterzeichnen und das UNI-Signet dafür zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Wissenschafter kann also für ehrliche Leute zu einem Hungerberuf werden. Skrupellose dagegen, können sich rasch eine goldene Nase verdienen. Ein Musterbeispiel (für goldene Nasen) ist die Forschungsstiftung Mobilkommunikation (Research Foundation Mobile Communicatin) der ETH Zürich von Dr. Gregor Dürrenberger, welche zum größten Teil vom Mobilfunkbetreiber Sunrise und für den Rest von Swisscom und Orange finanziert, entsprechend gefärbte Propaganda unter das Volk bringt.




Thousands across U.S. march for peace Bay Area: Largest war protest since conflict started in 2003

Kathleen Sullivan, Christopher Heredia and Todd Wallack, Chronicle Staff Writers

Sunday, September 25, 2005


It was a sunny day in the Bay Area, a picture-perfect day to cheer for the A's, enjoy a blues festival, take part in a parade celebrating electronic music, or join peace marches in San Francisco and Walnut Creek.

Patti Breitman of Fairfax chose to march in San Francisco in support of ending the war in Iraq. A sense of determination united with grief on Saturday, as she happened upon a display of 40 posters, set up on the grassy median strip on Dolores Street, showing pictures of Americans and Iraqis felled in the war.

The posters contained 2,400 images, including photographs of American soldiers, each identified by name, and drawings representing Iraqi men, women and children, also identified by name.

"I think it's the most poignant sign in the entire demonstration," said Breitman, 51.

The march began at 12:30 p.m. at Dolores Park and ended about two hours later at Jefferson Square Park.

The event drew about 20,000 people, according to police. Organizers put the figure at closer to 50,000. Either way, it was one of the region's largest anti-war demonstrations since the United States invaded Iraq more than two years ago.

Though San Francisco police Sgt. Neville Gittens said the protest overall was peaceful, 24 arrests were made. Twenty-three of those arrested, he said, were members of the anarchist group Black Bloc and were taken into custody several blocks from the park -- near the intersection of Fulton and Hyde streets -- at 4:30 p.m., after most of the protesters had gone home.

One suspect had two daggers and faces felony concealed weapons charges, but Gittens said the 22 others were arrested for failing to obey a traffic officer. They were all pedestrians disrupting traffic, he said.

One other person not connected with that group was arrested on a misdemeanor charge of assaulting a police officer near Jefferson Park, Gittens said. No one was injured.

In Walnut Creek, 250 to 300 people marched from the city's BART station to Heather Farms Park in a protest that began at 11 a.m. and ended around 2 p.m.

Protesters on both sides of the bay called on the United States to withdraw its troops from Iraq. In San Francisco, people carried signs expressing outrage at a variety of issues, including the war in Iraq, the policies of President Bush and the treatment of Palestinians.

"Military Recruiters Lie, Our Children Die," said one sign. "Make Levees, Not War," said another, referring to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina.

A sixth-grader from San Jose held a handmade sign that said "No war ever more" on one side and "No war anymore" on the other.

"I am going to be a conscientious objector,'' said Dominic Dello Buono, 11, who was there with his father and younger sister. "I vote for peace not war."

Maryjane Jota, a 20-year-old student from Laney College in Oakland, prepared to help carry a procession of black coffins, built to represent Iraqi children who have died in the conflict.

Jota said she is frustrated that the war hasn't ended, despite numerous protests over the years.

At least a half-dozen counter-protesters, including a group of college Republicans from San Francisco State University, turned out to support the military effort in Iraq. One held a handmade sign that said "Hey, losers. Stop demoralizing the troops."

Another said he thinks the U.S. military will need to remain in Iraq for years to help the country establish a democracy. He said he thought most of the protesters were radicals who wanted to overthrow the U.S. government.

"There is a different way to peace,'' said Leigh Wolf, 19, a broadcast major. "This war can come to an end with patriotism instead of a socialist revolution."

For Julie Stevens Manson of Novato, the way to peace was folding red, white and blue cranes, using the Japanese paper-folding technique known as origami, then stringing them on fishing wire, hanging them from plastic crossbars, and taking to the streets.

Manson, 64, was one of several people taking turns carrying the 10 heavy crossbars, from which streamers of cranes dangled and danced. Each crane contained the name of an American soldier killed in Iraq.

In Walnut Creek, the anti-war march also drew a wide range of people -- kids to seniors -- holding peace signs. Many drivers honked noisily as they drove by marchers on Ygnacio Valley Road, though some gave a thumbs-down sign or a middle finger.

A 52-year-old lawyer said she joined the protest because of her outrage at the federal government's sluggish response to Hurricane Katrina. Faith Brewer said she thought the problem was exacerbated because too many resources were diverted to Iraq.

"Too many people died in New Orleans because of the war in Iraq,'' she said. "People tend to think that nobody here is against the war in Iraq -- that all the leftist, peaceniks are in San Francisco,'' she said.

Others held signs supporting peace and a pullout of Iraq. One said "Moms against the War." Another said "Peace is Patriotic."

Sondra Runyan, who has a daughter in the Coast Guard, said she worried that Americans have become inured to the news of soldiers dying in Iraq.

"It seems when you turn on the radio, they mention we lost two or three soldiers, and then they're off to the sports scores,'' said Runyan, 47, of Martinez. "People are immune to the pain these families are going through."

Contra Costa County Supervisor Mark DeSaulnier, who attended the rally, said he plans to propose a resolution next month in support of congressional legislation to set a deadline to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq.

"I don't see this as being out of mainstream,'' DeSaulnier said, as he looked over the crowd. "It may be the tip of the iceberg." He added: "If enough local electeds speak out, we could be saving lives.''

Informant: Steven L. Robinson

From ufpj-news

Many Contracts for Storm Work Raise Questions

Topping the federal government's list of costs related to Hurricane Katrina is the $568 million in contracts for debris removal landed by a Florida company with ties to Mississippi's Republican governor. More than 80 percent of the $1.5 billion in contracts signed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency alone were awarded without bidding or with limited competition, government records show, provoking concerns among auditors and government officials about the potential for favoritism or abuse.


050926 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


Young people hit by mouth cancer

Increasing numbers of young people are being hit by mouth cancer, sparking new warnings about the disease. Mouth cancer was once considered to mostly affect older men, but it is now becoming more common in younger people and women. When the BDHF state they do not know the cause of one quarter of these cases, should we not investigate the possibility of mobile phones, which have increased dramatically over the same time period.

Click here for the full news story

I read in my local paper today that mouth cancer has risen by 17% in the last four years with 4300 new cases annually.


From Mast Sanity


Dentist's mouth cancer warning

The News Media and the Antiwar Movement

by Norman Solomon

It’s reasonable to estimate that more than a quarter of a million people demonstrated against the Iraq war on Saturday in Washington, Los Angeles, San Francisco and other U.S. cities. The next day, the Washington Post front-paged a decent story that described “the largest show of antiwar sentiment in the nation’s capital since the conflict in Iraq began.” But more perfunctory back-page articles were typical in daily papers across the country. And over the weekend, many TV news watchers saw little or nothing about the protests. Hurricane Rita was clearly a factor. But even without dramatic natural disasters, the news media are ready, willing and able to downplay news about war -- and the antiwar movement -- for any number of reasons. Conventional wisdom on Capitol Hill or in newsrooms can tamp down media coverage of a surging movement. What’s crucial is that the movement not allow its momentum to be interrupted by media treatment....


The Age of Catastrophe: Preparing for Disaster

by Jack Random

We will never fully comprehend the complexities of our planet. For centuries, we have labored to overcome and alter the course of nature. We have redirected the path of great rivers, destroyed vital ecological systems, pumped toxic waste into our waterways, oceans and atmosphere, and buried massive stockpiles of deadly chemicals and radioactive waste deep in the bowels of the earth. We may not fully comprehend the role of human interaction with the forces of nature but we are all born with an innate understanding that if we poison our own living space, there will be a price to pay. When we witness melting glaciers, warming oceans, altered climates and shifting oceanic currents, followed by a chain of catastrophes, we do not require a panel of experts or an executive commission to inform us that something is radically astray. It is increasingly clear that we have entered an age of unprecedented catastrophe and we are woefully unprepared to cope with it. In the wake of 911, we have invested hundreds of billions in Homeland Security but in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, we are hard pressed to know what that means. Apparently, Homeland Security does not include the fundamentals of civil defense: communications, evacuation, emergency shelters, food, water, fuel, generators and medical facilities....


Tipping Point - Point of No Return

by Patricia Goldsmith

Reviewing the last few weeks is like backing up a scream on TV. This “President” not only delayed aid to dying people, he actively blocked and prevented access to aid from around the world. He sealed off the exits and drowned an excess, unwanted, poor population like rats. Those who survived and made it out to shelters around the country find that their poverty has been, in effect, criminalized. They are no longer free to come and go. And the Democrats act like this is normal. Their lack of proportionate response to disaster engineering and disaster profiteering is a key element in normalizing the increasingly militarized takeover we are witnessing. Their silence, especially on the war, has become positively eerie. Not one major Democrat attended the September 24 anti-war mobilization. If they know something we don’t know, it ain’t good....


Accusations and Smears

An Interview with Ward Churchill (Part 2 of 5)

by Joshua Frank

This is Part Two of the explosive five-part interview series Joshua Frank, author of Left Out!, did with University of Colorado Professor Ward Churchill this summer....


Scientists Confirm Failures of Bt-Crops


Weather Modification a Long-Established, Though Secretive, Reality


New legislation not designed to foster pleasant or productive weather, but planned as tool of weaponized weather control, already well tested and in use since 1976. Amateur and hostile weather-makers alike likely to lose their technology to the military.

by Mary-Sue Haliburton Pure Energy Systems News Copyright © 2005

New Weather-Control Board to Set up Shop in U.S.

It’s late fall of 2004. Fred McKenna* surveys his beloved radionics equipment with sorrow. “I am expecting a visit from the boys in black,” he sighs to me. Because he has been engaged in storm mitigation and deflection, he’s sure that military and other authorities know of his location and activities. Fred has already begun to dispose of the reagents, the active principle used for the “broadcast” of specific corrective energies to persons or the environment. By transferring their activity to the land itself, he hopes this might at least protect a passive aspect of his operation. But he fears that the machines themselves may no longer be in his possession by the end of the following year.

It’s for good reason that Fred is concerned about confiscation of his radionics machines. He has received numerous threatening phone calls; his computer has been sabotaged while connected to satellite weather-data sites; and he has even been subjected to a psionic attack intended to cause a car crash – which would have happened if he had not serendipitously made an unplanned turn off the highway. Just as he was stopping the car, he was suddenly plunged into unconsciousness (for which no medical explanation could be found). Had he continued on the road, he said, the car would have smacked into a rock face.

Long before there was any public announcement, Fred and others like him have been aware of planned legislation in the United States. Just because Fred lives in Canada, he is not exempt from interference or even being arrested. The U.S. military has a very long arm. As evinced by many examples, the US feels it has the right to reach into any nation on earth to take whatever it wills by force, whether this is oil fields or weather-influencing technology. Set forward as Bill S. 517 on March 3, 2005, and scheduled to take effect on 1 October 2005, is the Weather Modification Research and Technology Transfer Act.

What Kind of Weather Control Will this Be?

Bill S.517 sets up an eleven-member board of directors to oversee all the research on weather control, and to direct funding to projects. The wording sounds typically bureaucratic and innocuous. Except for the fact that the title of the act includes the words “technology transfer”, there is no specific reference to possible confiscation of privately-held equipment. However, there are gray areas, such as "and for other purposes" and other vague phrases that periodically appear in the text.

This is what rings alarm bells for independent, benevolent weather modifiers like Fred who want to normalize rainfall for farmer, and to lessen storm damage. For example, under Section 5, DUTIES, the following statement appears:

(2) assessments and evaluations of the efficacy of weather modification, both purposeful (including cloud-seeding operations) and inadvertent (including downwind effects and anthropogenic effects). (Ref.)

Note the reference to cloud-seeding, an old method largely superseded by new technology, but still popularly equated to weather control as it is the only one discussed in the mass media. However, some aerial spraying continues, of which the nature and purpose are hotly debated. (Refs)

The statement only partly conceals an expectation that they will be recording evolutionary – probably genetic – changes, and that this will regarded as merely be a “normal” part of data collection. Because the word "anthropogenic” refers to "the origin and evolution of humans" we should be asking, “What sort of testing is planned here?” Is this new Board going to be approving weather experimentation that includes genetic modifiers, treating whole human populations as guinea pigs? If so, we should all be as concerned as Fred.

Transfer of Technology to Whom?

Not explained in the text is why "Technology Transfer" is in the title. Unless that is related to the right of the Board of Directors to “receive, use, and dispose of gifts," (emphasis added) we are left to guess what this means.

If the government’s objective is to control the weather for military advantage, then some of these transfers may be involuntary. There is also no mention of any upper limit on gift value, or whether the board members could take them for personal use, which would be gross conflict of interest if this were for the public good. Will owners of radionics and other types of equipment be expected to “give” their equipment, inventions and patents over to the Board? And why would the words “dispose of” be included in relation to these “gifts” – possibly of technology? Does this mean that the Board has a carte blanche to destroy confiscated technology? Remembering that the military document on weather control is titled “Owning the Weather by 2025”, (emphasis added) it is implied that no one else will be allowed to own anything that could influence the weather for either military or non-military purposes. We must all be at the “mercy” of the distinctly unmerciful Armed Forces.

According to one website, crediting as its source another site that no longer carries this report, Canada and the U.S. have entered into an agreement to exchange information about these technologies and their transboundary effects. (Ref.) Article IV of this agreement requires both parties to inform the other of weather-control experiments and activities "prior to" the commencement of such activities. However, apparently to cover their backsides, Article VII states:

"Nothing herein relates to or shall be construed to affect the question of responsibility or liability for WEATHER MODIFICATION activities, or to imply the existence of any generally applicable rule of international law. "

I have not been able to find out as of this date whether this agreement is in effect, or even when it was allegedly signed. If it exists, it will probably be more honored in the breach than in the observance.

A Brief and Partial History of Weather Control

The official recognition given to weather control technology by setting up a Board to oversee it at this time might suggest to some that this technology is a new field, and that the research is just beginning. However, weather control has a long history, and if various observers and researchers are correct in their interpretation of documents and data, we have been seeing it in use for at least three decades.

The ancient way to govern weather was for especially trained and disciplined individuals to interact with the spirit dimension.

"In many cultures, weather-working ability seems to be part and parcel of the shaman's job description and is considered necessary for the survival and well-being of the community. Successful weather-working also demonstrates the shaman's strong relationship with the spirits and the forces of nature. Implicit in these demonstrations is not an opportunity for self-aggrandizement, but ideally, an opportunity to support the community in the certain knowledge that the spirits are really at work and that miracles can indeed be expected! "


From Our bill of rights

Obama says Democrats must hold White House accountable


Chicago Tribune
Posted on Sat, Sep. 17, 2005

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - (KRT) - Sen. Barack Obama urged fellow Democrats on Saturday not to automatically view President Bush's proposed reconstruction of the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast with a cynical eye, but said: "It is absolutely imperative that we call him on his bluff."

"In the immediate aftermath of the hurricane, I think it's important that we don't just assume that George Bush is lying when he says he's finally been awakened to the fact that there is poverty and racism in our midst," said Obama, D-Ill. "It's tempting to do so, especially when he decides to put Karl Rove in charge of reconstruction."

Rove, the top political adviser to the president, will play a role through his position as deputy White House chief of staff, but he has not been tapped to supervise the rebuilding.

In an address at Harvard Law School's "Celebration of Black Alumni," Obama said Democrats shared responsibility for failing to make a larger issue of poverty in the United States. But he said it was the opposition party's duty to hold the White House accountable for fixing problems exposed by Hurricane Katrina.

"We should trust although we should verify," said Obama. "We should actively reach out to him and say, `Mr. President, we believe, in fact, that those differences were as disturbing to you as they were disturbing to us.'" [...] I sure can't agree with that approach. That is what we did for four years. It sure isn't going to start to work now! Not with the degree of secrecy that this administration uses. To verify we have to know what was done ... Read it at

© Virginia Metze

Kafka Does Iraq: The Disturbing Case of Abdul Amir Younes Hussein

The disturbing case of Abdul Amir Younes Hussein, the CBS cameraman who has been detained by U.S. forces in Iraq for over five months without a shred of evidence being publicly presented against him, has taken yet another bizarre turn.

As reported by the New York Times and Wall Street Journal last week, Hussein is a 25-year-old freelancer who has found himself trapped in a nightmare of secrecy, suspicion, and legal uncertainty since being wounded by U.S. forces while filming the aftermath of a car bombing in Mosul on April 5th.

At first the military expressed regret for Hussein's minor injuries. But three days later they arrested him, claiming he had been "engaged in anti-coalition activity." Thus began his Kafka-esque legal odyssey, which has seen the reportedly timid reporter shuttled from prison to prison (including Abu Ghraib), while the military has changed its story multiple times, refused to release any evidence against him, refused to let Hussein be visited by friends or relatives, and rebuffed the efforts of CBS to have his case adjudicated in a conclusive manner.

"We're not insisting that Abdul Amir is innocent," CBS President Andrew Heyward told me. "We're just asking for due process and some answers, which so far the military has refused to provide. What are the specific charges against him? What is the evidence against him? Why can't we see it? Instead, we've seen shifting explanations and seemingly arbitrary rulings." [...] Read the whole story at Huffington Post: http://tinyurl.com/8k4g6

© Virginia Metze

Katrina & Global Warming - The Truth


Clergy criticise the Church over links with British weapons firm

By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent Daily Telegraph

(Filed: 26/09/2005)

The Church of England was fending off accusations of hypocrisy from its own clergy last night after it admitted having links with a major British arms manufacturer.

Many of the bishops have criticised the arms trade and the Church Commissioners have a strict policy of avoiding investments in any company producing weapons.

But parishes have been dismayed to find that the mobile telephone aerial company recommended by the Church is part owned by QinetiQ, which develops advanced weapons technology.

One said it felt "severely let down" by the Church because it was in danger of being exposed to "the scandal of a commercial involvement" with a company associated with weapons. However, Church spokesmen insisted that they were not directly investing in arms manufacturers.

They said they had given individual parishes enough information to make their own judgments.

The Archbishops' Council, the Church's managing body, signed an agreement with the telecommunications company Quintel S4 in 2002, giving it "approved status" for mobile phone mast installations in churches.


The partnership was designed to reassure parishes that wanted to earn extra income by hiring out their spires or towers to mobile phone companies but were wary because they lacked the expertise.

The deal gave Quintel S4 access to thousands of parishes which were potential sites for aerials in return for national guidelines over rent and health and safety issues. Despite growing concerns over mobile phone masts, a number of parishes have since hired out their steeples to the company for thousands of pounds a year.

But some appear to have been unaware of the nature of one of Quintel S4's parent companies, and have said it was not made sufficiently clear by the Church.

The Church's website described QinetiQ as "one of Europe's leading science and technology organisations, formed in July 2001 from the majority of the Government's Defence Evaluation and Research Agency."

Another page made clear that the company was "formed from the research laboratories of the Ministry of Defence".

But Fr Martin Hislop, of St Luke's church, Kingston upon Thames, was shocked when he found QinetiQ advertising its expertise in small arms, missile systems and "the electro-thermal chemical gun".

His parish council has written to the Archbishops' Council, demanding that it sever its links with Quintel S4 "in the light of that company's association with the weapons industry".

Fr Hislop accused the Church of "rank hypocrisy".

He said it seemed to be arguing that "if it dealt with a front company, it doesn't matter who owns it".

The Bishop of Sheffield, the Rt Rev Jack Nicholls, also promised to "ask questions".

But Alexander Nicoll, the head of the Church's internal communications, insisted that the Archbishops' Council remained happy with the agreement because the links between it and QinetiQ were "tenuous at best".

Erlassung eines Wiener Überwachungsanlagenabgabengesetzes

q/depesche 2005-09-26T14:53:15

AT: Mobilfunkmasten sind Peanuts

Wien sollte sich dem gerade en vougen Besteuerungen auf alles was auf einem Stecken in die Luft ragt nicht entziehen, und so präsentieren wir exklusiv den ersten q/legislativen Initiativantrag mit deutlich mehr Potential. Alle Ähnlichkeiten mit anderen provinziellen Gesetzesanträgen sind natürlich rein zufällig, den wir kennen keine Ausnahmen für öffentliche Liegenschaften.

siehe auch

Wien, 26.09.05.

Erlassung eines Wiener Überwachungsanlagenabgabengesetzes

Die mit dem Wildwuchs an Kamera- und anderen Überwachungsanlagen verbundenen negativen Effekte insbesondere im Orts- und Landschaftsbild stellen landesweit ein nicht vernachlässigbares Problem dar. Zudem schafft die unmittelbare Nähe von Kameraanlage besondere Betroffenheit der Bürger, wobei insbes. auch soziologische und gesellschaftspolitische Bedenken laut werden.

Die Errichtung von Überwachuntsanlagen wirkt sich zumeist auf das Orts- und Landschaftsbild aus. Wertminderungen von Grundstücken, sowie negative optische Effekte (insbes. in touristisch genutzten Gegenden) sind nicht selten vorzufinden.

Daher soll ein fiskalisches Lenkungsmodell geschaffen werden, das für Betreiber einen finanziellen Anreiz zur verminderten Nutzung eines Bauwerkes oder sonstigen Anbringungsobjektes durch die Betreiber bietet, ohne jedoch dadurch die Sicherheitslage zu beeinträchtigen. Die Abgabe ist so konzipiert, dass spürbare Lenkungseffekte zu erwarten sind, da sich die Höhe des Tarifes nach der Anzahl der ausgeschöpften alternativen Sicherheitserhöhenden Maßnahmen am Standort richtet. An Standorten aber auch im lokalpolitischem gesellschaftlichem Umfeld wird daher in Hinkunft verstärkt versucht, den Ursachen nachzugehen, anstatt zur Symptombekämpfung immer weitere Bürgerrechte und mühsam erkämpfte zivile Freiheiten zu opfern.

Überdies hat sich die Republik Österreich (Bund, Länder und Gemeinden) nicht nur mit dem Verfassungsgesetz vom 27. November 1984 zu einem umfassenden Umweltschutz, worunter die Bewahrung der natürlichen Umwelt als Lebensgrundlage des Menschen vor schädlichen Einwirkungen zu verstehen ist, bekannt, sondern ist Mitunterzeichner der europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention und der europäischen Datenschutzdirektive.


relayed by Mac Gyver

This is how the US has poisoned the world


Dragging the Media Down Downing Street


Iraq: Whistleblowers Describe Routine, Severe Abuse


Our Government Is Lost


Hurricane Cindy Shakes the White House


Cindy Sheehan

Public Education's Coming Collapse


Two Georges


It’s Not My War


What one person can do

An Evening With Mr. Galloway



Yes, but we know the people are still fighting like crazy and that we are educating them. It's not over till it's over.


Gitmo's passive resisters

Baltimore Sun
by staff


The numbers are in dispute, but the fact remains: Dozens of men imprisoned at the U.S. base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are starving themselves. At least 16 are in the infirmary, being tube-fed sustenance to prevent their deaths. It's an ugly reaction to an ugly fact: They are being mistreated by the United States. After three-plus years in confinement, only four of the 504 prisoners have been charged with a crime; none knows what will happen next or when -- if ever -- he will be released. At least some have been brutalized by their captors. Many are invisible to the world, their names never released to the public or their families. Many apparently have lost faith in their fellow man, or at least Americans. As one told his lawyer last month, 'Look, I'm dying a slow death in this place as it is. I don't have any hope of fair treatment, so what have I got to lose?'


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Where's Roberts's heart?

Boston Globe
by Ellen Goodman


I've never been a big fan of sports metaphors. I don't slam. I don't dunk. I don't hit it out of the park. And I cannot give a proper baseball analysis of John G. Roberts, the man soon to become the chief ''umpire' of the Supreme Court. The one sports commentary I can offer is the tune I've been humming from 'Damn Yankees,' the baseball musical of my youth: 'You've gotta have heart/ Miles 'n' miles 'n' miles of heart. ...' The need for heart was a constant refrain during the senators' failed search for Roberts, the man. During the hearings, one uneasy senator after another, from Charles Schumer to Arlen Specter, from Dianne Feinstein to Dick Durbin, openly asked (1) if Roberts had a heart, (2) what was in it, (3) how full it was. The concern about his cardio-compassionate fitness for office prompted the Senate Democratic leader, Harry Reid, to come out against Roberts, saying, 'I'm not too sure if his heart is as big as his head'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Safer at home

The American Prospect
by Terence Samuel


Now that he's patched up his silent feud with the Democratic governor of Louisiana, George W. Bush is spending so much time in the Pelican State it looks like he's running against her. It's all part of his effort to convince Americans that he does know a disaster when he sees one. But with his waterlogged approval ratings sinking fast, his longtime detractors are wondering what took people so long to see what they have always known about Bush's failures on the economy, in Iraq, and in his views about the role of the federal government. Anna Greenberg, a Democratic pollster and consultant, says Hurricane Katrina accelerated a slippage in the president's numbers that was well under way before the storm hit. In addition, it made him more susceptible to some of the charges that had been leveled against him during the 2004 presidential election, chiefly that the country was more prepared for a disaster at home than it was back on September 11...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Rebuilding with accountability

Washington Times
by Tom Coburn & Barack Obama


So far, Congress has approved $62 billion for Gulf Coast relief and rebuilding. In the few short weeks since Hurricane Katrina hit, the government already has spent $14 billion, nearly the entire amount spent on the deadly Northridge Earthquake that devastated Los Angeles in 1994. Experts tell us that by the time rebuilding is finished, the price tag could very well total more than $200 billion -- almost the combined costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of this money will go directly to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. ... If FEMA's record during the rescue effort and in the years before indicates how it will perform in the rebuilding task, this should concern every taxpayer and every citizen who wants to help the millions of Americans devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Unfortunately, even before this storm, rebuilding efforts involving FEMA and other government agencies have a history of fraud, corruption and waste when there is no oversight or accountability on how the funds are spent...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Stealing the moment

by Ralph Nader


Historians like to speak of special times when leaders 'seized the moment' to enact or implement their priorities. Giant hurricanes make these 'special times,' and no one is moving faster to exploit them than the corporate powers. ... After every national tragedy, large corporations move to cash in. They arrange for no-competitive bid contracts so that their cronyism can get them large government contracts awarded with few safeguards to prevent waste, fraud and abuse...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Our long national nightmare is just beginning

Unknown News
by Helen & Harry Highwater


For when the nightmares of nighttime end, the alarm goes off but nobody's really alarmed. And the nightmares of our waking hours continue. No matter what the Bush-Cheney administration does, no matter how many of our civil rights they spit on, no matter how much confetti they make of the nation's Constitution, no matter how many wars and how many lies, no matter how many incompetent cronies they install in positions of power, no matter how obvious the President's lack of a soul, and no matter how many people he kills while giggling and chuckling and making no sense, Americans just don't seem to give a damn. The nightmare continues, and there is no waking up...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Democrats still fear dissent on Iraq

Boston Globe
by Joan Vennochi


Against Supreme Court nominee John Roberts. For the war in Iraq. How long can Democrats like Hillary Clinton walk that political line? Fearful of the peacenik label, Democrats are still reluctant to challenge President Bush on Iraq, no matter how ugly the news from Baghdad. Opposing Roberts is much easier. It shows that when it comes to social issues like abortion, left-leaning interest groups still hold sway with Democrats who would be president. The antiwar left is a different story. It's the third rail Democrats fear to touch. The junior senator from New York also has the 'woman problem'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Pence on fire

The Weekly Standard
by Fred Barnes

Small government conservatives have revolted against President Bush and the Republican leadership of the Senate and the House. Their goal, with hurricane recovery costs soaring, is what it's always been: to hold down spending and restrain the growth of government. It is an impossible dream or close to impossible. The small government brigade is a distinct minority in Congress. Their strength is outside Congress. They reflect the anxiety of the Republican party's base, conservatives and moderates both, over the uncontrolled spending and massive expansion of government following hurricane Katrina. 'The base is killing us,' a Republican senator says... [editor's note: If only it were true -- but chances are the "rebellious" base will flee right back to the GOP ballot line at the next election - TLK] (for publication 10/03/05)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Goodbye to all that

National Review
by Jonah Goldberg


Here's my silver-lining hope this hurricane season: George W. Bush's compassionate conservatism gets wiped out like a taco hut in the path of a Cat. 5 storm. Outside of people inside the administration, I've never met anyone who really likes the president's 'compassionate conservatism.' To the extent conservatives praise it at all, they celebrate the fact that compassionate conservatism got Bush elected. This is no small or insignificant feat, note the realists. Without victory, nothing else is possible. 'It's the lady that brought us to the dance,' they explain. Now, don't get me wrong. I actually respect much of the substance of compassionate conservatism. Now that a 'neoconservative' has been idiotically redefined to mean a warmonger who never buys retail, we forget that much of neoconservatism was really an argument about domestic policy...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us

by Pat Buchanan


The Taft-Goldwater-Reagan-Helms Republicans were prepared to pay the political price for saying 'No.' But just as the Democrats of the 1930s found the formula for permanent power in 'tax and tax, spend and spend, elect and elect,' as Harold Ickes Sr. put it, the Bush Republicans and Big Government conservatives of the 1990s believe they have found an even surer formula for permanent power: 'Cut taxes, spend and spend, elect and elect.' Whether they have or not we will discover in the fall of 2006, but already the battle is being joined inside the GOP, and it will be fought out in the primaries of 2008: deficit hawks vs. Big Government conservatives. One day, not far off, Americans must choose: Either we keep the empire -- or our munificent welfare state. Either we raise taxes and pay as we go -- or we run deficits until foreigners cease to lend us the money and the dollar goes the way of the peso...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us

My speech at the anti-war rally

by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

By what ethical standard should we judge the state? One tradition, which we might call anti-liberal, asserts that there are special laws of morality that apply to the state alone. Another tradition, the liberal tradition, says that states must abide by the moral standards that apply to everyone in all times and all places. The first view is the ancient one. It permitted and expected states to pillage and kill. The right and wrong of statecraft was dictated by the sword. The idea of universal moral laws and universal human rights did not find favor among the Caesars and Pharaohs, any more than this idea appealed to later dictators. Yet the liberal tradition gradually abolished the idea of caste and special legal privilege. It asserted, more generally, that no group possesses a special license to lord it over others...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The antiwar majority


by Justin Raimondo


The massive antiwar demonstration in Washington, D.C., over the weekend -- with attendance estimates ranging from 100,000 to 200,000 -- dramatized what the pollsters already know: the Iraq war is hugely unpopular, and public opposition is increasing by leaps and bounds. The significance of the Sept. 24 march is that the antiwar majority is finally making itself heard...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Anti-war rally to be a first for many

Washington Post


The seasoned protesters who organized tomorrow's antiwar demonstration are well-versed in many other causes. They have marched and rallied against police brutality, racism, colonialism and the policies of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. But their message on the Mall tomorrow will be singular: "End the war in Iraq." Because of that sharp focus, they will be joined by novice protesters such as Patrice Cuddy, 56. Interviewed by phone yesterday, the former public school teacher in Olathe, KS, said she had to pull off her gardening gloves each time a neighbor interrupted her yardwork to ask about joining the bus she had chartered to go to the nation's capital. ... Organizers say that similar busloads of teachers, nurses, housewives and others with little experience in mass protest are coming from Wisconsin, New Mexico, Illinois, Iowa, Georgia, Ohio and many other states. 'This demonstration will reflect, by far, the most diverse group of antiwar protesters since before the war began,' said Brian Becker, national coordinator for the ANSWER Coalition, one of the event's sponsors. 'We have people coming from all political persuasions, including a very large number of people who have never before been part of the antiwar movement or protest activity'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Army subjected Iraqis to severe beatings, torture

Human Rights Watch


Three U.S. army personnel -- two sergeants and a captain -- describe routine, severe beatings of prisoners and other cruel and inhumane treatment. In one incident, a soldier is alleged to have broken a detainee's leg with a baseball bat. Detainees were also forced to hold five-gallon jugs of water with their arms outstretched and perform other acts until they passed out. Soldiers also applied chemical substances to detainees' skin and eyes, and subjected detainees to forced stress positions, sleep deprivation, and extremes of hot and cold. ... The accounts show that abuses resulted from civilian and military failures of leadership and confusion about interrogation standards and the application of the Geneva Conventions. They contradict claims by the Bush administration that detainee abuses by U.S. forces abroad have been infrequent, exceptional and unrelated to policy...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

McCain says prisoner abuse hurts US image abroad

Houston Chroncile


Sen. John McCain said today that abuse of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. soldiers, alleged anew in a report and under investigation again by the Army, is hurting the nation's image abroad. 'We've got to have it stopped,' McCain, R-Ariz., said on 'This Week' on ABC. 'I don't know if these allegations are true or not, but they have to be investigated.' Human Rights Watch issued a report Friday based on interviews with a captain and two sergeants who served in a battalion of the 82nd Airborne Division stationed at a military base near Fallujah...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Hurricane exposes evacuation problems


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Antiwar fervor fills the street

Washington Post


Tens of thousands of people packed downtown Washington yesterday and marched past the White House in the largest show of antiwar sentiment in the nation's capital since the conflict in Iraq began. The demonstration drew grandmothers in wheelchairs and babies in strollers, military veterans in fatigues and protest veterans in tie-dye. It was the first time in a decade that protest groups had a permit to march in front of the executive mansion, and, even though President Bush was not there, the setting seemed to electrify the crowd. ... Protest organizers estimated that 300,000 people participated, triple their original target. D.C. Police Chief Charles H. Ramsey, who walked the march route, said the protesters achieved the goal of 100,000 and probably exceeded it. Asked whether at least 150,000 showed up, the chief said, 'That's as good a guess as any'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

300,000 for Peace in Washington, DC, 9-24-05


A personal account of the great peace rally, march, and concert. Media: not all the gems are in the first paragraphs, there's a couple at the end. Short piece by Bob Reuschlein, 288-9192 or 848-5248

300,000 for Peace in Washington, DC, 9-24-05

Organizers said 200,000 to the LA Times and police said 150,000, but at the concert they said it had been 300,000. Whatever, it was enormous, streets were packed solid on two sides of the ellipse rally site where speakers went on for two hours or more after being scheduled for one hour. Looking up fifteenth street it was solid for as far as the eye could see. Constitution Avenue was also packed. The MIC was there for Radio America in Madison, Jonathan Laughlin (?) interviewed several people from Wisconsin, including me. A Japanese television reporter liked my “Disaster” sign and interviewed me on my way to the rally, where I was a half hour early. Another person on our bus was interviewed by Australian radio. A theme from the radio interviews was why not stick to the main event theme of “Bring the Troops Home Now”. My reply was that, to get at empire from the source, you must cut the military budget. For the Japanese, I went on about how neglect lead to 9-11 and how extensive were the warnings and how easily it could have been prevented, or stopped in the hour and a half after the hijackings, but Bush wanted a Pearl Harbor.

Beginnings People loved my “Chicken Hawk in Chief” T-shirt, voted best tshirt on our bus of 57 coming from Dutch Mill Road park and ride on the beltline. Several people took pictures at the rally of my shirt, even my sign, occasionally. Mike Miles said there were 14 buses from Wisconsin. That’s 700 people plus more than arrived other ways including one UW-Madison student I met who flew. Maybe a thousand from Wisconsin, who knows. I sat on the bus next to Michael Fields, one of three people from Caledonia, MN who said La Crosse is where they get groceries. Next to me across the aisle was Joanne Storlie from Marshall who took a petition sheet for the Madison referendum, and behind and across from me were a couple from Rockford. Only a half dozen of us were from the City of Madison, so I got only two signatures, three more had already signed, and then me, the “Verona area” Madisonian. The bus leaders, Fran Zell and Tom Bosley, were from Evansville. We weren’t so much a Madison bus as a suburban rallying point for people within a hundred miles or so. The advice to put my city and state on my sign was useful, as many people from UW or Wisconsin identified with it along the parade route. I brought along 300 copies of my favorite handout and hawked it with the phrase “jobs lost in the military buildup” or other lines as I saw fit. It was the right amount, as I saved the last dozen for those I talked with or repeat requests from the bus. I had passed out copies to the busload at the start of our trip.

Signs The signs were great, endless in variety and creativity. But only at the end of the march did I sit down by the side of the road and jot a few down:

"Make Levees Not War"

"May the power of love overcome the love of power"

"Go Solar Not Ballistic"

"We can bomb the world to pieces, we can’t bomb it to peace"

A woman talking to a woman next to me told of her son Sam, birthday 21 coming in October, heading off to war. A Homeland Security police vehicle drove against the flow of the march in front of me as I watched and thought that was rude. A helicopter circled over the rally and a speaker said “they should be rescuing someone, not spying on those exercising their first amendment rights.”

"Love him or hate him, a chickenhawk awol cheerleader will never win this war"

"Build New Orleans Up and Bring the Iraq War Down"

"Evict Bush"

"Impeach Bush"

"Worst President Ever"

"War Criminal"

"War is costly, Peace is priceless"

"Feed People’s Needs, Not the War Machine"

At the concert, an athlete spoke out, Ethan Thomas of the Washington Wizards. This is a rare thing, for an athlete to get political.

"Therapy Not Bombs"

"Operation Ceasefire"

"Give Peace a Chance"

"Frodo Failed Bush has the Ring"

My own sign said

“Military Buildup Causes Jobless Recovery”

on one side and

“Disasters: 9-11, Iraq, Katrina, Bush, jr.”

on the other. I thought it would be interesting to see what won if the crowd had a choice of label to apply, given the three choices of: "Impeach", "Worst President Ever", "War Criminal". Sentiment and speeches reflected all three. When my section of the parade reached the White House on Pennsylvania Street, it broke into the chant “Shame, Shame, Shame”. A man was sitting on top of the White House wearing black, and I wondered if he was a police sniper.

Sharing on the bus ride home one young man expressed his mixed feelings about the anti Israeli sentiments at the rally. Another person was impressed with the compassion. Others were impressed with the inter generational nature of the crowd, the wide span of ages involved. Some youth were committed for life to the peace movement, but worried about their peers. Don’t our soldiers deserve the right to life? There was a picture of and embryo, and next to it a soldier says

“I was once an embryo, don’t I still deserve the right to life?”

One woman on our bus was a startlingly close look alike with Cindy Sheehan. Some speakers at the rally included George Galloway, Cindy Sheehan, Joan Baez, Jesse Jackson, Ramsey Clark, Ralph Nader and George Martin of Milwaukee. Some late saw Ralph Nader in a bar. Counter Recruitment and Education were big issues. The Police were well behaved and looked the other way sometimes. One sign said

“Compassionately Impeach Bush”

One teacher brought a contingent of 11 from UW-Platteville and said to them “you’re part of history now.” One suggested that recruiters should be banned from campus if caught lying. One rider was from the Belleville school board. Megan Yost, former candidate for the legislature from the Poynette area, commented on how the reflecting pool stench would now leave a bad impression on foreign visitors. How can we be a great nation and let our capital maintenance go?



Hal Snyder, M.D.
Sent: Sun 9/25/2005 1:31 PM
To: PDI Subject: [PDI] report from D.C. 9/24

We got back this morning from the DuPage County bus trip to the D.C. mobilization against the war. Many thanks to Gary, Nayana, Kevin, David, John, and so many others for organizing the trip. It was a great experience for me, my daughter, and my grandson.

We arrived at the ellipse in Washington to find a crowd as far as the eye could see. While waiting for the march to start, we heard speeches from George Galloway, who told us of a London anti-war demonstration happening the same day, Ramsey Clark, George Martin, and others.

The march started around 1:30 p.m. We moved very slowly, probably because of the large number of groups feeding into the march (in fact, when we peeled off around 4 p.m. to make it back to the bus, the march was still going on and we had covered about half the route). We could still see masses of people still pouring onto the ellipse forty-five minutes after starting.

There was a robust diversity among the groups present, with variety, originality, passion, and humor in the posters and banners. Our slow-moving procession was a river of humanity filling the city street. Bystanders frequently joined in as our chants and cheers rang out and were echoed by the majestic stone buildings on either side. Helicopters buzzed overhead.

When we approached the White House, protesters perched atop the colonnades across the street cheered us on. One couple - possibly from Billionaires for Bush - stood above the crowd dressed in posh evening wear, acting as if to disdain the entire proceedings. Volume and energy of the demonstration reached a crescendo as we passed by the White House, where many chose the opportunity to express exactly what they thought of its present resident.

This was a massive demonstration. I have not been home long, but the media I have seen seem to under-report the event. Too bad; they should have been there. We shook the city.


Informant: Bob Reuschlein

From ufpj-news

The country has turned decisively against the war


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Welchen Wert haben Grenzwerte beim Mobilfunk?

"Welchen Wert haben Grenzwerte beim Mobilfunk?", fragte Prof. Lebrecht von Klitzing, ehemaliger Universitätsmitarbeiter für klinische Forschung und heute Mitinhaber eines Unternehmens für Umweltphysik. Keinen, lautete die ernüchternde Antwort nach einem Exkurs in die medizinische Physik. Denn bei der Messung der elektromagnetischen Wellen werde vornehmlich auf die thermischen Effekte abgestellt. In aller Kürze: Eine menschliche Zelle, die erwärmt wird, stirbt und damit auch der Mensch.

Die Grenzwerte für diese thermischen Effekte werden bei den Mobilfunkmasten selbstverständlich eingehalten. Nicht berücksichtigt würden die athermischen Effekte. In der Sprache der Physik: die Langzeitwirkung im Niedrigenergiewertbereich durch streng periodisch wiederkehrende Funksignale. Erläuternd ein Beispiel: Über Stunden und Tage wirken Wassertropfen, die immer wieder auf derselben Stelle am Kopf auftreffen als Folterinstrument. Im Zeitalter von Mobilfunk und UMTS werden Migräne und Kopfschmerzen, Schlaf- oder Konzentrationsstörungen als Auswirkung der elektromagnetischen Wellen befürchtet. Auch Krebserkrankungen oder die Beeinflussung des zentralen Nervensystems werden angeführt.

http://www.neue-oz.de/information/noz_print/rund_um_osnabrueck/11905793.html (Auszug)

Grenzwerte und Mobilfunk

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