
Exiles From a City and From a Nation


The President's Popularity is Sinking Like a Stone


Toxic Waters 'Will Make New Orleans Unsafe for a Decade'


New Orleans TOXIC For DECADE! Needs "EM" Now

War on terror - Business as usual

Reflektionen zum 11.September


Kent Courier

15:00 - 09 September 2005

Two mobile phone companies have lost their fight to install nine masts on the roof of a warehouse in Southborough.

Communication giants T-Mobile and O2 initially applied to Tunbridge Wells Borough Council for planning permission to erect the steel antennas, which act as mini mobile phone masts, in Draper Street in August last year.

But the authority refused the application because the proposal would have a pontentially detrimental effect to the character and appearance of the Southborough Conservation Area and would not be in keeping with the fabric of the existing building.

There were also concerns about the volume of radio frequency emissions.

In January, an appeal was launched against the refusal but now the Planning Inspectorate has thrown it out on the grounds that, while there is a need for better network coverage in the area, the scheme would "create somewhat bulky and alien features out of keeping with the form of the host building, which would be highly visible from both private residential property and public viewpoints".

The decision is a relief to residents, who have seen a flurry of masts erected in the area during the last few years.

After six similar antennas were given the go ahead on the same warehouse roof last year, residents living in the adjacent Castle Street were even considering moving house.

Elaine Cardon-Llach has been fighting a battle for almost two years to stop a 12ft mast being installed near her house between Harlands Way and Birchwood Avenue.

She said: "I'm shocked because they [mobile phone companies] usually win on appeal and the term 'conservation area' means nothing these days."

But the London Road resident did not think the ruling would be the start of a trend to stop other masts being erected.


Lincolnshire Echo 10.09.05

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10:30 - 10 September 2005
Prices of homes near the site of a proposed mobile phone mast could plummet by up to £10,000, according to residents.

People living in Caistor Road in Birchwood, Lincoln, also fear their children's health would be affected by radiation from the mast.

Now they are starting a petition in a bid to stop the mast going up.

Mobile phone company Hutchison 3G has applied to Lincoln City Council to put up the 12 and a half metre structure.

The firm wants to put it on a grass verge in Birchwood Avenue, directly behind 13 Caistor Road.

Mum-of-one Cheryl Roberts (41) lives at the address and says she has contacted estate agents who told her the value of her property would drop.

"Agents have told us that we could lose as much as £10,000 on the sale of our house," she said.

"I and my husband Clive have plans to move abroad when our 14-year-old daughter has finished her education.

"This could really affect the price we get when we sell.

"No-one wants something like this near them. It's going to look horrendous and there are also the suspected health risks.

"If there is the slightest chance this is going to make my family ill then we obviously don't want it."

Her neighbour, 39-year-old Sam Wakefield, said estate agents had also told her the value of her property would fall.

"We just feel so powerless. We've been told by the council that we cannot object on the grounds of house prices, or health risks - these are the things that are really worrying us," she said.

The mum-of-three plans to launch a petition today.

"We're going to show this company how much objection there is. There's already two masts in Birchwood Avenue. People are sick of it," she said.

A spokesman for Walters in Silver Street, Lincoln, said that mobile phone masts can affect house prices.

"It's fair to say that a mobile phone mast yards from a property is going to have a negative effect on saleability," he said. "And it of course follows that if a house isn't selling then the asking price has to be dropped. Valuing is a subjective process, but these masts are unpopular with many people."

Lincoln City Council spokesman Zoe Staton said: "It is true that the effect on house prices and health concerns are not material planning considerations.

"We can only look at appearance and site when making a decision."

Across the country, concerns have been raised about the effects of radiation from phone masts. It is feared they might lead to cancer.

3G spokesman Brian Spooner said: "The proposed base station location has been chosen to fill in a requirement for coverage in the area and will blend with existing street lighting columns.

"I understand some people's concerns about the health issue based upon what they might have seen in the media, but it is important to look at the scientific evidence surrounding it."

Omega here you can look at the scientific evidence:

Mr Spooner refused to comment on house prices.

Residents in mast battle

Shropshire Star 10.09 05

A towering mobile phone mast planned for a residential area of Shrewsbury could be scrapped amid a storm of objections from nearly 100 protesters.

Telecommunications giant Hutchinson 3G wants to build the 60ft mast on land off the B4380 Shelton Road in Copthorne - less than 40m from the nearest home.

But residents have launched a campaign to have the scheme thrown out. They claim that the mast is too high, has potential health implications and is too close to houses.

The 95 residents have also raised concerns about the close proximity of the site to former Ministry of Defence land which has outline planning permission for a new primary school.

Planning bosses at Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough Council are due to discuss the proposal at a meeting on Tuesday, and are likely to refuse the plans as the mast would be "visually prominent".

The residents have gained the backing of ward councillor George Richey and MP for Shrewsbury and Atcham Daniel Kawczynski. Councillor Richey will suggest two alternative sites for the mast which were further away from homes.

Nobody from Hutchinson 3G was available for comment today.

9/11 and Manipulation of the USA


Das gestohlene Blau - Sind Bundesrat und BUWAL im Chemtrail-Netz verfangen?

endlich sind auch meine beiden letzten artikel zu den chemtrails die im „journal franz weber“ (genf) erschienen, am internet abrufbar:

Das gestohlene Blau - Chemtrails in der Schweiz

Sind Bundesrat und BUWAL im Chemtrail-Netz verfangen?

die artikel sind etwas spezifischer auf die situation in der schweiz bezogen, beinhalten aber auch einige neue informationen; etwa aussagen von jim phelps, dem ozonloch-experten und „whistle blower“.

ich werde versuchen, meine chronische technikscheue zu überwinden und -auch dank eines neuen webhosts- nach und nach weitere neuigkeiten in verschiedenen rubriken aufzuschalten. diese werden dann entsprechend (NEU) gekennzeichnet.

vor allem an meine schweizer leser(innen) geht der hinweis auf einen klima-artikel der im „MAGAZIN“ nr.34/august 2005 erschien. darin bestätigt NASA klima-experte james hansen fast sämtliche von „deep shield“ gemachten aussagen zur klima-situation.

das fazit des artikels ? gemäss hansen ist der „point of no return“ eigentlich schon überschritten und ein exponentieller anstieg der erdtemperatur um etwa 7°C eine frage von wenigen jahrzehnten.

hansens empfohlene gegenmassnahme ? wir hören - und staunen wenig: die „zukünftige“ erschaffung eines künstlichen schutzschildes gegen das uv-licht, natürlich ! und auch das IPCC bezieht nun hansens erkenntnisse mit ein...


da das MAGAZIN keine internetpräsenz pflegt, findet ihr auch diesen artikel (leicht gekürzt) bald auf meiner website: wenn die „kontrollierte freigabe“ von informationen nicht im tempo noch zulegt und solche chemtrail-websites nächstens überflüssig macht...

Tja...währenddessen braut sich vor floridas küste schon der nächste hurrikan zusammen: ob es dieses mal vielleicht endlich die richtigen trifft ?

es grüsst euch alle gabriel stetter



Nachricht von Ruth Gill

Roberts Refused to Defend FCC on Minority Ownership Policy

In 1990, the Federal Communications Commission asked the first Bush administration to defend a policy aimed at encouraging more minority ownership of broadcast stations. As the number two man in the solicitor general's office, John G. Roberts Jr. played a critical role in the government's decision to reject the request, according to documents that came to light yesterday.


Republicans Still Plan to Cut Welfare Spending

Republicans are going ahead with long-standing plans to trim Medicaid, food stamps and other benefits, even though party moderates are balking at cutting programs that aid the poor while hundreds of thousands are homeless from Hurricane Katrina.


Contractors 'Run Loose' in Iraq

Recent shootings of Iraqi civilians, allegedly involving the legion of U.S., British and other foreign security contractors operating in the country, are drawing increasing concern from Iraqi officials and U.S. commanders who say they undermine relations between foreign military forces and Iraqi civilians.


Blame Game, Race Card

Molly Ivins argues that George W. Bush has come up with his worst idea since he decided to have the military investigate torture by the military at Abu Ghraib prison. He, George W. personally, plans to investigate to "find out what went right and what went wrong" in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.


Blackwater Mercenaries Deploy in New Orleans

Heavily armed paramilitary mercenaries from the Blackwater private security firm, infamous for their work in Iraq, are openly patrolling the streets of New Orleans.


Class in America

America was not established as a true democracy. The original framers of the constitution desired that only White men who owned property were to have a voice in how the government was run, including the right to vote.


Today, Padilla. Tomorrow, Who

Media coverage of Hurricane Katrina all but drowned out what may well be one of the most consequential court decisions in American history – and one that should focus even more attention on the ideological composition of the Supreme Court.


From Information Clearing House

Police State America

U.S. citizenship will not protect individuals from being deprived of their liberty if the Administration decides they are a threat to U.S. national security.


Britain now faces its own blowback

The videotape of the suicide bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan has switched the focus of the London bombings away from the establishment view of brainwashed, murderous individuals and highlighted a starker political reality.


Defeating terror may mean giving up rights, MI5 warns

The Director-General of MI5, allowed a confidential speech that she had given to Dutch intelligence officers to be published on the agency’s website yesterday. She gave a warning that an erosion of civil liberties might be necessary to stop more British citizens from being killed by terrorists.



How much do you value your rights?

Would losing some civil liberties be a price worth paying for greater security?


From Information Clearing House

Army did not tell mother about son's accidental death in Iraq for a year

Army officials said the failure to notify the family of the true cause of Ballard's death was an oversight. The military sometimes incorrectly categorizes the cause of war deaths.


From Information Clearing House

Requiem for a Nation

Here we see 200,000 “liberated” Iraqis thrown out of their home without any control over their destiny as to where they can go, and here comes the assault — a action replay of Fallujah. According to the reports the operation would be extended to Ramadi, Qaem, Rawa and Samara as well.


Tal Afar Residents Send Out SOS

Residents of the northern Iraqi city of Tal Afar has sent out an SOS to the international community to interfere with the US occupation authorities to stop their continuing bombing of their devastated city, revealing a terrible humanitarian situation.


From Information Clearing House

A fatal detachment from reality

How Bush's failures in Iraq and New Orleans are linked.

The new Ground Zero

Like the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington, whose fourth anniversary is this weekend, Hurricane Katrina is an event whose consequences will extend far beyond the physical, into the very mind of America.


From Information Clearing House

Lacking patients, Camp Ripley medical volunteers head home

After a frantic week, the clinic for hurricane victims is just about ready. But the medical staff is gone.


From Information Clearing House

German Plane With Katrina Aid Turned Back

A German military plane carrying 15 tons of military rations for survivors of Hurricane Katrina was sent back by U.S. authorities, officials said Saturday.


Firms with Bush ties snag Katrina deals

Companies with ties to the Bush White House and the former head of FEMA are clinching some of the administration's first disaster relief and reconstruction contracts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.


From Information Clearing House

Point Those Fingers

Raw political power will be used to block any independent investigation.


From Information Clearing House

Soldiers, Cops Muzzle Reporters in Wake of Katrina

The fact that the National Guard now bars entry (by journalists) to the very places where people last week were barred from LEAVING (The Convention Center and Superdome) is a kind of perverse and perfectly backward postscript to this awful chapter in American history.


From Information Clearing House

Media barred from city's dead zones

The military will bar journalists and photographers from documenting the recovery of bodies left littering New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina, the army general in charge said today.


U.S. must examine its soul

Ghosts with dirty faces stagger about in bare feet and floating, rolling cadavers snag on the upturned roots of pecan trees.


Flood survivors cuffed as evacuation begins

ARMED police have begun to handcuff hurricane survivors who refuse to leave their homes in New Orleans.


Jose Padilla and The Death of Liberty

Americans seem unaware of the great loss we've all suffered by the Padilla verdict.

by Mike Whitney

The verdict confers absolute authority on the President to incarcerate American citizens without charge and without any legal means for the accused to challenge the terms of his detention. It is the end of "inalienable rights", the end of The Bill of Rights, and the end of any meaningful notion of personal liberty.


Katrina fallout echoes earlier criticism


New York Times continues its slanted reporting on brewing Iranian nuclear crisis


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Should Congress Investigate the Bush Administration's Iraq War Lies?

I just sent a personal message to all my representatives in Congress, I hope you will join me!


Should Congress Investigate the Bush Administration's Iraq War Lies?

I urge you to support the Resolution of Inquiry by Congresswoman Barbara Lee (Dem., Calif.) and 26 co-sponsors to require the White House and the State Department to "transmit all information relating to communication with officials of the United Kingdom between January 1, 2002, and October 16, 2002, relating to the policy of the United States with respect to Iraq."


Thank you

Russ Ferriday

Why this is our last chance to save the planet


Barbara Bush Calls Evacuees Better Off


Informant: Walter Lippmann

Electrical fields can make you sick


It's unbelievably GOOD NEWS. Imelda

I hope you will agree that this most heartwarming report, transcribed below--"Electrical fields can make you sick"-- for all EHS/ES sufferers on the formal acknowledgement by the UK's HPA (Health Protection Agency in today's THE SUNDAY TIMES deserves its own special release to all immediately.

May I add that some really momentous/magnificent things are issuing forth from Belfast and N. Ireland. Dr Neil Irvine who has chief responsibility for this HPA/RPD report is a Belfast epidemiologist. OUR--EHS sufferers globally-- DAY HAS COME!

Best, Imelda, Cork.

THE SUNDAY TIMES, SEPTEMBER 11, 2005. Page 7, print edition

[by] Sarah-Kate Templeton
Medical Correspondent

A BRITISH government agency has acknowledged for the first time that people can suffer nausea, headaches and muscle pains when exposed to electromagnetic fields from mobile phones, electricity pylons and computer screens. The condition known as electrosensitivity, a heightened reaction to electrical energy, will be recognised as a physical impairment in Britain. A report by the Health Protection agency (HPA), to be published next month, will state that increasing numbers of people are suffering from the syndrome. While the total figure is not known, thousands are believed to be affected to some extent. The report, by the agency's radiation protection division, is expected to say that GPs do now not know how to treat sufferers and that more research is needed to find cures. It will give a full list of the symptoms, which can include dizziness, irregular hearbeat and loss of memory. Although most European countries do now not recognise the condition, Britain will follow Sweden where electrosensitivity was recognised as a physical impairment in 2000. About 300,000 Swedish men and women are sufferers. In Ireland, a number of doctors have argued that up to 5% of the population may be suffering ill health as a result of radiation from mobile phones and masts. The Irish Doctors' Environmental Association (IDEA) recently urged the government to adopt a cautious approach to the technology, and to ensure that people who claim to have related illnesses are monitored. In a study, the doctors said they had identified 16 people whom they believe have been adversely affected by radiation. The condition is not recognised by the Irish government, however. The Irish medical report concluded that "sensitive individuals" suffer "devastating effects" from exposure to electromagnetic radiation. The IDEA's co-founders Philip Michael and Elizabeth Cullen, said more people were reporting severe health effects linked to radiation. The association's claims were strongly refuted by the industry and government. The Irish government's Department of Communications has said that tests on mobile-phone base stations in the country found that none exceeded internationally recognised guidelines on radiation levels. Mobile-phone operators also dismissed claims that radiation from masts or phones could be harmful. The British acknowledgement may fuel legal action by those who claim mobile phone masts have made them ill. In January Sir William Stewart, chairman of the HPA and the government's adviser on mobile phones, warned that a small proportion of the population could be harmed by exposure to electromagnetic fields, and called for careful examination of the problem. The HPA has now reviewed all scientific literature on electrosensitivity and concluded that it is a real syndrome. The condition has previously been dismissed as psychological. The findings should lead to better treatment for sufferers. In Sweden people who are allergic to electrical energy receive government support to reduce exposure in their homes and workplaces. Rod Read, chairman of Electrosensitivity UK, said this heralded "awareness of a new form of pollution from electrical energy."


I've discovered that the Irish edition of THE SUNDAY TIMES article is not identical with the UK Sunday Times edition. When one googles "Electrical fields can make you sick" it is the UK edition that becomes available. Consequently, you might like to also post on your website the Irish edition which I have transcribed below.

Best, Imelda, Cork, Ireland

THE SUNDAY TIMES, [Republic of Ireland edition] SEPTEMBER 11, 2005. Page 7, print edition

"ELECTRICAL FIELDS CAN MAKE YOU SICK [by] Sarah-Kate Templeton Medical Correspondent

A BRITISH government agency has acknowledged for the first time that people can suffer nausea, headaches and muscle pains when exposed to electromagnetic fields from mobile phones, electricity pylons and computer screens. The condition known as electrosensitivity, a heightened reaction to electrical energy, will be recognised as a physical impairment in Britain. A report by the Health Protection agency (HPA), to be published next month, will state that increasing numbers of people are suffering from the syndrome. While the total figure is not known, thousands are believed to be affected to some extent. The report, by the agency's radiation protection division, is expected to say that GPs do not know how to treat sufferers and that more research is needed to find cures. It will give a full list of the symptoms, which can include dizziness, irregular hearbeat and loss of memory. Although most European countries do not recognise the condition, Britain will follow Sweden where electrosensitivity was recognised as a physical impairment in 2000. About 300,000 Swedish men and women are sufferers. In Ireland, a number of doctors have argued that up to 5% of the population may be suffering ill health as a result of radiation from mobile phones and masts. The Irish Doctors' Environmental Association (IDEA) recently urged the government to adopt a cautious approach to the technology, and to ensure that people who claim to have related illnesses are monitored. In a study, the doctors said they had identified 16 people whom they believe have been adversely affected by radiation. The condition is not recognised by the Irish government, however. The Irish medical report concluded that "sensitive individuals" suffer "devastating effects" from exposure to electromagnetic radiation. The IDEA's co-founders Philip Michael and Elizabeth Cullen, said more people were reporting severe health effects linked to radiation. The association's claims were strongly refuted by the industry and government. The Irish government's Department of Communications has said that tests on mobile-phone base stations in the country found that none exceeded internationally recognised guidelines on radiation levels. Mobile-phone operators also dismissed claims that radiation from masts or phones could be harmful. The British acknowledgement may fuel legal action by those who claim mobile phone masts have made them ill. In January Sir William Stewart, chairman of the HPA and the government's adviser on mobile phones, warned that a small proportion of the population could be harmed by exposure to electromagnetic fields, and called for careful examination of the problem. The HPA has now reviewed all scientific literature on electrosensitivity and concluded that it is a real syndrome. The condition has previously been dismissed as psychological. The findings should lead to better treatment for sufferers. In Sweden people who are allergic to electrical energy receive government support to reduce exposure in their homes and workplaces. Rod Read, chairman of Electrosensitivity UK, said this heralded "awareness of a new form of pollution from electrical energy."


Thanks, Robert!!!!

Ironic that this announcement comes exactly one year from time-period for Children With Leukaemia Conference. I am pretty sure it was a person from the NRPB that Cindy Sage "held her own against" during an interesting panel discussion at the 2004 Conference. I do have notes, etc. but not enough time right now to check.

We all know the U.S. and at least Australia had plenty of evidence of potential harm from EMR prior to organizing the $46 mil EMR RAPID rip-off even tho relationship to many of those effects were not and have not been acknowledged.

What is criminal (my opinion) is the fact that the EMF RAPID Interagency Committee which does connect Leukemia and EMF's as well as immune deficiency, has never been presented to Congress!!!

I will eventually get back to my letter to Health & Human Services here in the U.S. and will keep pressure on candidates for the next election. As you know, I have many projects waiting.........

I am very concerned about press releases that do not emphasize sleeping areas and close proximity of electrical appliances/devices but, of course, am still grateful for any progress. The recent study re electric stoves in the U.K. does not "tell the story" re what occurs when persons sleep in close proximity to electric appliances such as electric clocks, electric clock radios, power supplies for cordless phones and other telephone equipment, fans, etc. and, of course, also does not address the issue of high frequencies on electrical wiring.

As with most EMR work including cell phone and antennae health problems, the facts and information can be addressed separately but I know from increasing numbers of contacts, the public, in general, are aware that effects may be the same regardless of the source. Take care - Joanne

Joanne C. Mueller Guinea Pigs R Us
731 - 123rd Avenue N.W. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA Phone: 763-755-6114 Email: jcmpelican@aol.com


The Israeli newspaper "Maariv" translated into hebrew the below Sunday Times article that NRPB's recognized the radiation as the cause for EHS. Very important as Maariv is read widely, and now people meet for the first time with this term of EHS.

Notice the sentence "The HPA has now reviewed all scientific literature on electrosensitivity and concluded that it is a real syndrome. The condition had previously been dismissed as psychological."

Sorry about the cynicism, it IS a very important step forward, but it looks like the idea is to produce more jobs for the drug industry than to really help reduce the exposure. They recognize it but they are also not going to stop the spread of more antennas and new technologies (Wi-Fi etc) that increase the EHS. It is dangerous that they will use it as red herring to find a pill for every single symptom instead of encouraging reduction of exposure: everything that is recognized as "syndrom" is going to make profits for the drug industry. I think the emphasis needs to be - using this recognition in order to bring it back on the authorities: spreading this technology causes people to develop EHS and no magic bullet with give the answer but the solution is to focus on the cause. Until you don't remove the cause of the problem one can take pills forever and still suffer, moreover, one gets sicker from the side effects of the drugs.

Iris Atzmon.


Please, have a look at:

"Electrical fields can make you sick"
by Sarah-Kate Templeton, Medical Correspondent, The Sunday Times - Britain,
September 11, 2005


"Phones CAN make you ill"
by Fiona McRae, Daily Mail - Britain, September 12, 2005

Best regards

Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm


In the recent Press Statement (see below) from the Health Protection Agency (HPA) of England and Wales, a serious mistake can be found (see below at [***]).


12 September 2005 Forthcoming Review on Electrosensitivity

Recent newspaper articles about a forthcoming report from the Health Protection Agency are speculative, and various assertions about its contents are inaccurate. (Sunday Times, 11 Sept 2005; Daily Mail, 12 September 2005).

The report will be a scientific review of the topic of electrosensitivity with a public health perspective. It will not be a definitive statement of policy from the Board of the Health Protection Agency. The Board of the Agency is not in a position to make a decision on whether electrosensitivity is a "medical condition" or not. This is for the medical profession to decide on an international basis.

The report will be published next month with a press release summarising its contents. This will be available to news media under embargo.


[***] In Sweden, under various international and national handicap laws and regulations - such as the UN 22 Standard Rules and the Swedish action plan for persons with impairments (prop. 1999/2000:79 "Den nationella handlingplanen för handikappolitiken - Från patient till medborgare"), the Swedish Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS-lagen), the Swedish Social Services Act (Socialtjänstlagen), and the Human Rights Act of the EU - or elsewhere in the world among all UN nations, impairments are NOT "for the medical profession to decide on an international basis". Persons with impairments are NOT "a medical condition". This is very important to realize and understand.

Best regards

Olle Johansson,
assoc. prof. The Experimental Dermatology Unit Department of Neuroscience Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm


Is the tide slowly turning against ICNIRP’s “end of history” ideology?


HPA report recognises EHS

This report, I would predict, is going to have less impact than we would like. Key issues in its long preparation for release will be how to assess degrees of EHS in order to secure assistance, proof of EMF dose sufficient to cause EHS in court cases relating to masts, and lack of mechanism with regard to precaution in siting. EHS will be seen as a minority issue, not yet ready for influencing decisions.

I predict that the message on masts will be the very least aspect drawn attention to. Power lines, computers and strong fields will be given most attention. The fact that the pre-release says "thousands are believed to be affected to some extent" shows that it is not really taken seriously with regard to masts.

I recognise a fundamental aspect to this development, which I have written about here:


1) if EHS is recognised and has a diversity of symptoms, then there is likely to be a common cause.

2) If the common cause is identified and has further causes beyond EHS, then precaution needs to be taken against not only EHS but the further causes.

3) I predict that one of the common causes lies in EMF effects on enzymes, perhaps at skin-deep level, notably nitric oxide synthase, superoxide dismutase and acetylcholinesterase, all of which have been shown to be affected by mobile phone EMFs.

4) These enzyme effects predict thyroid disease, CFS, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, neurological diseases including MS and MND, and cancer.

5) These predicted outcomes have already been identified as associated with mobile masts.

This is not the whole story, but recognition of EHS presents more than a reason to seek palliative medicine.



I'm pretty sure the population of Sweden is only about 5 - 6 million too so according to the quoted figure of 300,000 EMS sufferers there that makes 5% of the population minimum.

That would mean 3.25 million people suffering in the UK.

And what about the numbers of people who live with this as lower level suffering - ie a level too low for them to bother to do anything about? Maybe they attribute it to stress? Maybe they drink to quell the discomfort? Maybe they just think it's the way they are? Could be many, many more sufferers and I bet there are.



You could well be right, Andy - but surely the point is that the link has been made! That's pivotal. If 300,000 people are affected in Sweden, it's likely that a greater number will be affected here - Britain being more densely populated and suffering higher levels of EMR pollution. The article mentions that in Sweden there are funds for protective measures for sufferers, and suggests research here to look for a 'cure'. Those are very emotive terms. Wouldn't a good human rights lawyer be able to argue that it is against human rights protocol to force citizens to sleep under Faraday cages, line their walls with tin foil, and carry protective boxes around with them, just to keep themselves safe from harmful technology? Perhaps I'm being over optimistic, but I think it would be a good idea to investigate that angle. Also the lawyer who was at the Tetra and Phone Mast Forum was going to look into the possibility of legal actions. She may be interested in this latest development. I do agree though, they will do their level best to quash this, so how effectively we use it, is really down to us. So that everyone is quite clear and for those who may be concerned about me expressing these views, can I state that this is a purely personal opinion.



Gary .

The population of Sweden was estimated at : 9,001,774 in July 2005.

300.000 is still a very large number from that number.

Think about it, the Health system regards HIV as a disaster.

How many Brits have HIV?

I am sure the % is a lot smaller if you count heads.

Human form of BSE was and is a disaster.

How many % of the population do they account for?

I have heard the number 130.000 masts mentioned.

All the masts have close neighbors, and not just 1 or 2, but whole neighborhoods, nurseries, schools, hospitals, old peoples homes, villages, whatever.

I am sure that there are tens or hundreds of people who are affected by each mast.

So, I would not be surprised if your count is understated.

Best regards.



Brief comment on the future of masts.

Estimates are up to 130,000 additional for 5 x 3G networks.

Baseline (non-capacity) calculation based on residential hectares and mast range between 1.5 and 5km is in excess of 80,000.

MOA seem completely confused: one MOA representative wrote to me personally saying they only needed 5,000 more. This is completely erroneous.

Qinetiq (yesterday's email) is the privatised arm of MoD and has come up with "rescue technology" for antenna (not mast) sharing. They say this alleviates the requirement for 100,000 additional masts, and I am sure they will have done their sums pretty well.

Most people will in the next 2-3 years be within the 400m zone described in the Naila report.

My earlier comments on what EHS signifies in terms of wider consequences of even one of its likely causes, says it all.

3-5% are canaries. The rest are miners.



Hi Agnes

Yes I wasn't really thinking. The idea of EMS and that only a very small percentage of people are EMS also implies that the overwhelming majority of people are "normal" and won't be affected, so people will just breathe a sigh of relief when the idea of EMS becomes widely accepted and just carry on using their mobiles and god knows what else. They'll just think "Oh it's only a tiny minority of people with something wrong with them who'll suffer from mobile use etc".



It appears we now have two official proofs of damage from phones and masts. First, the recent research that proved mobiles could cause irreparable damage to eyes. This research was specifically and directly linked to mobiles, ie the causal link had been established beyond doubt. That is, if the newspaper articles etc reported correctly - and since there were verbatim quotes from the scientists themselves, there is no reason to doubt their validity. Sadly, very little was made of this.

Secondly, the HPA Report. The Government / Industry cannot be allowed to sweep this under the carpet, or pretend that it will only affect a small minority. I believe MS should put them right on their estimations of how many people could suffer ill health. Sweden's whole population is roughly comparable to the population of London, and their emissions are much lower! So, 300,000 in Sweden (hardly an insignificant number) would be just a fraction of what we could expect in the UK. Add to this the number of sufferers whose eyes could be permanently damaged, plus the risk to children as stated by Stewart, and it's obvious there are some powerful arguments that the Government should be asked to act on. Of course it's important to include all the other research on links to cancer etc. but these latest 'proofs' on EMS and eyesight are very significant because unlike the others there are no 'get out' clauses or ambiguities that the Operators can twist to their advantage.



From Karen Barratt (see below just received at Mast Sanity Press Office)

Sounds as though we can expect more fence-sitting.

----- Original Message ----- From: Press Office To: Press Office Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 3:24 PM Subject: HPA Press Statement on the HPA Forthcoming Review on Electrosensitivity

Dear all, Advance media coverage of the forthcoming HPA RPD Report on electrosensitivity in various newspapers over the weekend and today has lead to considerable follow-on media interest. As such, we felt it beneficial to issue a holding press statement. This will appear on the HPA website shortly ( http://www.hpa.org.uk ). The RPD Report is scheduled for publication at the beginning of October.

Press Office Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards Health Protection Agency Chilton, Didcot Oxfordshire, OX11 0RQ Tel: (01235) 822744/5 Fax: (01235) 822746 Email: pressoffice@hpa-rp.org.uk Website: http://www.hpa.org.uk/radiation

HPA PRESS STATEMENT ( 12 September 2005 )

Forthcoming Review on Electrosensitivity


Though much as I expected. Remember Rubin & Wessley for the MTHR published a paper a few months ago saying that EHS had nothing to do with EMFs according to all the "best" conducted research ever.

That sort of stance is so at odds with the much lesser power of masts as a cause of problems, that it would be very difficult for them to say "masts cause EHS" !

This is where we need to jump up and down on the DoH, to make a medical statement and take the argument on.



With regard to the below, according to the Israeli news they will write a full list of symptoms in the report, and the medical community will have to study this more in order to find drugs. Just today I read that 40 companies are trying to find the magic bullets for memmory loss. They want to create "a better brain", they don't care that cell phones can create "a worse brain". It's in the new issue of "popular science" Sep. 2005, there are pills for concentration, sleep, cognitive performance etc.

Iris Atzmon

Pentagon plant Atomkrieg


(SPON) Ein neuer Plan des Pentagon sieht vor, den Umgang mit Atomwaffen zur regulären Option eines Krieges zu machen, Truppen und Kommandeure für den Einsatz zu schulen und auch den nuklearen Ersteinsatz zu ermöglichen.


FEMA Chief Brown Paid Millions to Florida Residents Unaffected by '04 Hurricane to Help Bush Win State

by Jason Leopold
September 10, 2005

Michael Brown, the embattled head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, approved payments in excess of $31 million in taxpayer money to thousands of Florida residents who were unaffected by Hurricane Frances and three other hurricanes last year in an effort to help President Bush win a majority of votes in that state during his reelection campaign, according to published reports. "Some Homeland Security sources said FEMA's efforts to distribute funds quickly after Frances and three other hurricanes that hit the key political battleground state of Florida in a six-week period last fall were undertaken with a keen awareness of the looming presidential elections," according to a May 19 Washington Post story. Homeland Security sources told the Post that after the hurricanes, Brown "and his allies [recommended] him to succeed Tom Ridge as Homeland Security Secretary because of their claim that he helped deliver Florida to President Bush by efficiently responding to the Florida hurricanes." The South Florida Sun-Sentinel uncovered e-mails from Florida Governor Jeb Bush that confirmed those allegations and directly implicated Brown as playing politics at the expense of hurricane victims....


Eichel will sparen - zahlen sollens die ALGII Empfänger

Die Streichliste des Ministeriums sieht unter anderem eine Absenkung der Leistungssätze beim Arbeitslosengeld II vor; in diesem Zusammenhang ist auch an eine Senkung von Vermögensfreibeträgen und eine Neudefinition von Bedarfsgemeinschaften gedacht. Senkung von Vermögensfreibeträgen und eine Neudefinition von Bedarfsgemeinschaften

Die Arbeitsmarktförderung soll pauschal gekürzt werden. Kultureinrichtungen sollen mit wesentlich weniger Geld auskommen, ebenso der Denkmalschutz, Orchester und Stiftungen.


SPD = Rot mit Geld - äh Gelb gemischt = ???

Nachricht von wikipedia user

Now Up To Six X-Class Flares and Counting

September 10th 2005


Now Up To Six X-Class Flares and Counting

by Mitch Battros – ECTV

Due to so many ‘large’ solar flares, this may be the last newsletter related to solar storms. So instead, simply go to the ECTV website for the latest posting and updates.

Within the last two hours a new X-Class flare has fired away. But there is one very important difference; now sunspot region 808 has rotated into position to cause “Earth Directed” flares and CME’s (coronal mass ejections). From this point on, and for the next 23 days, each and every flare has the potential for a glancing or direct hit to Earth.

When the charged particles hit our protective magnetic field, the magnetic field shifts as if cranking tightly on a jar top. When this occurs, it in turn, causes a shift in the jet stream, often causing it to drop down low enough to disturb weather patterns. And when this occurs, it causes ocean currents to shift.

Sun-Earth Diagram: http://www.earthchangestv.net/images/sunearth_01G.gif

Today’s X-Class Flare: http://www.sec.noaa.gov/rt_plots/xray_5mBL.html

Kp Index: http://www.sec.noaa.gov/rt_plots/kp_3d.html

This is the sequence which is easily followed in my “Equation” first published back in 1997. You can read about this in Chapter 7 of ‘Solar Rain’ titled “Solar Flares, CME’s, and the Equation”. Table of Contents: http://www.earthchangestv.net/Table_of_Contents.htm


Sunspots => Solar Flares => Magnetic Field Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitch battros)

Pentagon Revises Nuclear Strike Plan


Informant: Kev Hall

Worldwatch-Institut verlangt Umdenken in Umweltpolitik

Das US-Umweltinstitut Worldwatch in Washington hat nach der Hurrikan-Katastrophe ein Umdenken in der internationalen Umweltpolitik verlangt. "Die Katastrophe, die sich an der Golfküste abspielt, ist ein Weckruf für Entscheidungsträger in aller Welt", sagte Direktor Christopher Flavin in Washington.


Töpfer fordert Abkehr vom Erdöl – und provoziert die CDU/CSU

Der Direktor des UN-Umweltprogramms, Klaus Töpfer fordert nach der US-Flutkatastrophe eine Wende in der globalen Energiepolitik hin zum Klimaschutz. "Der Klimawandel ist keine Vision, er findet jetzt schon statt", sagte er in Berlin vor dem Nachhaltigkeitsrat der Bundesregierung. Bei der Energieversorgung solle so wenig Kohlenstoff verbraucht werden wie möglich.


Mit Pflanzenöl Auto fahren

Wie man als Autofahrer dem Benzinpreis ein Schnippchen schlagen kann, zeigte der SPD-Bundestagsabgeordnete und Parlamentarische Staatssekretär Ulrich Kasparick in Kroppenstedt. In der örtlichen Ölmühle stellte er seinen umgerüsteten Pkw vor, der von nun an mit Pflanzenöl fährt.



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