
The People versus FEMA

To members of the House and Senate, the message is clear. Fix the structure or you will lose your jobs! We cannot wait for the next disaster to find out that the U.S. Cavalry is a no-show charade directed by incompetents placed into a Hydra-headed bureaucracy by a president addicted to cronyism.


From Information Clearing House

The People Versus FEMA

By Sara S. DeHart
Issues and Alibis web site

In the aftermath of natural disaster Americans are urged give generously to help victims of tragedy. These monies are above and beyond the taxes paid by our citizens that the Bush administration refers to as federal aid. We've been assured that the federal protection umbrella, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are mobilized and ready to move into any disaster area within hours. Following the debacle of mismanagement and systems failure just witnessed in Louisiana and New Orleans, it is time to look beyond opening our checkbooks to consider what we are paying for, both through charitable organizations and the federal government in taxes.

Hurricane Katrina and the devastation of New Orleans is a tragedy of colossal proportions for all Americans. Words are insufficient to portray what went wrong, but clearly this is the time to evaluate, to scrutinize, to peek under the cover of the structure of FEMA that after the 9/11 disaster was rolled into a newly created Hydra-headed bureaucracy, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). We may never get another chance and the demand must come from the people because on September 14, exactly 20 days after Governor Blanco declared a State of Emergency in Louisiana and requested help from the federal government, the Senate Republican majority voted down a measure calling for an independent commission to investigate what went wrong with federal, state and local governments' response to Hurricane Katrina. [1].

President Bush states that he plans to investigate and oversee what "went wrong" with the federal response to Hurricane Katrina. He must not be permitted to do this any more than he should have been allowed to stop every effort to have an independent investigation of the 911 disaster. An independent counsel and commission with full grand jury/subpoena authority are needed. More importantly, if one can still be found in this country; the independent counsel must be removed from both political and corporate connections. We may have to go to British MP George Galloway to find such a person but someone must expose the lickspittles of this administration and remove the curtain covering the Wizard of Oz. [...]

Read the rest at Uncle Ernie's web site, http://www.issuesandalibis.org/ Just keep scrolling down.

© Virginia Metze


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