
They continue to turn up around the country like the proverbial bad penny

Comment: Surrey Mirror

Sep 22 2005

WHILE the debate continues as to whether or not there are any health risks attached to mobile phone masts, they continue to turn up around the country like the proverbial bad penny.

At present the World Health Organisation has no evidence that masts are harmful and, when opposing installations, residents are only too aware that this alarming possibility is still not grounds for refusal.

It is only a possibility and, to win their case, residents are best advised to battle the plans on grounds of siting and detriment to the character of the area.

Those living in the Ringley Park Avenue area of Reigate know this and so will be taking up the cudgel on these grounds in a bid to stop Hutchison 3G UK Ltd from putting a radio base station and mast in the avenue.

At the same time, residents are excited about the imminent release of a report from the Government's Health Protection Agency (HPA).

Lynn Myall, whose home at The Chase is most affected by the proposal, is keen for people to know about the HPA findings, which are reported to acknowledge for the first time that people can suffer adversely from being exposed to electromagnetic fields.

Many of her neighbours, including the nearby Dunottar School, are also worried and await the report, expected to make Britain second only to Sweden in formally acknowledging the dangers of electromagnetic fields.

Let us hope the residents win their fight to save the historic and beautiful Ringley Park Avenue from mast development on aesthetic grounds.

At the same time, let's not forget there are others around the country who claim mobile phone masts have made them ill.


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September 2005

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