
US Endangered Species Act Under Attack

Tell the Fish and Wildlife Service there’s a better way to protect endangered animals than killing them.

The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is proposing a rule change to the Endangered Species Act that will allow endangered animals and body parts to be imported into the U.S. This change essentially eliminates the need for a permit before an endangered species can be imported.

The proposed change would dramatically increase the likelihood of extinction for more than 550 endangered species. Let the Bush administration know this is unacceptable.


Schily plant Vorratsdatenspeicherung bei Internet- und Mobilfunk-Providern

Zuverlässigen Quellen im Umfeld des Innenministeriums zufolge, bereitet Schily derzeit ein Gesetz zur einjährigen Speicherung von Kommunikationsdaten aus dem Internet und Mobilfunk vor.

01.06.2004 - Wie der Deutsche Multimedia Verband (dmmv) berichtet, sorgen aktuelle Pläne des Bundesinnenministers Otto Schily bei Internet-Providern als auch bei den Usern für erhebliche Unruhe. Schily plant ein Gesetz zur einjährigen Speicherung von Kommunikationsdaten aus dem Internet und Mobilfunk und folgt damit einem aktuellen Vorstoß auf EU-Ebene. Frankreich, Irland, Schweden und England haben hier zuletzt einen Entwurf eines Rahmenbeschlusses über die Vorratsdatenspeicherung im EU-Ministerrat vorgelegt.

Käme es tatsächlich zu einer Verabschiedung eines solchen Rahmenbeschlusses durch den EU-Ministerrat müssten alle Daten, die im Zusammenhang mit öffentlichen elektronischen Kommunikationsdiensten (vor allem Internet, E-Mail, SMS) anfallen, mindestens zwölf bis maximal 36 Monate auf Vorrat gespeichert und auf Ersuchen der zuständigen Behörden zu Ermittlungszwecken zugänglich gemacht werden.

Begründet werden diese Schritte mit der „Vorbeugung, Untersuchung, Feststellung und Verfolgung von Straftaten, einschließlich Terrorismus“. Die Persönlichkeitsrechte der Nutzer, die zu erwartende Kostenlawine für Internetprovider sowie die kaum handhabbare Auswertung des immensen Datenaufkommens lassen indes Zweifel an der Sinnhaftigkeit dieser Vorhaben aufkommen. So übt der Deutsche Multimedia Verband harsche Kritik an diesem Unterfangen. Ähnliche Vorhaben, unter anderem. im Rahmen der Novelle des Telekommunikationsgesetzes, wurden in der jüngeren Vergangenheit sowohl von Verbraucher- als auch Datenschützern bereits massiv unter Beschuss genommen. (dd)


Die Lügen des Weißen Hauses

Hans Leyendecker zieht in seinem neuen Buch eine niederschmetternde Bilanz der Bush-Regierung und erklärt, warum Amerika einen Neuanfang braucht...


Wiederaufforstung: Investitionen in ökologische Projekte gegen den Klimakollaps


Mit Roland Emmerichs Film "The Day After Tomorrow" droht nicht nur eine Flutwelle von Ökopanik über das Land zu schwappen; sondern auch wieder hektischer Aktivismus in Sachen Klimaschutz auszubrechen. Mit Futuro Forestal, einem deutsch-panamaischen Forstunternehmen können Eiszeitängstliche schon seit fast zehn Jahren profitabel in Wiederaufforstung investieren und gleichzeitig zur Absorption von C02 beitragen - und zwar sinnvoll und nachhaltig. Die Biomasse der Wälder, insbesondere schnell wachsender Tropenwälder, ist ein gigantischer Kohlenstoffspeicher und entzieht der Atmosphäre das schädliche Treibhausgas.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Experten warnen vor negativen Folgen des Klimawandels



Anlässlich der internationalen Konferenz für Erneuerbare Energien hat der Naturschutzbund NABU vor den negativen Folgen des Klimawandels gewarnt. Ungebremste klimatische Veränderungen hätten nicht nur direkte Konsequenzen für das Leben der Menschen weltweit, sondern auch erhebliche Verschiebungen des ökologischen Gleichgewichts zur Folge. Der Klimaforscher Prof. Hartmut Graßl, Mitglied des NABU-Kuratoriums, und NABU-Präsident Olaf Tschimpke forderten daher entschlossene Schritte zum weltweiten Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien. "Ohne die Erneuerbaren Energien als dritte Säule neben Energieeinsparung und Steigerung der Energieeffizienz haben wir keine Chance, der Klimakatastrophe zu entkommen", sagte Tschimpke.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Island setzt Walfang fort

Reduzierung der letztjährigen Quote


Islands Fischereiminister Arni Mathiesen kündigte am 1. Juni an, dass Island den Walfang im Sommer 2004 fortsetzen wird, um 25 Zwergwale zu Forschungszwecken zu töten. Zwar bedeutet dies eine Reduzierung der letztjährigen Quote, doch die Walschutzorganisationen Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS), Pro Wildlife und ASMS fordern Island auf, die Waljagd ganz einzustellen.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Neue deutschsprachige 'Chemtrail'-Seite im Netz


ACLU suit uncovers secrets of secret surveillance


Civil Liberties Watch

by Elaine Cassel

"Everyone knows by now (or should) that the Patriot Act allows the FBI to conduct surveillance on Internet and email usage. Using so- called National Security Letters (NSLs), the FBI directs Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to provide passwords and identifying information that will allow the government to target people who are plotting terrorism or who are otherwise potentially 'dangerous' to national security. ... Until now, we did not know much about how the government goes about this procedure. Now we do. Thanks to a suit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in New York in behalf of an unnamed ISP. The government has tried mightily to keep the entire suit under seal, but the federal judge has allowed the ACLU to release some information about the case."...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Patriot Act Besieged


Informant: Laurel

Soros Admits Donating $16 Million to Defeat Bush

It amounts to the largest in-kind donation to a political candidate in American history.


From Information Clearing House

The Fruits of Saint George

The Christian Right needs to take a long, hard look at George W. Bush and decide "What Would Jesus Do?"...


From Information Clearing House

The Way Of The Armchair Warrior

Knowledge is not important. The armchair warrior strives to attain a state beyond knowledge, a state of deep, non-knowing connection to the universe: in particular, to that portion of the universe which is rich, powerful, or related to him by blood...


Electorate Is Wising Up to the Iraq Blunder

Despite Bush's claim again last week that occupied Iraq is "the central front in the war on terror," the grim consequences of this colonial-style adventure have finally gotten through to an electorate that understandably invested a huge amount of trust in him after 9/11.


From Information Clearing House

The lying game

An A-Z of the Iraq war and its aftermath, focusing on misrepresentation, manipulation, and mistakes...


From Information Clearing House

An empire of denial

The US is choosing to ignore the fact that it is to blame for the stifling of global democracy...


From Information Clearing House

Hawks Eating Crow

The Bush Administration has not made it easy on its supporters. David Brooks now admits that he was gripped with a "childish fantasy" about Iraq. Tucker Carlson is "ashamed" and "enraged" at himself. Tom Friedman, admitting to being "a little slow," is finally off the reservation.


From Information Clearing House

On-the-ground-reality TV

Shocking footage of US military conduct in Iraq is available through major news services, yet the American public seldom sees what reporters see...


Let's face up to it - we are torturers too

Blair must answer fully to all the evidence of abuse by British troops


From Information Clearing House

Science Under Siege

The Politicians' War on Nature and Truth by Todd Wilkinson profiles PEER founder Jeff DeBonis and other government employees whose struggles to protect natural resources and their own own professional ethics placed them in conflict with their agencies. This powerful book by an award winning journalist offers support and hope for environmental whistleblowers...

Read further under:

PEER Forces Army About-Face

Less than one day after PEER notified the public that Army bases across the country were told to reduce anti-pollution and wildlife protection spending in the name of “fighting a war on several fronts,” the U.S. Army issued a new order restoring environmental funding.

But the fight is far from over; the Pentagon continues to argue for self-certification of environmental compliance. In fact, Congress is currently reviewing Pentagon requests for exemptions from the Clean Air Act and federal toxic control laws.

Ironically, as the Pentagon lobbies for a green-get-out-of-jail card, the EPA, only a day earlier, fined the U.S. Army and a contractor nearly $52,000 for releasing a deadly chemical weapon on a wildlife sanctuary in the Pacific Ocean.

Read further under:

California considers program to measure pollutants in people


Informant: NHNE

Abu Ghraib means triumphalism


Power and Interest News Report

by Michael A. Weinstein

Whether or not the abasement rituals were a matter of explicit or suggestive policy, they occurred within an environment of dismissive negligence. Treatment of prisoners according to international standards was not a top priority of military leaders and bureaucratic defense intellectuals who conceived and have managed the occupation of Iraq. Regarding the consequences of their neglect of their own power and interests, the leaders were short-sighted. The 'scandal' of Abu Ghraib -- as it is now called most frequently in the press -- is one of the many failures of the occupation. Those failures -- most notably, the appearance of Sunni and Shi'a resistances, general insecurity and poor public services, and the lack of legitimacy of the governing authorities -- can be traced to a fundamental miscalculation of power."

Read further under:

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Zero tolerance on torture: How hard is that?


Christian Science Monitor

by Helena Cobban

"It is good that Congress and the military are seriously investigating
past abuses at Abu Ghraib and other US-run detention centers around the world. However, simply investigating past abuses isn't enough. Beyond that, President Bush and Congress need to declare -- and then verifiably implement -- a policy of zero tolerance for torture. There are a number of reasons such clear, high-level leadership is needed on this issue."


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Patriot

Armed Services chairman John Warner is determined to get to the bottom of the Abu Ghraib scandal -- even if it costs George W. Bush the election...

Read further under:

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Möglichkeiten sich gegen Mobilfunk-Sendestandorte zu wehren u.ä. (Links)


Air Pollution a Serious Threat to Heart Health




In der Ausgabe Nr. 22 der Zeitschrift Raum&Zeit fand sich zu Begin des Jahres der erste deutschsprachige Artikel zum Thema Chemtrails der uns bekannt ist. Gabriel Stetter schreibt darin:

"Einige hunderttausende Personen beobachteten bereits folgende Vorgänge: Fünf bis fünfzehn Flugzeuge kreuzen in ländlichem als auch städtischem Gebiet in einer Höhe von gut 6.000 Metern hin und her. Was sich im ersten Moment als Kondensstreifen dieser Flugzeuge ausnimmt, lässt bei längerem Hinsehen jedoch stutzig werden: Diese Kondensstreifen, die in einem regelrechten, riesigen Gittermuster ausgelegt werden, lösen sich auch nach Minuten nicht auf, sondern bleiben regungslos hängen."

Quelle: http://cropfm.mur.at/past_shows.htm#chemtrails

SENDUNG On-Line hören:


2. 6. 2004




Informant: Vince Bradley

Climate disaster 'upon us'

Tim Radford, science editor
Tuesday June 1, 2004
The Guardian

Humans have done so much damage to the atmosphere that even if they stop burning all fossil fuels immediately, they risk leaving an impoverished Earth for their descendants, a giant of research in the field will say this week.

James Lovelock, who detected the build-up of ozone-destroying CFCs and formulated the Gaia theory now widely adopted by environmentalists and biologists, will tell a conference in Devon: "We have not yet awakened to the seriousness of global warming."

The Gaia hypothesis is that life itself regulates the chemistry of the atmosphere, the oceans and the bedrock for life's collective benefit. Any disturbance of the process could have dramatic consequences.

Recently researchers have begun to point to such dramatic outcomes, Prof Lovelock says.

· A Swiss team examined the heatwave that killed 20,000 people in western Europe last year and decided it was almost certainly a consequence of global warming.

· British, Belgian and German scientists reported that the entire Greenland icecap would begin to melt irreversibly if average temperatures rose by 2.7C (4.7F). This melting would take 1,000 years to complete, but would but raise sea levels by seven metres.

· A team from the US National Ocean and Atmosphere Admin istration reported that the sea-level's rise in recent years had been a consequence of the accelerated melting of glaciers.

Prof Lovelock, 84, will tell the conference on the science of Gaia at Dartington Hall, Totnes, on Thursday that some people deny the reality of climate change and want business as usual, while others recognise the threat and embrace organic food, renewable energy and alternative medicine.

"If we follow either of these responses, it will allow Gaia eventually to return to her normal state of health - but by eliminating the majority of humans and probably civilisation as well," he says.

Better science and more advanced technology offer the greatest hope.

"We need a portfolio of energy sources, with nuclear playing a major part, at least until fusion power becomes a practical option.

"We must stop fretting over the minute statistical risks of cancer from chemicals or radiation. Almost a third of us will die of cancer anyway, mainly because we breathe air laden with that all-pervasive carcinogen, oxygen.

"If we fail to concentrate our minds on the real danger, which is global warming, we may die even sooner."

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2004

Informant: NHNE


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