
Base Stations on Planes

Base stations on British Midlands Airways planes


The airbus has a dodgy reputation, computors overiding what the pilot has inputted and if you saw the one that landed with its front nose wheel the wrong way around [that was an airbus on the news this morning and they say it isn't the first time this has happened] I hate to think what might eventually happen't with a phone mast there as well. I feel sorry for the poor crew!

sue g


But interesting that only a few days ago the press were running the concerns about so many unexplained air crashes, in some cases where the pilot had been using a mobile. The hypothesis was that instrumentation recording altitude was affected by the mobile and continued to misrecord after the call, leading pilots to fly into the ground.

This article today illustrates what a mad way of life we have come to lead: not only is the plane no longer fast enough, even that interrupts the ability to carry on working. For what?! Is it really so wasteful of life to spend it talking to fellow passengers? Just think, they could be discussing the contribution of air travel to climate change, or the impact of chemtrails! Or how to make life more enjoyable and in tune with the planet. Much more useful.



Addition to the below: Israel is going to be one of the first countries that enables Wi-Fi on the plane. El Al (the Israeli airline company) has just signed the deal. It's 2.45 GHz, and it enables you to do very important things on the plane, like radiating your neighbour. Who knows if it can't cause technical problems to the plane, just not long ago the navigation of a plane was disrupted by a passenger talking on his mobile. I think I will choose Lufthansa...

Iris Atzmon.

----- Original Message -----

From: Eileen O'Connor
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 11:54 AM
Subject: mobile phone base stations in Bmi planes -Daily Mail report 21/9/05.


I would like to encourage everyone to wri te letters to the daily mail, in response to the enclosed article.

Many thanks


DAILY MAIL 'Hello, I'm just on a plane...'

11:25am 21st September 2005

Airline passengers could soon be able to continue their mobile phone conversations in-flight, as a UK carrier becomes the first to allow mobiles to be used in a new trial.

Calls are currently banned in case signals interfere with a plane's navigation system.

Bmi (formerly British Midland Airways) will start the trial on an Airbus A320 late next year. The target market for bmi will be mainly business travellers flying out of Heathrow airport to UK destinations such as Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Belfast, and to European destinations such as Amsterdam, Paris, Brussels and Dublin.

The mobile signals will be diverted to a base station in the cabin and then sent directly to a satellite before they have a chance to interfere with onboard computers.

Bmi chief executive Nigel Turner said: "Our research tells us that our premium passengers have two key concerns. These are getting quickly through the airport and the ability to be able to carry on working during their journey."

To introduce the use of in-flight mobiles, bmi has signed a deal with OnAir, a joint venture involving planemakers Airbus, information company Sita and US software company Tenzing which pioneered in-flight email.
To introduce the use of in-flight mobiles, bmi has signed a deal with OnAir, a joint venture involving planemakers Airbus, information company Sita and US software company Tenzing which pioneered in-flight email.

Would you like to use your phone mid-flight, or does the prospect fill you with dismay? Tell us what you think using the reader comments link below

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Mobile phones allowed in European skies

Trials with British Midland and Air Portugal
By Jan Libbenga
Published Thursday 22nd September 2005 12:37 GMT

British Midland and TAP Air Portugal will permit passengers to use their mobile phones in the air next year, the two European airlines said this week.

Both companies will use base-station technology developed by OnAir, the Airbus-backed rival to Boeing's Connexion. OnAir uses pico-cell base-stations from Siemens, coupled with software from TriaGnoSys. The kit will be installed in 2006 with a view to commencing a trial service late in the year.

Initially, only a couple of aircraft will be equipped with the system. TAP will use OnAir on its single-aisle Airbus 321, and BMI on the Airbus 320. The target market for BMI will include business and leisure travellers to its destinations in Europe out of London's Heathrow, including Manchester, Belfast Edinburgh, Paris and Amsterdam. Travellers can use all GSM and GPRS handsets, including Blackberry devices.

However, there are a couple of restrictions. Passengers can use their phones only from 10,000ft - they will still not be able to use wireless devices during take off and landing. Charges have yet to be determined, but rates will be in line with current international roaming charges, OnAir said.


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