
Report backs phone masts campaigners

Burnley Express


CAMPAIGNERS against phone masts are holding a public meeting at Padiham Town Hall tomorrow in light of vital new evidence that says exposure to microwave radiation can damage health.

Just days after Burnley Council granted permission for another mast near the Prairie playing fields campaigners say they want people to go along and hear the true facts.

The group, Together Against Masts (TAM), has been campaigning for six years against the insensitive siting of mobile phone masts and highlighting "the dangers to all living beings" from exposure to the microwave radiation emitted day and night.

Chairman Mr Dennis Cannon said: "We have shown independent research and provided anecdotal evidence from individuals claiming to be affected by this radiation. Symptoms have ranged from cancers, brain tumours at the upper end to general complaints, such as migraines, nausea, tingling sensations and sleep disorders.

All of these have been refuted by the Government without exception, claiming that there was no proof of any adverse biological effects and, without offering alternative evidence to show the technology was safe, they have pressed ahead and brushed aside people's objections to install more and more masts, particularly with the 3G system, which with its shorter range requires many more masts even closer to residential properties. All this to allow access to the internet, online games and taking and transmitting pictures."

But he says the Government has now admitted that there are biological effects which cause some people illness.

Earlier this month national newspaper reports said that the Health Protection Agency (HPA) which took over the duties of the National Radiation Protection Board (NRPB) admitted for the first time that exposure to microwave radiation can damage health. Mr Cannon says a report from NRPB next month will acknowledge that exposure to this radiation could be causing headaches, joint pain, depression and fatigue in certain people. "While this still falls short of admitting that terminal illnesses can result from exposure, how can they explain their stance for the last six years that there were no adverse biological effects. In any event how can it be right for anyone to have such radiation brought into their homes, without their consent and resulting in them suffering any ailment? All this for commercial gain for phone operators and the Government," he said.

He added that further evidence has come from Germany where blood tests have been devised which show any effects from exposure to EMF radiation. As yet the UK has not developed its own test but it will be available here this month.

"Costs for this test have been quoted at £125 and anyone wishing to have one should contact me for details. "If you live close to a mast and suffer a new ailment, then it would be well worthwhile considering getting checked out, " said Mr Cannon.

Tomorrow's TAM meeting starts at 7-30 p.m. at Padiham Town Hall.

Mast to provide voice (and text) from above

Sep 20 2005

By The Huddersfield Daily Examiner

PLANNERS have given their backing to plans for a mobile phone mast on a church.

Residents have voiced objections to the proposals for Lindley Parish Church.

More than 50 people packed into a public meeting earlier this month.

But officers at Kirklees Council are now saying the bid is well within guidelines and should be allowed to go ahead.

A report said: "The three antennae are to be mounted externally on the church tower and painted to match its masonry.

"The transmission dish would be located on the inside of the parapet.

"The agent says the proposed works are reversible and would not result in any residual harm to the building."

A decision on their recommendation will be made by councillors on Thursday.

It is the third bid for a mast by Hutchison 3G, which runs the 3 network, after two earlier applications were withdrawn.

The church in Lidget Street, which dates from 1829, would get an annual rent of about £6,000.

Objectors point out the tower is near Lindley Junior School and say the mast bid should be thrown out on health grounds.

But council planners say the apparatus complies with Government guidelines on exposure to radio frequencies.

Omega see "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?"

Hutchison 3G said the equipment was discreet and the plan was in line with Government planning policy that encouraged operators to use existing structures

A victory for people power

Redditch Advertiser

RESIDENTS were celebrating this week after a controversial planning application for a 22.5m phone mast near a Matchborough school was thrown out by councillors.

At a planning meeting last Tuesday, councillors backed their officers' recommendations to refuse the plan at Neon House, Bartleet Road, Washford, because they said it would have a detrimental affect on the surrounding area.

Neighbours had organised a petition against the mast on health grounds, and because the plan would involve the felling of protected trees.

They also objected to it being erected near to an existing 20m high mast.

Phil Henshaw of Frankton Close said: "We're very pleased the plans were refused."

He said he spoke at the meeting praising the town's beauty and appealing to councillors to call a halt to the proliferation of masts in the area.

Councillor Juliet Brunner said she was delighted at the decision to refuse the proposal.

Forbidden from speaking directly to the committee, she submitted her objection letter alongside one from Arrow Vale headteacher Peter Woodman and numerous others, including a petition of 83 local residents

Speaking afterwards she said: "This decision is a tribute to people power - the local community united to make their views known."

Mrs Brunner added: "There are enough phone masts in the area. It is time now for these phone companies to look seriously at finding alternatives."

She said thanks should go to Phil Henshaw who worked tirelessly to ensure the views of his neighbours were taken into consideration.

Chiefs approve mobile phone mast on Bronglais Hospital despite protests


Health officials were accused this week of siding with Britain’s newest mobile phone network in an escalating row over construction of a controversial base-station on the roof of Bronglais Hospital.

NHS trust chiefs approved Hutchison 3G’s multi-media mast despite furious protests by residents following new evidence that base-station radiation affects brain-waves and can seriously damage health. The phone company last week began installing the mast on the hospital roof in the face of a flood of objections by people living nearby and by Ceredigion AM Elin Jones and MP Mark Williams. Local health officials gave the go-ahead without reference to the trust board and in defiance of new evidence from Austria and Holland about the possible dangers of third-generation (3G) transmission.

Three Dutch government ministries found signals from 3G masts could cause headaches and nausea, while an Austrian study warned of “serious consequences” for public health. Town councillor Sue Jones-Davies, who has taken up the residents’ case and says protests will continue, said: “Why are they being allowed to put something as controversial as this on something as sensitive as a hospital? “No-one can put their hands on their hearts and say such masts are safe. This is a public building, and the public have said clearly they do not want it here, yet their wishes are being dismissed. “Instead of listening to its near neighbours here in Aberystwyth, the NHS trust is acting in a way that obliges the shareholders of a multinational company.”

The contract with Hutchison, owned by the Hong Kong-based conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa, was approved by trust chief executive Allison Williams. She claims the mast will earn only a “very small” amount of money for the trust, which is about £1.4 million in the red, but has refused to reveal details of the deal. In July she told the Cambrian News the contract with Hutchison could be cancelled if protests continued.

Residents continued to say they were worried radio waves from the mast could damage their health, but last week the company confirmed engineers had now begun to instal its three antennae and two dishes on the hospital roof. Hutchison, who say all their sites operate well below international radiation emission guideline levels, claimed residents did not answer letters sent out as part of a public consultation exercise.

Omega see "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?"

Residents say they never received the letters. Earlier, Ms Williams declined to comment on why the trust had not acted on its assurance that the mast contract could be cancelled if protests continued. She also remained silent on why the trust was continuing to co-operate with Hutchison for the sake of “very small” earnings , while refusing to heed residents’ concerns over a development which focused not on basic or emergency communication but merely on entertainment through audio and video-clip services. She said: “At the time of signing the contract we were not aware of any concerns having been raised by the local residents. We had been reassured that the consultation had been carried out.”

Hutchison regional corporate affairs manager Verity Stanford told the Cambrian News: “The hospital is ideally located to provide coverage to the east end of the town. All our installations operate at fractions of the international public emissions standards. “There is no proven evidence that masts or mobile phones that operate to guidelines cause adverse health effects."

Omega this is not true. See under:
http://omega.twoday.net/topics/Wissenschaft+zu+Mobilfunk/ and

A couple who spent their life savings on a doomed two-year battle over a Hutchison mast face financial ruin after being presented with a claim for £400,000 in legal costs. Agnes Ingvarsdottir, 61, her husband, Ericur Petursson, 63, and their son, Neils Erickson, 42, claimed that they began to suffer nausea, headaches, tinnitus and cardiovascular disease after the telecommunications company installed the mast on the roof of a restaurant opposite their home in Worcester. But their attempt to prove that the mast caused the symptoms was thrown out by the High Court and they were instructed to pay Hutchison 3G’s legal costs, which amount to £407,398. The company said that it had offered the family numerous opportunities to settle out of court. ‘Company erected Parcyllyn mast in the dead of night!’ A CEREDIGION County councillor has said he feels like taking a chainsaw to a 15 metre telecommunications mast which he claims was erected near houses at Parcyllyn, Aberystwyth, overnight.

Cllr Paul James told colleagues on the authority’s planning committee that the mast which is not used by TETRA - had nevertheless been put up without consultation with any of the people living in the vicinity of Country Stores. In a blazing attack on the applicants Hutchison 3G, Cllr James urged the authority to throw out their application to operate over a 12-month period. “Personally I would like to take a chainsaw to this thing,” he said. “This company came under cover of darkness like some sort of commando unit and erected this15 metre mast in the dead of night. The first thing local residents knew of it was when they looked out of their windows the next morn-ing. “This mast is a distraction to motorists and could cause an accident - instead of looking at the road motorists are looking at the mast.”

Cllr James made his comments after hearing planning officer Ritchie Williams read out letters from local residents who pointed out there were three schools and an Ysgol Feithrin in the vicinity whose views regard-ing the mast were never sought. Mr Williams pledged to canvas opinion among the nearby schools. He said: “I have no problem with this mast on visual grounds. This application is a temporary one, so any harm to amenities would be reversible.” But Cllr James drew the committee’s atten-tion to the existence of a 116-name petition calling on the county council to get the mast removed and added that Llanbadarn com-munity council had also raised objections. “The pictures we are looking at do not show how close this mast is to people’s gar-dens,” he maintained. “The report says 40m, but I would say 20m. This mast was put up without any prior permission.”

His sentiments were echoed by Cllr Dai Suter who spoke of his anger at the way Hutchison 3G had operated. “I cannot understand the arrogance of the people who put these things up without going through the proper procedures,” he said. “People should be told you cannot erect these masts and expect to get away with it. They need to be taught a lesson.”

And Cllr Lyndon Lloyd commented: “There’s a coach and horses being driven through this committee by this operator. We do not seem to have any control over these people whatsoever.”

Cllr Suter also expressed scepticism that the mast would be a temporary one. He said: “We have all seen examples of things that were put up temporarily 10 or 15 years ago. “We are here to defend residents and I think the people responsible for this mast should be kicked into touch - big time.

Mr Williams reminded councillors that their job was not to teach applicants ‘a lesson’ but to consider each planning application on its merits. It was agreed to refer the matter to the site inspection panel.


South Wales Evening Post

10:00 - 21 September 2005

I was interested to read (Post, September 8) of the Cassiopeia mast emissions monitoring system to be provided by Vodafone and Swansea Council to allay public concerns on levels of those emissions. As one of a growing number of scientists deeply concerned about the health effects of radiation from phone masts, I feel your readers should know that none of those scientists believe that radiation levels are sufficiently high to fry us - which is effectively the only risk that those "precautionary health guidelines" protect us from.

The guidelines themselves explicitly state that they don't claim to offer any protection against other risks - such as an increased risk of cancer.

It may also interest your readers to know that the "precautionary approach" advised by the Government-appointed Stewart Committee was considered necessary precisely because peer-reviewed scientific research had shown repeatedly that those guidelines were inadequate to protect against observed long-term non heat-based effects - such as increased risk of cancer and brain damage.

It's interesting to note that, in Greek Mythology, Cassiopeia was superficially very attractive, but her vanity and boastfulness led to widespread death and devastation across her lands.

Let's just hope that this superficially attractive exercise in spin from Vodafone doesn't leave the people of South Wales paying a higher price than they'd bargained for.

Further information on this subject is available on my website http://www.starweave.com

Dr Grahame Blackwell,
Newton Abbot,

Residents’ rage over mobile phone mast

Border Counties Advertiser

HUNDREDS of West Felton residents have pledged to defend their homes from intrusion from a 50ft radio mast being built in a local field.

A second full-house was anticipated for a public meeting organised on Monday in the parish hall with many residents planning to take legal action to head off the mast on farmland near The Avenue.

Angry residents say the first they knew of the mast was when groundwork began in the field two weeks ago.

Parish councillor Pat Mabe said that there was a lot of ill feeling towards the mast with many residents fearing for the health of children at the nearby school and the value of their properties.

“We are going to try and get the Borough Council to do something about it because this is too close to people’s homes. There’s a lot of feeling in the village. The villagers are all together about it. We feel betrayed by people who should be taking care of us,” she added.

According to reports, Orange first contacted the Borough Council in 2002 about putting a mast in West Felton.

The Borough consulted West Felton Parish Council which said it was too close to people’s homes. The phone company maintain the information was never received.

Planning officers from the borough, and phone company Orange were invited to last Monday’s meeting.

Many residents are concerned about the prospects of selling their homes and cannot understand how newcomers have bought their homes in the last six months without the proposed mast showing up on searches. Some are understood to be so incensed they are considering picketing the site and also claiming a reduction in their council taxes.

Mr Tim Rogers, planning officer with Oswestry Borough Council said that when the mast was first consulted upon in 2002 it did not need planning permission as it was less than 15 metres high.

There was a dispute between the Borough Council and Orange over an e-mail which reported the concerns of West Felton Parish Council which the company say was out of time.

However Mr Rogers said the mast could not have been stopped at that time and the disputed e-mail would only have been about the location and possible screening of the site.

Orange, which could not be contacted by The Advertizer, is reported to have refused to attend a public meeting.

Vicar wants to put phone mast on top of tower - QS4 hits another listed church

Sep 20 2005

icSurrey online Epsom and Banstead

By Joan Mulcaster

WORSHIPPERS are praying for neighbours' approval of their bid to put a mobile phone mast on the roof of their church.

The proposal, by historic Grade ll listed St Martin of Tours, Epsom's Parish Church, is because cash is badly needed for £350,000 worth of work on the building and adjoining hall in Church Road.

But vicar, the Rev Simon Talbot, is aware that agreeing to the financial offer from QS4 could not have come at a worse time - just after the outcry which stopped council bosses agreeing to a mobile phone mast in Court Road recreation ground.

He said: "I am aware of this and I am sending out letters to all addresses within a 250 metre radius of the church and we are having a consultation session on Wednesday October 5 from 4pm to 8 pm to answer questions.

"The annual rental income cannot be disclosed at the company's request but it will be very useful for the work we need to do on our old church centre and work in the church itself - including providing a toilet for the disabled.

"We live in the age of mobile phones which have invaluable uses not just for young people but the elderly. Yes, I have one - and phone companies have an obligation to provide good reception.

"The church roof tower at the rear of the building where it will go is about 70ft high so the mast, designed to look like a flagpole, will only be two to three metres high.

"QS4 even has a special department to make sure designs fit in with the churches and we will be able to fly a flag on it if we want to.

"I know of at least one other church in the area which, if this goes ahead, might also consider it.

"The tower is not one of our main ones at the front but the back where it will overlook the churchyard.

"A data base was set up after the Archbishop's Council established a national system. Every parish was written to and we were approached 18 months ago.

"The vote by the Parochial Church Council was made after a very positive discussion and the vote was clearly in favour.

"There will be no final decision whether the project will go ahead for at least three months."

Mr Talbot said before agreeing the Parochial Church Council sought advice from the radiological protection divison of the Health Protection Agency, which assured them risks from masts were far less than those from the phones themselves.


QS4 has a special deal with the C of E, using technology from Qinetiq (The private arm of the Ministry of Defence) to install masts. Loads of money to the church of course.

The Qinetiq technology allows all 5 operators to share the same antennae (antenna sharing rather than mast sharing), into which they all feed their separate signals.

Good military technology purporting to save the day:

1) save on numbers of planning applications

2) save on refusals and appeals (the church is not subject to the same planning regulations)

3) get your masts into residential areas (that's where churches tend to be)

4) find convenient tall structures

5) find someone who desperately needs the money

6) sell it as beneficial to the community (who better to want to be seen to do this?)

7) surveillance? Where better to hide it.

Got it in one.



QS4 has a special deal with the C of E, using technology from Qinetiq (The private arm of the Ministry of Defence) to install masts. Loads of money to the church of course. The devil must be laughing his head off on the irony of this one! With the additional profit from mobile phone porn and gambling, all angles must be covered.

I find it hard to believe that people who follow the Christian faith can be so focused on material profit and so unconcerned about those with health problems because they live near masts. Maybe they genuinely haven't heard about all the mounting evidence linking mobile phone technology to cancer and other serious illness.

There is only one reason I can think of why churches would agree to housing antennae in their buildings and that would be for money.

There are plenty of examples in the Bible of how Jesus hated profiteering in the church.

I believe this episode in the Bible (see examples below) is the only one where we actually hear that Jesus was angry with what he saw.

He was usually filled with pity for those who did wrong, but not in this case.

My local United Reformed Church has supported my fight against our local mast and have written to the planning dept. expressing their concern.

Our church is directly next door to the mast and due to the increasing evidence of cancer clusters around them, we are concerned about the well being of the children who attend the daily playgroup.

Our church is really poor and we have serious worries about the upkeep of the building but as a community I am sure we would never stoop to this way of raising money.

Can you imagine Jesus taking money from the Romans or the Jewish authorities to keep his ministry together?

Didn't Judas get his 30 coins of silver and what good did that do him?

Mark 8:36 What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?

Anyone out there fighting a mast on a local church...I would be happy for you to pass this message on to your local minister.

He can challenge me if he wants to !

If these men have a conscience these words will reach them.

Best wishes,


The Sinking State Loots its Own Survivors


Informant: friends2b

Kennedy: "Roberts Is the Wrong Choice"

Senator Kennedy: There is clear and convincing evidence that John Roberts is the wrong choice for Chief Justice. I oppose the nomination, and I urge my colleagues to do the same.


Who's Your Daddy?

Maureen Dowd states that Mr. Bush's "Who's Your Daddy?" bravura - blowing off the world on global warming and the allies on the Iraq invasion - has been slapped back by Mother Nature, which refuses to be fooled by spin.


Who's your daddy?

Future of Freedom Foundation
by Jacob G. Hornberger


Don't let anyone ever tell you that President Bush isn't a brilliant politician, one who has mastered the psychological intricacies of the welfare-warfare state that conservatives and liberals have imported to our nation. The latest proof of Bush's political brilliance and insight into human nature occurred recently when he proposed his $7 billion federal bird-flu plan to protect the American people from a potential pandemic, which is the latest fear that assails the American psyche. With his bird-flu plan, Bush has subtly and effectively reminded Americans that despite all the imperfections of the federal government (Rove, Libby, and Cheney, CIA Soviet-era torture centers, torture and sex abuse scandal, Iraq, FEMA), the federal government is still their daddy ...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Jim McCanney Alleged Katrina Was Steered to Landfall

It IS quite a "coincidence"....that TWO major hurricanes are going to the gulf??!!....I saw on the Weather Channel where they evacuated the oil rigs again..... yesterday. ...Keep cars FULL...expect prices to RISE.

The bottom line here .....There is something quite strange going on and it pays to OBSERVE...and not miss anything any more!!


Jim McCanney Alleged Katrina Was Steered to Landfall- Provides Scientific Explanation: What about Rita?

IAHF Webmaster: Codex Emergency, Breaking News, Whats New, What to Do

IAHF List:


Hurricane RITA, which threatens to become a category 5 hurricane, is on a collision course with the Texas coast and it could have a hugely damaging impact on oil refineries around Houston.


If it does, our country could be thrown into economic turmoil and martial law could be declared nationwide as our cities would descend into chaos and rioting because our whole society is built on a foundation of oil. I hope this does not happen, but having just relistened to an archived radio show that I originally heard two weeks ago, this time to take notes, In light of Hurricane Rita now bearing down on the Texas coast, I feel concerned enough to urge you to listen to what McCanney has to say at


Firstly, Jim McCanney, MS, is an expert on weather manipulation, having written numerous scientific papers and a book about it:


Secondly, he provided enough detail to convince me that he's someone we should pay attention to. He asserts that energy for hurricanes comes from the ionosphere, and that the eye of a hurricane is actually an electric field. He states that hurricanes can occur over cold water too, citing the "Perfect Storm" off the New England coast of 1991.

Thirdly, he states very matter of factly, claiming to have helped develop the science that makes it possible that satellite guided lasers can be used to ionize the path in front of a hurricane for the purpose of steering it to an intended landfall. He states that originally this technology was intended to steer hurricanes AWAY from populated areas so as to MINIMIZE the damage they do, but he asserts that with Katrina, it was horribly misused for evil purposes.

He asserts that his scientific papers were translated into Russian by Russian scientists who then gave our government information about weather manipulation so that we could use it to PROTECT ourselves from hurricanes since they don't occur in Russia, but do occur in US waters.

He asserts that this technology makes it possible to drag hurricanes around by the lip just as it would be possible to make a person go where you want if you put a ring through their nose or lip and attached a cord to it to yank on it.

He asserts that just before the hurricane would have hit New Orleans, it made a 90 degree turn just before landfall, which steered it directly into oil refineries just EAST of New Orleans off the Mississippi coast.

He asserts that the pattern of levvy breaches around New Orleans indicates that explosives were used to blow them citing that the official explanation that they were caused by a storm surge didn't add up because of breaches occurring on the River side and on the Canal side of the city (away from Lake Ponchartrain). He states that when the levvy's broke, the storm surge had ALREADY OCCURRED the day BEFORE. He flat out accuses FEMA of being responsible for blowing the levees. While there is no proof of that, it would be consistent with their OTHER actions which were clearly more geared towards establishing government CONTROL over the city than to save lives.

He notes that people who have been saying that weather manipulation "is scientifically impossible" are wrong, and points us to a UN Resolution signed during the Carter Administration in 1976 as hard evidence of its reality:


He asserts that this UN Resolution only makes it illegal to use weather modification technology to attack ANOTHER COUNTRY but that it DID NOT make it illegal to use against YOUR OWN PEOPLE.

He asserts that our own SPACE COMMAND at NASA has the ability to steer hurricanes, and flat out states that this just happened with Katrina.

He also stated that he feels it is highly likely that ADDITIONAL contrived events will occur for the purpose of triggering martial law in the USA.

At the time he did this radio show, Hurricane Rita didn't yet exist, but it sure does now, and its heading for Houston Texas and all the oil refineries there.


Earlier this summer, a movie came out called "Oil Storm" that almost seems like it was a SCRIPT for what we're now seeing unfold in REAL LIFE. SEE SAMPLE CLIP FROM MOVIE:


(Read this synopsis of this TV movie which aired in June:

Am I categorically stating that we're soon going to be under Martial Law nationwide?

No, I'm not, but with hurricane Rita currently taking aim at the Texas coast, I can't just pretend I didn't hear his radio show in case he IS correct.

Am I categorically stating that I agree with what McCanney is saying?

No, I am not, I don't know enough to know if he's correct or not, and I emphatically hope he is WRONG, but I can't dismiss what he's saying in light of the fact that FEMA actively murdered a huge number of people in New Orleans by not allowing people to get bottled water that Walmart tried to deliver or to allow coast guard boats with diesel fuel to be unloaded, and that FEMA cut emergency phone lines of the Jefferson Parish President forcing him to position armed sheriffs to defend them once fixed.

This has been very well documented, so it seems to me like the New World Order is making its move on America RIGHT NOW in an effort to DESTROY our country so as to usher in the New World Order- a global totalitarian state.

"We have been abandoned by our own country." (Jefferson Parish President) See News Footage:

CODEX, of course is just one small PART of this GENOCIDE AGENDA.


If you live in a big city, you may want to develop a contingency plan for getting out, in fact you may want to LEAVE NOW because we face a very uncertain future. Check out this website about intentional communities if you'd like to quickly get to a self sufficient community outside of a city: http://www.ic.org

Look what happened in New Orleans after martial law as declared: they wouldn't LET anyone leave (!!) I saw footage of Geraldo Rivera inside the Super Dome pleading for the government to let the people inside the dome LEAVE the dome, and another reporter stated that FEMA had sealed the city, and wasn't letting anyone walk across the causeway to Gretna, and safety.

Could this happen in OTHER cities if things degenerated via a huge economic depression and or via suitcase nukes or dirty bombs exploded in one or more major cities?

What do YOU think?

I'm not trying to scare the hell out of you with this discussion, its just that its better to be prepared for any eventuality than to not even think about what seems to be unfolding right under our noses.

As far as CODEX goes- I am encouraging people to hold meetings of friends, family, health food store owners and staff to show them Kevin Miller's DVD "We Become Silent" and to let them listen to the Audio Tape of the talk I gave in July at the PANLA Conference. Both will help people see thru the spin against our mssg coming from the pharma dominated vitamin trade associations such as NNFA.

IAHF is selling both the DVD and audio tape for just $30. IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd., Point Roberts WA 98281 USA

Unless we amp up the level of awareness, we're not going to kill FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas) which would force Codex harmonization upon us. (See this well written article by Paul Taylor, Board Member of the National Health Federation, consultant to the Dr. Rath Foundation:


If Hurricane Rita does slam into Houston, wrecking the oil refineries there, it could trigger a huge economic depression which could cause rioting to break out in all our major cities which could easily trigger martial law. It could be just like the movie OIL STORM.

I SERIOUSLY hope I am wrong! I REALLY hope this does not happen. I hope McCanney is wrong in what he's saying, but thought you all deserved the benefit of the doubt. Please listen to his show and decide for yourself what you think and please forward this message. We could all be in for a very rough ride.

For Health Freedom, John C. Hammell, President International Advocates for Health Freedom
556 Boundary Bay Road Point Roberts, WA 98281-8702 USA http://www.iahf.com jham@iahf.com
800-333-2553 N.America
360-945-0352 World


"Some of Us, the Dreamers, were born to dance upon the wind" -Unknown-

A campaign in order to promote national health standards in China - Campagne de promotion des normes de santé publique en Chine

A campaign in order to promote national health standards in China

New entry titled 'Chinese health standards highlighted' has been posted to EMFacts Consultancy. In the USA, that supposed bastion of freedom and Democracy (if you believe in the Easter Bunny) it is no secret that under Bush and Co. environmental and health regulations are being gutted to suit corporate interests. The essential primer on this is "Special Interest Takeover - The Bush Administration and the Dismantling of Public Safeguards" available on line at:


In comparison, China, that bastion of human rights violations and hard line communist holdouts, seems to be heading in the opposite direction with regulation. See below and previous message # 187 for details on the Chinese RF standard.


Why the difference? Perhaps with all the injustices of communism that the Chinese people had to endure, one injustice they missed out on was the existence of private corporations trying to run the show. Another factor is that China now faces huge environmental problems coupled with a huge population and the problems are impossible to ignore. Jared Diamond's book "Collapse-How Societies Choose to fail or Survive" has a good section on China's current problems and how they are handling them. Whatever one thinks of the Chinese leadership, they do seem to be primarily concerned with the future of their country, something that is not apparent with the US leadership other than trying to steal other peoples oil to feed their SUVs. China has over a thousand health standards. People's Daily Online; Will cosmetics containing lead (Pb) do harm to health? How to determine whether air pollution in a household goes beyond permitted standards? Authorities from the Ministry of Health will give scientific answers to these most concerned questions. The week from September 17 to 24 will be devoted to a national campaign promoting health standards under the theme "spreading health standards, creating healthy life".

The Ministry has by now formulated or approved 1,800 various health standards, including 1,169 now effective. They cover safety of food, environment, occupation, school, radiation, cosmetics, sterilization as well as diagnosis of occupational disease and radiation sickness, diagnosis and control of local, parasitic and infectious diseases, clinical examination and so on. They include 731 sets of state-level standards (under the code GB or GB/T), 248 sets of state-level occupational health standards (GBZ or GBZ/T) and 190 sets of standards of health sector (WS or W/T).


Campagne de promotion des normes de santé publique en Chine

Un nouveau bulletin intitulé “le point sur les normes de santé chinoises» a été envoyé à EMFacts Consultancy.

Aux Etats-Unis, pays supposé être le bastion de la liberté et de la Démocratie (Si vous croyez au Père Noël), on ne cache pas que sous le gouvernement Bush les régulations sur l’environnement et la santé sont mises à l’écart pour servir les intérêts des sociétés. L’information essentielle à ce sujet est « Contrôle de l’intérêt particulier – L’Administration Bush et le démantèlement des Garanties Publiques » disponible sur le site :


En comparaison, la Chine, ce bastion de la violation des droits de l’homme et qui entretient un régime communiste, semble cependant avancer dans la direction opposée pour ce qui concerne les régulations. Pour plus de détails sur les normes chinoises en Radio Fréquences, veuillez consulter le message ci-dessous # 187.


Pourquoi cette différence? Peut-être que parmi toutes les injustices liées au communisme dont les Chinois sont victimes, il en est une qu’ils ont laissé passer : celle de l’existence de sociétés privées essayant de dominer la situation. Un autre facteur pouvant être pris en compte est le fait que la Chine doit aujourd’hui faire face à d’énormes problèmes environnementaux doublés d’une population très dense. Il est impossible d’ignorer ces problèmes.

Le livre de Jared Diamond’s « Effondrement – Comment les Sociétés choisissent-elles l’échec ou la survie » consacre une grande partie aux problèmes actuels de la Chine et à la façon dont ils sont traités.

Quoi que l’on puisse penser des gouvernants chinois, ils semblent concernés en priorité par l’avenir de leur pays, ce qui n’est en revanche pas du tout évident chez les gouvernants américains dont le but est de mettre la main sur le pétrole aux autres pays pour alimenter leur parc automobile.

La Chine possède plus d’un millier de normes concernant la santé.

Il y des informations journalières pour les gens.

Les cosmétiques contenant du plomb (Pb) sont-ils mauvais à la santé?

Comment déterminer si la pollution de l’air dans une maison va en deçà des normes autorisées?

Les Autorités compétentes du Ministère de la Santé donneront des réponses scientifiques aux questions les plus concernées. La semaine du 17 au 24 septembre sera consacrée à une campagne nationale afin de promouvoir les normes de santé sur le thème :

« élargissons le champ des normes de santé, créons une vie saine. »

Pour le moment, le Ministère a formulé ou approuvé 1800 différentes normes de santé, dont 1169 effectives actuellement.

Elles couvrent la sécurité de la nourriture, de l’environnement, des occupations, de l’école, des radiations, des produits cosmétiques, de la stérilisation ainsi que des maladies engendrées par certains travaux ou par des radiations, le diagnostic et le contrôle des maladies infectieuses ou causées par des parasites, des examens cliniques, etc… Ils comprennent 731 groupes de normes à l’échelle nationale (sous le code GB ou GB/T), 248 concernant les maladies causées par le travail (GBZ ou GBZ/T) et 190 groupes de normes liés au secteur de la santé (WS ou W/T).


Kerry, Edwards Criticize Bush Over Response to Hurricane


Pass It On: Let Us Count The Ways...

by John Kerry

The former presidential candidate enumerates the faces and catchphrases of the Bush administration's famous screw-ups.

"Brownie is to Katrina what Paul Bremer is to peace in Iraq, what George Tenet is to slam-dunk intelligence, what Paul Wolfowitz is to parades paved with flowers in Baghdad, what Dick Cheney is to visionary energy policy, what Donald Rumsfeld is to basic war planning, what Tom DeLay is to ethics and what George Bush is to 'Mission Accomplished' and 'Wanted Dead or Alive.'"

—John Kerry, Sept. 19, 2005

FDA Shenanigans

The Bush administration appoints an animal doctor to oversee the health of female humans and later denies it. They didn't think anyone would notice?


The Bush Paradox

by Robert B. Reich, TomPaine.com

The White House hopes we haven't noticed it's running a political juggernaut instead of governing effectively.


America's Third World

by Frida Berrigan, TomPaine.com

America's bloated military spending leaves little left over to reduce the rampant poverty exposed by Hurricane Katrina.


Judge Bars Release of Abu Ghraib Photos


050921 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


Cindy Sheehan: Get troops out of 'occupied New Orleans'


Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan arrested in Manhattan?


I witnessed this with my own eyes. Here is my account.

Cindy Sheehan was arrested moments ago in Union Square, Manhattan for allegedly speaking in the square without the proper permit.

A small group of police began to congregate around 2:00 on the south east corner of Union Square. Cindy and her peace entourage were slightly late to the event, contending with public transportation.

Upon her arrival, applause and cheers filled the crowd awaiting her speech. A few other members of the tour movement spoke. Afterward, about 2:50, Cindy began her speech. It was friendly and empowering. She was grateful for the support and urged everyone to go to Washington DC on the 24th of September for a march on Washington.

At the conclusion of her speech, from my perspective, a few loud and impassioned boos erupted, then I saw a hand come from behind Cindy and grab her shoulder-strap on her backpack.

The arm jerked her backwards, with such force as to snap her head forward, and she fell from my view.

The crowd erupted in booing and jeering. The crowd rushed the elevated park where she once stood, not to fight but to witness what was happening.

People crowded the police, who had formed a semi-circle around what was happening to Cindy (which I could not witness from my vantage point).

"Nazis," "Gestapo," "free speech," "burn the constitution," "traitors," "you can't have her," could be heard from all sides of the angry crowd. The police stood shoulder-to-shoulder with emotionless looks on their faces. One woman from the tour, I did not see who, urged everyone to that it is a waste of energy to yell at the police, we can't stop it from happening, but what we can do is trumpet this event to the rest of the United States.

Many media cameras were there. One New York Times reporter was also there (at least), and she was moving around the crowd asking questions. Upon the arrest, she inserted herself into the middle of the screaming, recording it all with her mini-recorder.

I'm not sure the details of the permit situation. The announcer said they sought a permit for weeks with no response from the city government.

Spread the word Kossaks! More as it unfolds.

UPDATE: Details prompted by comments: There was no violence, no violent rhetoric, and the spirit of the event was positive and strong. She was only there for about 10 minutes before she spoke, and spoke for about 5 minutes. The crowd was respectful and peaceful. Cindy and the other speakers were using a microphone and speakers, which may have caused the problem with the permits. The announcer told the crowd that they had been officially warned before Cindy got there. I'm trying to find out the permit stuff right now.

She was speaking at "Camp Casey NYC" in Union Square. It was a planned event, advertised in the newspaper. And from what I heard (Union Square is a noisy place), they tried to get a permit but did not get a response from city government after many messages were left. My view was not the best, so I did not see if it was a cop behind her that jerked her away.

The immediate booing and rushing of the "stage" (a large part of the park raised by about 3 steps) made me believe it was the police. I could not see if she resisted or not. Sorry for the bad view...I wish I had more. Watch the wires, this will be out soon.




2005-09-19 22:05 (link) Here's a good example of what's wrong with LIBERALS. quoted "The police stood shoulder-to-shoulder with emotionless looks on their faces. One woman from the tour, I did not see who, urged everyone to that it is a waste of energy to yell at the police, we can't stop it from happening, but what we can do is trumpet this event to the rest of the United States." Liberals make good matyrs NOT good Revolutionaries. It sounds as if there were a lot of people there, maybe we could have surrounded the police and arrested them for violating our constitution?


From Be Kind Whenever Possible

Cindy Sheehan

Masts and your property: it’s time to be heard

A new initiative to form a statutory claim for compensation for any adverse effect on your property caused by the proximity and operation of telecommunications masts.

This initiative will test legal rights of redress for loss of amenity and value resulting from the construction and operation of mobile phone masts under existing telecommunications legislation.

There is little in the planning guidelines and certainly in law, to protect property owners from the effects of telecoms installations. Whether you don’t like the look of them, or you fear the health risks (real and proven or not), the effects can be substantial.

Increasingly land and property values are being affected. The presence of masts diminishes the desirability of property, reduces its visual amenity, and limits its use.

The ability to watch a video or TV clip in someone else’s residential area, or to send email, or even just to talk, should not be a greater commercial imperative than the value of the other person’s property.

It is simply time that people were heard instead of being ignored as if all that matters is reaching everyone with a mobile phone with market-driven services, wherever they are.


From Mast Sanity

Affects on Residential Property Value as a Consequence of Telecom Instalations

Electrosmog – Are We Getting Too Much?

They claim phones are safe, and that they have scientific proof, SO WHAT IS KEEPING THEM FROM GIVING "GUARANTY´S" FOR SAFETY"?


“Electrosmog” – Are We Getting Too Much?

September 19, 2005

There's no getting away from it: we are bombarded with electromagnetic radiation from remote control devices, cell phones and other sources. But is the bombardment harmful? It depends who you ask. Ergonomics enters the issue when it comes to taking action. A switch that turns off the radiation can claim ergonomic credentials. So can a warning device. People worried about when to take action represent a ready market for an "electrosmog" meter released recently in Britain.

London-based Sensory Perspective says its new Electrosmog Detector meters potentially harmful pollution - described as electrosmog -- from nearby wireless technologies. The hand-sized battery-powered meter has a speaker that signals if there is a large concentration of activity in the wireless spectrum between 50MHz and 3000MHz. The company regards cordless phones, cell phones, wireless computer networks, baby alarms, microwaves and other appliances as polluting.

It cites studies implicating so-called electrosmog in a host of conditions, including one the British Department of Health, the Health Protection Agency and the World Health Organization call electrosensitivity or electrohypersensitivity (EHS). Adverse health effects attributed to EHS include chronic fatigue, depression, headaches, epilepsy, behavioral changes in children, disrupted sleep patterns and skin complaints. The company said its research shows that between 3 percent and 5 percent of the general population could be at risk from radiation pollution.

The July 27 issue of The Ergonomics Report™ ergonomicsreport.com, a publication for professionals requiring in-dept coverage of current ergonomics issues, focused on the potential harm of cell phones. It cited 1998 research linking cell phone use with high blood pressure, and a Swedish study published in 2002 that linked analog cell phones and brain tumors.

Yet as many other studies dismiss the harm findings, as suggested by the title of the July 27 The Ergonomics Report™: "Are Cell Phones Dangerous? It's Still An Open Question."

Cell phone manufacturers are loud in their denials:

"Years of scientific research reaffirm there are no health risks associated with wireless phones," said Nokia spokesman Keith Nowak.

From Motorola: "Scientific experts review this issue on a continual basis.

Their conclusions have been consistent over many years: the radio signals from wireless telephones, two-way radios or other portable communications devices pose no known health risk."

A study published this year in Psychosomatic Medicine 67:224-232 debunks a study that suggests some individuals are more susceptible to the emissions than others. Dr G. James Rubin and his research team at the Mobile Phone research Unit at King's College in Britain write: "the symptoms reported by 'electromagnetic hypersensitivity' sufferers can be proven experimentally, suggesting the presence of the condition is unrelated to weak electromagnetic fields."

The continuing dispute is fertile ground for scaremongering. Issued by a manufacturer of devices purported to shield users from harmful phone radiation, the scare runs like this: "Don't accept the industry denials that mobile phones are safe. Mobile phones could be the cigarettes of the 21st century with similar legal battles ahead!"

Though researchers may argue forever about the potential for harm, they don't dispute electromagnetic radiation exists. The ergonomic value of an effective meter is that it can provide anyone worried about radiation the kind of information they need to decide if they want to escape - by turning off devices in the vicinity or moving to another spot.

Sources: Sensory Perspective; The Ergonomics Report™

-- Jennifer Anderson


Chinese health standards highlighted


Your Planet: The Case for Rationing

If we think we can stave off climate catastrophe simply by raising public awareness, we are deceiving ourselves, says Mayer Hillman. The truth is, only urgent and ruthless government action will do.


Army Corps Opens Tracts of Wetlands to Development

Despite continued government pledges to protect wetlands, the US Army Corps of Engineers has opened more than 11,000 acres of wetlands to development in recent months across the United States.


Congressman Demands Logging Probe

Oregon congressman Peter DeFazio called for an investigation into how the Forest Service allowed a rare tree reserve to be logged as part of a salvage harvest following the 2002 Biscuit Fire. "Given the large size of the illegal harvest ... I find it difficult to understand how this could have been a casual oversight," he said.


Former FEMA Chief Brown Bought Votes in Florida

Michael Brown, the embattled former head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, approved payments in excess of $31 million in taxpayer money to thousands of Florida residents who were unaffected by Hurricane Frances and three other hurricanes last year in an effort to help President Bush win a majority of votes in that state during his reelection campaign, according to published reports.


Harry Reid to Vote against Roberts

Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader, said today that he will vote against the confirmation of Judge John G. Roberts Jr. to be the 17th chief justice of the United States, in part because he does not know enough about him.


Under Cover of Katrina, Bush Advances Right-Wing School Voucher Plan


No Place for a Poet at a Banquet of Shame


New Silent Majority Sets Pace for Anti-Iraq War Movement


An Antiwar Speech in Union Square Is Stopped by Police


Cindy Sheehan

The frogs are trying to tell us something

Save the frogs, conservationists urge

Informant: NHNE

Clergy, Democrats Rally Against Arctic Oil Drilling


Informant: brazospete2003

Water Wars


Patriotism means resistance


Michael Oakeshott and New Orleans


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Learning From Natural Disasters

Our global house of cards

Don't trust the government. Don't live in a stupid place. Love thy neighbor. Article by Miles Hitchcock.


Informant: Lew Rockwell

On Bush, the Christian right, the neocons, and PNAC

Uncertain Anniversary for Iraq War Champions

Stop Fronting for Despots


MAN'S mobile phone mast fight


NO to phone mast


Mercury and Nerve Degeneration


Informant: Andrew McAfee

Jenseits der Wahl – die nächsten Schritte außerparlamentarischer Bewegungen

Strategie- und Aktionskonferenz der sozialen Bewegungen am
19./20. 11. in Frankfurt/M. Die Einladung der Initiative Sozialforum (pdf)


„Wir wehren uns gemeinsam. Veränderung erfordert Bewegung! Eine andere Welt ist möglich und nötig!“

Überregionale Demo des Sozialforum Nürnberg am 29.10.05 in Nürnberg (13:00 Uhr, Lorenzkirche). Siehe dazu den Aufruf zum revolutionärem antikapitalistischem Block von Organisierte Autonomie Nürnberg (OA): „Wir sind mit der Gesamtsituation unzufrieden! Kapitalismus abschaffen! - Alles für Alle!“ (pdf)


Die Übersicht über regionale Anti-Hartz-&-Co-Bündnisse wurde aktualisiert


Aus: LabourNet, 21. September 2005

Lager in Deutschland – jenseits demokratischer Öffentlichkeit

„Das Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie ruft in Kooperation mit dem No-Lager-Netzwerk zu einer Demonstration und gewaltfreien öffentlichen Inspektion des Lagers Bramsche-Hesepe unter dem Motto auf: Wer Menschen in Lager steckt, erniedrigt sie als Menschen, kappt ihre Chancen, menschlich zu leben…“ Pressemitteilung vom 21.9.05


Aus: LabourNet, 21. September 2005

Vorwürfe gegen Manpower: Leiharbeiter für Siemens stark unter Tarif bezahlt

IG Metall warnt vor Lohndumping. Vorwürfe gegen Manpower: Leiharbeiter für Siemens stark unter Tarif bezahlt / Scharfe Kritik an Vertrag mit Christlichen Gewerkschaften

„Die IG Metall hat der Zeitarbeitsfirma Manpower sowie dem Siemens-Konzern vorgeworfen, beim Einsatz von Leiharbeitern systematisch Lohndumping zu betreiben. Wie mehrere Gewerkschaftsvertreter der Berliner Zeitung übereinstimmend berichteten, bemüht sich Manpower seit einigen Monaten, Leiharbeiter auf Löhne herabzustufen, die deutlich unter den maßgeblichen Tarifen großer Zeitarbeits-Unternehmen liegen. Die Lohneinbußen der Arbeitskräfte, die in Siemens-Werken zum Einsatz kommen, betragen den Angaben zufolge bis zu einem Fünftel. "Die Lohndumping-Strategie ist bei Siemens Bestandteil des Personalkonzepts", sagte der Zeitarbeits-Experte des IG Metall-Vorstands in Frankfurt am Main, Jürgen Ulber…“ Artikel von Thorsten Knuf und Rouven Schellenberger in Berliner Zeitung vom 14. September 2005


Aus: LabourNet, 21. September 2005

Warum wäre ein Mindestlohn von zehn Euro notwendig

Vortrag von Rainer Roth beim Ver.di-Landeserwerbslosenausschuss Hessen am 12.09.2005 in Frankfurt


Aus: LabourNet, 21. September 2005

Aufruf von Tacheles an Behördenmitarbeiter

Wie von uns berichtet, veröffentlicht Tacheles-Sozialhilfe auf ihrer Homepage http://www.tacheles-sozialhilfe.de/ konsequent interne Verwaltungsanweisungen zum SGB II, SGB III und die kommunalen Richtlinien zu den Unterkunftskosten. Diese werden leider von den zuständigen Behörden nicht selbst veröffentlicht, sondern Tacheles ist auf die Mitarbeit von Behördenmitgliedern angewiesen. Tacheles fordert daher Behördenmitarbeiter und sonstige Personen dazu auf ihnen solche internen Verwaltungshinweise, Dienstanweisungen und Arbeitshinweise zu übersenden. Tacheles versichert 100 % Anonymität und schreibt „Wir sind uns darüber im Klarem, dass die jeweilige Verwaltung kein großes Interesse an der Weitergabe solcher Informationen hat, genau deshalb steht bei uns als Tacheles-Online-Redaktion der Informantenschutz an oberster Stelle. Wie Materialen weitergegeben werden, per Mail, Fax, Papier oder durch persönliches Treffen muss jeder selbst entscheiden.“ Weiteres im Aufruf von Tacheles an Behördenmitarbeiter vom 19.09.2005


Aus: LabourNet, 21. September 2005

Historical imbalance

Center For Individual Freedom
by staff


How quickly the Democrats forget their own history. With Justice Sandra Day O’Connor retiring from the Supreme Court, the political heirs of Franklin Delano Roosevelt are insisting that the President must select a new justice who will not tip the balance of the highest court in the land. Senator Joseph Biden, who has announced his own renewed presidential aspirations, claims the 'bottom line is that whenever there has been a balance in the Court,' the President is duty-bound to choose a replacement who 'has been more closely looked at relating to that balance'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Seeking real resistance to the war

Common Dreams
by Gordon Clark


Nonviolence, and specifically nonviolent resistance, is probably the single most misunderstood concept in the peace movement. Many committed peace activists believe that nonviolence means simply the absence of violence. Others now use the terms 'protest' and 'resistance' interchangeably, as if they were equivalent. The mass nonviolent resistance action being planned for the White House on September 26th, at the culmination of the upcoming anti-war mobilizations in Washington DC (see below), is still a rarity in a movement which regards Gandhi and King as heroes, yet which rarely discusses nonviolence as a central component of our strategies -- even though it is at the core of everything Gandhi and King taught and practiced...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Far cry from Vietnam

Pacific News Service
by Sanford Gottlieb


Today's temperate anti-Iraq War movement is a far cry from the turbulent one that mobilized during Vietnam. But it has the potential to be more effective. Big marches on Washington are mostly a thing of the past, although two activist coalitions will sponsor one on Sept. 24. The Internet has replaced them. ... As mainstream support for the Iraq war dissolves, antiwar activists find themselves in a very different position from their Vietnam War counterparts. Can this momentum be sustained, and focused into concrete demands on when and how to pull out from Iraq? One rallying point may be a resolution, introduced in the House by two Republicans and two Democrats, calling for troop withdrawal to begin no later than Oct. 1, 2006...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How the GOP stole America's 2004 election & is rigging 2008

Free Press
by Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman


The stolen elections of 2000, 2002 and 2004 are nowhere to be found in the milquetoast Carter-Baker Report now passing for wisdom on America's broken electoral system. And unless the public is ready to face the reality that we no longer live in a nation with credible elections, the 2008 balloting is all but over...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

More blood, less oil

Mother Jones
by Michael T. Klare


The Iraqi insurgency is not monolithic, and it is not always possible to determine the intentions of its various components. Nevertheless, it is clear that oil -- that is, the association between Iraqi oil and the American occupation -- plays a central role in the insurgents' hazy ideology. 'The insurgents used this,' Iraqi-born oil consultant Falah Alijbury said of American plans to privatize the Iraqi oil industry. As he put it, the insurgents are telling fellow Iraqis, 'Look, you're losing your country, you're losing your resources to a bunch of wealthy billionaires who want to take you over and make your life miserable.' From Alijbury's perspective, this is one of the insurgency's most powerful appeals. The disparate Iraqi insurgent groups were also aware of Washington's intent to finance its war and occupation through sales of Iraqi petroleum, and so have made sabotage of Iraq's pipelines, pumping stations, and loading terminals one of their most important strategic objectives...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The UN should move to Toronto

The Free Liberal
by Bernie Quigley


New York City was a terrible place for the UN to begin with. Placing a capital at the seat of power makes it an authoritarian Empire. No question, New York was the capital of an American global economic empire in the post-war world. It might have been better to make it a temporary Authority while the rest of the world, much of it in ruins, got back to strength. But once the world was on its feet again and fully empowered, the wise view of Victoria and Washington, finding the benign center of world between strong forces should prevail. New York City is a pocket of influence and is susceptible to looking out for its own kind. Authoritarianism is innate in a situation like this and breeds contempt...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Thoughts on the retirement of Douglas Feith

by Karen Kwiatkowski


We are now free of Feith, at least until he hits the road promoting his memoirs, or not. More likely, he will cash in, his public servant persona instantly evaporating in the heat of greed, or perhaps in the glow of loyalty to his former law partner. L. Marc Zell has been such a busy boy, before and after the invasion of Iraq. We live in a world where outspoken mothers of dead American soldiers are manhandled by police in Texas and in New York City, where free speech in America is as endangered as a twelve-point buck on the first day of deer season, where law-abiding if waterbound citizens are made to give up their weapons in the face of bully cops and war-weary federal soldiers who understandably can't distinguish between an occupied foreign country and our own...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iraq: The battle of Basra

by Justin Raimondo


The unraveling of the Anglo-American occupation of Iraq has been going on for some time: with the recent battle of Basra, however, it seems to have reached the point of no return. The coalition forces are no longer fighting just Sunni insurgents -- they are coming up against the elected Shi'ite authorities in the south, where the latest incident bodes ill for the occupiers. The coalition propaganda campaign has already commenced, with the Brits claiming this is all the work of the evil Iranians, who are just trying to cause trouble because they're being pressed on the nuke issue. That's what the Times of London is peddling, at any rate. Yet this explanation is cut to shreds by Occam's Razor, which suggests a simpler explanation for the outbreak of violence: local discontent with British actions, including the arrest of prominent members of the Sadrist party a few days before...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A grand adventure

Fred On Everything
by Fred Reed


Wars seem important at the time, but they usually aren't. Five years later, they are history. About sixty thousand GIs died in Vietnam. We lost. Nothing happened. It was a stupid war for nothing. Today the guys who lost faces and legs and internal organs back then are just freaks. Nobody gives a damn about them, and nobody will give a damn about you. A war is a politician's toy, but your wheelchair is forever. If you want adventure, try the fishing fleet in Alaska...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Eminent domain up close

Washington Times
by Susette Kelo


I am the Kelo in Kelo v. City of New London. ... Just last week, three of my neighbors got eviction notices, giving them 30 to 90 days to leave their homes. I received just such a notice five years ago, the day before Thanksgiving, which marked the beginning of my fight to defend what is rightfully mine. It took a gutsy demand from my state's governor to finally make the private condemning agency back down for now on its demand that I and my neighbors give up our homes so they could be bulldozed. ... I sincerely hope Congress will do what judges and local legislators so far have failed to do for me and for thousands of others across the nation: protect our homes under a plain reading of the U.S. Constitution, which says government may only take private property for a 'public use.' Federal lawmakers should pass legislation that will withhold federal funding for eminent domain projects that are for private development -- such as the one that could take my home, and which received $2 million in federal funds...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Why they fear the Ninth Amendment

Free Market News Network
by Tibor R. Machan


Quite interestingly many politicians are afraid of the Ninth Amendment of the US Constitution. Many of their intellectual cheerleaders in the academy and media show equal disdain for this portion of that legal document. Why? The Ninth Amendment states, unambiguously, that there exist individual rights Americans have that are not explicitly listed in the Constitution: 'The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.' Why should the Constitution make this point anyway? Because, actually, people have innumerable rights and to list them all is impossible, whereas listing the powers of government, which in the American system are taken to be limited, restricted to just a few, can be listed without having to produce a mammoth document...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan: There is no "noble cause" for war

by Cindy Sheehan


All of the 'Noble Cause' reasons that George has variously given for the invasion and continued illegal occupation of a sovereign nation are also patently false and ridiculous. He has been claiming recently (since he admitted a long time ago that Iraq had no WMDs or links to 9/11) that this occupation of Iraq is spreading 'freedom and democracy' in the Middle East. Really? Does he have any idea that the constitution that the Iraqi governing body is working on is based on Sharia and that it undermines the freedoms of women? Does he realize that for over 50 years women had equal rights with men in Iraq? Does George realize (of course he does) that the puppet government the US put in place in Iraq is comprised of the very same people who encouraged the invasion to line their own pockets? What kind of freedom and democracy is this? If George is so hell bent on freedom and democracy for Iraq, then why doesn't he practice it here in America?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan

The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America

Why are America's schools more separate than ever?

Christian Science Monitor


Americans have long celebrated the brave children who faced down fear and hatred to integrate schools after the Supreme Court's landmark 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education. But where is the zeal to finish the project of educational equity? Jonathan Kozol, a onetime teacher and longtime children's advocate, continues to use every conscience-gripping word in his arsenal to try to revive such zeal. The title of his new book, 'The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America,' is just the beginning of Kozol's excoriations of a system that cuts certain children off from the most basic of opportunities. He goes on to use such eye-popping terms as 'totalitarian' and 'internment,' and quotes someone describing a racially isolated school district as America's 'Soweto,' the South African township in which children standing up to apartheid schooling were massacred by police...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Energy Information


Sligo civil servants to strike over phone antennae

Chris Dooley,
Industry and Employment Correspondent

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Civil servants at the pension services office in Sligo have voted to go on strike over a plan to install three mobile-phone antennae on their office.

The action, by members of the Civil, Public and Services Union (CPSU), would cause severe disruption to some social welfare payments.

The office is the national centre for the maintenance and payment of old-age and widows' pensions.

It is also responsible for most one-parent family payments.

If the strike goes ahead new claimants and those whose circumstances alter, requiring them to submit new applications, will be among those affected.

Some 97 per cent of CPSU members, who comprise two-thirds of staff at the office, voted in favour of industrial action.

The union claims the Office of Public Works (OPW) has breached its own guidelines in allowing Vodafone to erect the antennae within 10m of a work station and 25m of a creche.

This was denied yesterday by the OPW.

About 450 civil servants work in the office on College Road, while some 50 children are placed in the on-site creche.

CPSU general officer Eoin Ronayne said there would be no strike in advance of the antennae being erected. However, if Vodafone proceeded with the installation an immediate walk-out by staff would be likely.

Conor McKinney, the union's Sligo branch representative, said the strike vote reflected the anger felt by members.

The union had met the Minister of State in charge of the OPW, Tom Parlon, and it expected him "to intervene without delay to stop this abuse of our members and their young children".

In a statement responding to the claims, the OPW said the antennae fully complied with all relevant regulations and guidelines.

"This installation is part of a nationwide roll-out of mobile phone infrastructure that utilises a number of public buildings identified as suitable, in addition to the current Garda stations that have had such equipment in operation since 1997."

As part of this roll-out a licence to install equipment on the Sligo building had been granted to Vodafone.

"Under the terms of the licence the operator is required to strictly comply with all relevant Health and Safety Acts, and will operate within current standards and EU regulations," the statement said.

Vodafone would also be required to adhere to the guidelines on exposure limits to emissions issued by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).

The Department of Social and Family Affairs said it had been advised of the result of the ballot by the CPSU.

However, the department expected that if the antennae were erected then seven days' notice of any action would be served at that point.

Existing social welfare customers whose claims remained unchanged would not be affected by the strike.

© The Irish Times

Informant: Imelda, Cork.


I have now located an earlier newspaper article on how concerned Irish civil servants are about antennae being erected on their buildings. Will paste it in below.


Civil servants threaten action over mobile phone masts

11 April 2005

By Donal Hickey

THE country’s 13,000 civil servants have threatened to take industrial action amid concerns about dangers posed by mobile phone masts on the roofs of buildings in which they work. Delegates at the Civil, Public and Services Union (CPSU) conference, in Killarney, at the weekend were told that the Government showed ‘scant regard’ for their health.

“We’ve one minister who is worried about the ill effects of passive smoking in pubs while at the same time the Government is turning a blind eye to the absorption of microwaves in the air,” said Thelma Davey, of the Central Statistics Office (CSO) Dublin branch.

She said a mast had been put on the CSO building in Rathmines, but staff were given no prior notice. “We’re not against the technology, but we want the safe implementation of it,” she told the conference.

She quoted a leading expert, Dr Dave Aldridge, who claimed radiation emissions from mobile phone masts in Ireland could be 10,000 times too high. She said the guidelines here referred to the adverse effects of heating on the body, but did not take into account the non-thermal effects within the body.

Such effects, she went on, could include an impaired immunity system, infections, viruses, arthritis, diabetes, cancer and cardiac disease. Ms Davey pointed out the Irish Doctors Environmental Association believed that between 1% and 5% of the population suffered from electro sensitivity, which was recognised as a medical condition in countries such as Sweden. Symptoms included nausea, vertigo, headaches and blurred vision. She also produced a letter sent last year by the Department of Health’s chief medical officer Dr Jim Kiely, to the Government saying uncertainties still existed about the potential impact of elector magnetic fields on human health. Ms Davey claimed the Government would earn €10 million a year for 10 years by allowing masts to be erected on buildings.

A number of motions calling on the CPSU executive to ensure safe workplaces, with calls for industrial action if necessary, were passed.

CPSU assistant general secretary Kevin Gaughran said the executive agreed with the sentiments voiced by delegates, but the union had gone a long way towards addressing the issues and would continue to work for safe and healthy workplaces.

He said a number of commitments had also been secured from the Government on the issue. Mr Gaughran said the Government had given a commitment that health and safety regulations regarding masts would be adhered to.

He also told conference that a number of international bodies, including the World Health Organisation (WHO), had concluded there were no adverse effects from masts.

The conference heard calls for a change in regulations so that civil servants could openly express their views on certain political and community issues was made at the CPSU conference.

At present, the civil service code of standards and behaviour prevents them from engaging in public debate on political issues without prior permission from their department.

Education and Science branch delegate Sinead Gilmartin, proposing that the regulation be amended and said her branch did not want the Official Secrets Act to be abolished, or ignored, and civil servants should not disclose sensitive information regarding their work.

The motion was passed unanimously.

© Thomas Crosbie Media, 2005.


Source: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/626368/

Telecommunications' sly strategies for denouncing mast protestors

Cindy Sheehan, the anti-war activist has plenty to say, and it’s not all about Bush


Informant: Steven L. Robinson

From ufpj-news

Cindy Sheehan


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