
Antarctic glaciers melting faster than being replaced


Informant: Teresa Binstock

Resisting the war machine

Resisting the war machine and U.S. ecocide

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Churches Installing Cell Phone Jammers


Informant: Our bill of rights

New World Order


Informant: Harry Mobley

The Choice 2004


Regierung ignoriert den Willen des Volkes in der Verkehrspolitik

Eine überwältigende Mehrheit der Deutschen spricht sich dafür aus, den Güterverkehr von der Straße auf die umweltfreundliche Schiene zu verlagern. 93 Prozent der Befragten stimmen Maßnahmen zur Verlagerung des Güterverkehrs auf die Schiene zu, wie die Studie "Umweltbewusstsein in Deutschland 2004" belegt. Die Bundesregierung ignoriert den Willen des Volkes in der Verkehrspolitik.


Tiere und Pflanzen leben gefährlich

Zurzeit rotten wir Menschen jeden Tag bis zu 100 Tier- und Pflanzenarten aus. Wir spielen Schöpfung rückwärts und pfuschen dem lieben Gott ins Handwerk. Aber über diesen größten Umweltskandal regt sich kaum noch jemand auf - weder in Deutschland noch sonst wo. So wird auch die derzeit in Bangkok tagende Artenschutzkonferenz von den deutschen Medien kaum beachtet. An das Artensterben haben wir uns offenbar gewöhnt. Oder wir verdrängen es nach dem zynischen Motto: "Tiere und Pflanzen brauchen wir gar nicht. Hauptsache Mensch."


John Kerry for President


ASCII stands against eviction

ASCII stands against eviction - free software needs home

The ASCII squat, a free public internet space run by hackers and activists in Amsterdam, is getting evicted at this moment by the local police.

See http://squat.net/asciicam

ASCII was set up recycling old computers and using only free software (GNU GPL) to bring broader access to technology for the populace.

ASCII is a collective of free and autonomous thinkers, technically and politically aware hackers and free software developers.

The current location of ASCII, Kinkerstraat 92, is not the first nor the last place where hackers struggle for redemption from merchantile agendas speculating on technology and its accessibility by the populace. The right to comunicate is everyone's good and software implements it!

Stand now in solidarity with ASCII, because free software needs /home! Raise consciousness! This small eviction reflects a larger wave of repression operated by western NATO regimes, the recent FBI raid on Indymedia online servers is a serious signal of the current crackdown on freedom of speech. As of today there are no clear legal motivations for this action of censorship affecting more than 20 different countries. But for us the motivation is clear: the capitalist regime brought to its extreme consequences is revealing all its intrinsic violence and its logics of prevarication by silencing any critical voice opposing it.

We will keep on struggling for the right to think differently, act differently and compute differently from the way corporations and fascist state governors are trying to impose us. And if necessary we will compile our last lines of sourcecode on the barricades.

In solidarity with all those who resist.

ASCII Amsterdam Subversive Center for Information Interchange


ASCII von Polizei ausgeräumt

NL: ASCII von Polizei ausgeräumt

Das freie Software- und Internetprojekt ASCII in Amsterdam wurde am 12.10.04 von der Polizei geräumt. Das langjährige Projekt von Hackern und Aktivisten verwendet alte Rechner mit freier Software um kostenloses und unzensiertes Internet für jedermann zu ermöglichen. Aber auch den Niederländern ist freie Kommunikation und Software Politikern und Konzernen ein Dorn im Auge.


Montag Abend erreicht uns eine weitere traurige Meldung, diesmal aus den Niederlanden.


ASCII [1] realisierte seit 5 Jahren ein öffentliches, freies Internetcafe in Amsterdam. Der Zugang zum Netz war kostenlos, zum Einsatz kam nur freie Software. Nun wurden die Räume des freien Projektes ASCII von der Polizei geräumt [2].

Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass ASCII geräumt wurde und sicher nicht das letzte Mal. ASCII wird einen neuen Wirkungsort finden. Das Öffentliche Internetcafe wird es vermutlich nicht mehr geben, doch der Kampf um die Freiheit der Kommunikation und andere Themen, die von der Politik niedergemetzelt werden, geht weiter.

Zitat von der ASCII Webseite: "We will keep on struggling for the right to think differently, act differently and compute differently from the way corporations and fascist state governors are trying to impose us. And if necessary we will compile our last lines of source code on the barricades."

In Solidarität mit den freiheitlichen Bewegungen.


[1] http://scii.nl/
[2] http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2004/10/22178.shtml

Mehr: http://koeln.ccc.de/updates/2004-10-14_ascii.html

relayed by Abdul Alhazred

Quelle: quintessenz-list Digest, Vol 19, Issue 9

Scientists Say Gulf War Syndrome Does Exist

Scientists in the U.S. say they have demonstrated the existence of the illness known as "Gulf War Syndrome." Led by the National Gulf Wa Resource Center, independent scientists, and funding by philanthropist Ross Perot over the past decade, the world now knows the toxic exposures in Southwest Asia are, in fact, related to the serious medical conditions among tens of thousands of Desert Shield and Desert Storm veterans. The serious toxic exposures include chemical warfare agents, experimental shots and pills, and depleted uranium.



Report Adds to Confusion over Gulf War Syndrome

All Things Considered, October 15, 2004 · A report ordered by the Veterans Affairs Department concludes an alarming number of U.S. soldiers suffered neurological damage from chemicals encountered in the 1991 Gulf War. But some experts say there's still not enough evidence to conclude that nerve gases, pesticides and other chemicals caused long-term illnesses in veterans. NPR's David Kestenbaum reports...


A Life of Ambition Is Cut Short in Iraq

According to the Washington Post, "The family of Army Spec. Rodney A. Jones buried the young soldier at Arlington National Cemetery yesterday, along with his dreams. Jones, 21, was killed Sept. 30 in Baghdad when a car bomb exploded near his dismounted patrol. He was the 87th soldier killed in Iraq to be buried at Arlington.... Acting Secretary of the Army Les Brownlee attended the service and at one point knelt in front of family members and spoke to them privately." However, after 19 months of war in Iraq and 87 burials, President George Bush has failed to attend a single funeral down the street from the White House.


Questioning the loss of a Marine

The well-researched article below describes the death of Jeff Lucey, an Iraq War veteran. "[W]hen Jeff returned to his parents’ home in July 2003 after serving six months in Iraq as a truck driver, there was nothing ordinary left about him. He started drinking too much. He became withdrawn, depressed and distant. In June, after what his parents describe as months of mental and emotional torment, the lance corporal went down to the basement and hanged himself. He was 23."


Doubts about US morale in Iraq as troops refuse suicide mission

According to the Guardian newspaper, "Discipline and morale among US troops in Iraq was under fresh scrutiny last night as the military admitted that 17 soldiers were being investigated for refusing to operate a fuel convoy because of safety fears."


Rape victim still Fighting


Bush's Faith-Based Presidency


2.2+ million US prisoners under Bush

http://tinyurl.com/6wqa8 (excerpt)

Wer nicht richtig rechnet

Rot-Grün betreibt eine Umverteilung von unten nach oben – und verschärft so die wirtschaftliche Lage des Landes

Von Harald Schumann



Update on the strange death of Margie Schoedinger - the Woman Who Filed a Rape Lawsuit against Bush

”...To be sure, Schoedinger's accusations - [...] are bizarre and hard for most people to believe...

…But her story fits in with those told by a growing number of people who say they were used as guinea pigs or whatever by member of the CIA or another U.S. agency who wanted to test out the latest mind-controlling drug or just have a strange form of release [...]....”



http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=30824&f=NSSPKF&ps=7&p=1 (10 min)

http://PlayAudioMessage.com/play.asp?m=30679&f=LUNTHR&ps=7&p=1 ( 9 min)


Roger Tolses: http://www.bugsweeps.com/

Gordon Thomas: http://www.globe-intel.net/

Nick Begeige: http://www.earthpulse.com/

Joyce Riley: http://gulfwarvets.com/ & http://www.thepowerhour.com/

Resistance Is Futile! You Will Be Assimilated!


“VeriChip” - RFID Microchip Implants for Humans


First it was cattle. Then it was pets. Now it's Mexicans. Will Americans be next? http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=74&contentid=900&page=1

Bio-chip implant arrives for cashless transactions
Announcement at global security confab unveils syringe-injectable ID microchip

Posted: November 21, 2003 / 7:42 p.m. Eastern

The agenda to microchip the human population has actually begun in earnest.. http://www.adsx.com/prodservpart/verichippreregistration.html

Implanted chips raise privacy worries
..."Critics, however, say such technologies would make it easier for government agencies to track a person's every movement and allow widespread invasion of privacy. Critics, however, say such technologies would make it easier for government agencies to track a person's every movement and allow widespread invasion of privacy...."


Implantable chip prompts privacy

Informat: Jack Topel

Omega see also

Scientists ask Bush to end anti-science policies


Summer of Truth


Informant: Heidi Chesney

Netherlands to catalogue its population under 'citizen service number' scheme


Informant: Sheri Grutz

Under attack as never before

"The fundamental right of Americans, through our free press, to penetrate and criticize the workings of our government is under attack as never before"...


From Information Clearing House

Global Agreements Threaten Media

Global Agreements Threaten Media, Privacy:

The growing use of international treaties to bypass the will of national parliaments, by bodies waging the so-called "war on terrorism," increasingly threatens civil liberties and freedom of the media, warn privacy advocates.


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Oktober 2004

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