
HAARP Explanation and NASA Satellite projections

CPT MAY of Ghost Troop on Hot Towers, Hi Rez Photo, HAARP by GTJS Excellent research, GTJS!

Ya know what? Before the Holy Horde turned its research and analysis power on the "weather modification" issue, I really didn't know how they could do such a thing. Now it's becoming more and more clear. Your first two sites are excellent background for Gulf-of-Mexico and hurricane reality!

The site below (HAARP weapon concept) is must-read; I refer it to all GTs and Infowar Allies!

(SEE HAARP INFO HERE and Compair to NASA (that's NSA with an extra A) Satelite projections below)

Viewzone// HAARP: Weapons of Total Distruction? Address: http://www.viewzone.com/haarp11.html
Changed:6:54 PM on Monday, January 14, 2002

My compliments! CPTMAY wrote:

To: Ghost Troop From: JSvj
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 15:08:46 -0500
Subject: Hot Towers, Hi Rez Photo, HAARP Scatter gun of links here.

New satellite observations show towering thunderclouds, sometimes called hot towers, that may signify the onset of intensification in these high-octane storms.

http://www.nasa.gov/vision/earth/lookingatearth/rita_hot_towers.html Sea Temps: http://www.weatherunderground.com/tropical/

This is a good site for very hi rez photos.

The following sections were updated since 20 September 2005.

-- STORM (1 updated events, 2 new images) --

HURRICANE RITA Rita became the 17th named storm system of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season as it formed into an organized storm system. It gathered power as it travelled towards the Florida Keys and into the Gulf of Mexico, developing into a full fledged Category 4 hurricane by September 21, only one step below the strongest possible storm strength rating.


*** MODIS(Aqua) image from Sep 20 2005 (Posted on Sep 21 2005 10:01AM)


(TRMM) image from Sep 20 2005 (Posted on Sep 21 2005 9:47AM) Viewzone article on HAARP

Informant: ranger116


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