
Mast to provide voice (and text) from above

Sep 20 2005

By The Huddersfield Daily Examiner

PLANNERS have given their backing to plans for a mobile phone mast on a church.

Residents have voiced objections to the proposals for Lindley Parish Church.

More than 50 people packed into a public meeting earlier this month.

But officers at Kirklees Council are now saying the bid is well within guidelines and should be allowed to go ahead.

A report said: "The three antennae are to be mounted externally on the church tower and painted to match its masonry.

"The transmission dish would be located on the inside of the parapet.

"The agent says the proposed works are reversible and would not result in any residual harm to the building."

A decision on their recommendation will be made by councillors on Thursday.

It is the third bid for a mast by Hutchison 3G, which runs the 3 network, after two earlier applications were withdrawn.

The church in Lidget Street, which dates from 1829, would get an annual rent of about £6,000.

Objectors point out the tower is near Lindley Junior School and say the mast bid should be thrown out on health grounds.

But council planners say the apparatus complies with Government guidelines on exposure to radio frequencies.

Omega see "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?"

Hutchison 3G said the equipment was discreet and the plan was in line with Government planning policy that encouraged operators to use existing structures


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September 2005

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