
Pressure Pelosi Now: Defund the War! Defend our Communities!

We call on Nancy Pelosi to Defund the War! Defend our Communities!

House Minority Leader Pelosi has called the war on Iraq a "grotesque mistake," but she continues to vote to fund it. And she has chosen not to support other Congressional efforts to bring our troops home now. It’s time we called her on her word!

View Nancy Pelosi’s voting record on Iraq:

Send a fax to Rep. Pelosi:

We want people across the country, especially but not exclusively Democrats, to join her constituents in San Francisco and Marin County telling Nancy Pelosi that she needs to take action now to end the war now. She doesn’t seem to hear us; maybe she’ll respond more to all of you.

If you are in Washington DC and lobbying this Monday, consider visiting Nancy Pelosi's office too. She and her staff in San Francisco tell peace movement delegations that her position as a national leader means she isn’t free to act publicly in support of other legislators’ initiatives, much less speak out fully against war and military occupation as her district wants her to. Pelosi has not voted in a way consistent with the 63% of San Franciscans who voted for Proposition N that explicitly called for immediate withdrawal of all US troops from Iraq. She is at best an inconsistent vote on questions of war, militarism and human rights. Pelosi's liberal reputation is based more on how San Francisco is perceived than on her record. Send that fax, please.

An article this week about Pelosi and why activists are challenging her on her record: http://www.sfbg.com/39/51/news_peace.html

And if you are in the Bay Area instead of DC or wherever, please join us on Monday in San Francisco at her office:

Monday, September 26 “Hey Pelosi!” Rally & Trial in Absentia National Day for Lobbying & Civil Resistance San Francisco Federal Building 450 Golden Gate at Larkin 12 noon Peaceful Rally, Street Theater, Civil Disobedience.

Lots more information about Nancy Pelosi is at http://www.ufpj-bayarea.org

Progressives Pressuring Pelosi: United For Peace & Justice-Bay Area, Global Exchange, Students Against the War, Alameda County Green Party, American Friends Service Committee, Code Pink, N Cal International Solidarity Movement, People’s Non-Violent Response Committee, College Anti-War Network, Progressive Democrats of America, Tikkun Community, Tom Joad.org, San Francisco People’s Organization, Senior Action Network, Gray Panthers, War Resisters League-West, San Francisco Labor Council and more.

"We need, in every community, a group of angelic troublemakers. Our power is in our ability to make things unworkable." -Bayard Rustin

Informant: WRL West

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September 2005

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