
FEMA's City of Anxiety in Florida

A Democrat activist suggests that these are America's concentration camps!

FEMA's City of Anxiety in Florida

Many Hurricane Charley Victims Still Unsure of Next Step

By Marc Kaufman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, September 17, 2005; Page A01

PUNTA GORDA, Fla. -- "Someone killed my dog," sputtered Royaltee Forman, still livid two weeks later.

"They just threw him out the window and hung him with his own leash," he said, convinced that someone broke into his home while he was out. "I mean, what kind of place has this become?"
Forman's place is FEMA City, a dusty, baking, treeless collection of almost 500 trailers that was set up by the federal emergency agency last fall to house more than 1,500 people made homeless by Hurricane Charley, one of the most destructive storms in recent Florida history. The free shelter was welcomed by thankful survivors back then; almost a year later, most are still there -- angry, frustrated, depressed and increasingly desperate.

"FEMA City is now a socioeconomic time bomb just waiting to blow up," said Bob Hebert, director of recovery for Charlotte County, where most FEMA City residents used to live. "You throw together all these very different people under already tremendous stress, and bad things will happen. And this is the really difficult part: In our county, there's no other place for many of them to go." [...] Read the whole article at http://tinyurl.com/8vhth

© Virginia Metze


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