
Annual Meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) September 22-25, 2005 Washington DC

MOBILIZATION FOR GLOBAL JUSTICE ACTIONS AND EVENTS In Connection with the Annual Meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) September 22-25, 2005 Washington DC


MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 9:00 pm - SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 7:00 am (SHARP!!) MASS HOUSING (FOR 100 PEOPLE ONLY) Mass housing is available for ONLY 100 PEOPLE on a first-come, first-served basis. It will run from Monday 9/19 night through Saturday 9/24 night. If you're staying overnight on Saturday 9/24, YOU NEED TO BE OUT OF THERE BY 7 AM ON SUNDAY 9/25. If you're planning on doing Adopt-an-Intersection actions on Sunday, we'll try to find space for you to store your belongings but we can't guarantee it.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 - SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 9:00 am - 9:00 pm DAILY WELCOME CENTER We're running a welcome center from Monday 9/19 through Saturday 9/24. The welcome center will be a source for basic information about the city (such as maps and Metro guides) as well as information about the protest plans and about the IMF and World Bank.

LOCATION for Welcome Center and Mass Housing: St. Stephen's Church 1525 Newton St. NW (16th and Newton) Columbia Heights metro stop on Green Line.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 6:00-9:00pm ART AND PROP CONSTRUCTION St. Stephens Church, 1525 Newton Street NW (16th and Newton) Columbia Heights metro stop on the green line Bring your art supplies and your creativity!

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 (NOTE CHANGE OF DATE!!!) Noon outside the World Bank 18th and H St. NW (near Farragut West Metro on Blue/Orange Lines and Farragut North Metro on Red Line) STREET THEATER Very fun media stunt/street theater! If you want to be involved contact basav(at)igc.org/202-997-0479.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 TEACH-IN: THE GLOBAL WAR ON THE POOR Speakers will make connections between military, economic, and environmental violence against poor people and people of color here in the US and throughout the world. Come hear about and discuss the connections between New Orleans and Sri Lanka, Iraq and Haiti, Soweto and Washington DC. Thursday, September 22
6:30 pm St. Stephen's Church 1525 Newton St. NW (16th and Newton) Columbia Heights metro stop on Green Line.

FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 23 DIRECT ACTION SPOKESCOUNCIL Plan Adopt an Intersection and other creative direct actions! Friday 9/23, 8 - 11 pm. St. Stephen's Church 1525 Newton St. NW (16th and Newton) Columbia Heights metro stop on Green Line.

11:30am GLOBAL JUSTICE FEEDER MARCH Dupont Circle Dupont Circle Metro stop on the Red Line We'll have a short opening rally with speakers and performers, and then march to some international financial target and then join up with the anti-war march. We'll have lots of guerrilla street theater, puppets, drumming.....you don't want to miss it! If you want to help make visuals come to the Art and Prop Construction at St. Stephens.

SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24 DIRECT ACTION SPOKESCOUNCIL Plan Adopt an Intersection and other creative direct actions! Saturday 9/24, 8 - 11 pm. St. Stephen's Church 1525 Newton St. NW (16th and Newton) Columbia Heights metro stop on Green Line.

SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 25 DIRECT ACTIONS TARGETING THE IMF AND WORLD BANK MGJ is working with the "Adopt an Intersection" direct action campaign to delay IMF and World Bank delegates from getting to their meetings. For more information and to get involved go to adopt.septemberaction.org

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Come to an MGJ General Meeting and help us plan all of these events! Our meetings happen every Wednesday 7-9pm at St. Stephen's Church, 16th and Newton NW, Washington, DC. From the Columbia Heights metro walk north on 14th, take a left on Newton and walk down to 16th. The church is on the right. Walk across the parking lot to the side entrance. We meet downstairs in the dining hall. Last meeting before the mobilization: Wednesday 9/21, 7 - 9 pm.

CONTACT MGJ: mgj(at)riseup.net, 202-898-5953

FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE SEPTEMBER MOBILIZATION go to http://www.septemberaction.org In addition to all the other great information about the mobilization, there are downloadable MGJ fliers and factsheets on the Resources page.

Informant: Todd Eaton

From ufpj-news


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September 2005

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