
Sea Shepherd E-News

September 16, 2005

Dear Friend of Sea Shepherd,

I am currently in the midst of my
http://www.seashepherd.org/news/media_050812_1.html Speaking Tour in Canada. I have just left Calgary, headed for Winnipeg tomorrow, Michigan on Sunday, and Toronto on Monday. The response so far has been great - the attendance has been wonderful, I have done many press interviews, and have garnered much support. Many who attended have been inspired to get involved and are meeting with their local ministers of parliament to voice their objection to the annual seal slaughter.

At the end of next week, I will be heading to South Africa to attend the http://www.seashepherd.org/events.html Hermanus Whale Festival then returning to the Galapagos.

Currently, the Farley Mowat and crew are in the Galapagos where the crew is assisting the park rangers in patrolling the Marine Reserve. There, we will renew our agreement with the Galapagos National park to allow the park to use our patrol boat Sirenian for conservation enforcement work.

On our way to the Galapagos, we stopped at
http://www.seashepherd.org/news/media_050825_2.html Malpelo, Columbia, where we delivered supplies to the park rangers. We will be returning to Malpelo to enter into an agreement with the Director of the National Parks of Colombia to enforce conservation regulations against poaching in the Malpelo Island Marine Reserve.

In early October, the Farley Mowat will be departing Galapagos for Melbourne, Australia - our next stop in reaching the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, where we will defend and protect endangered whales from the Japanese whaling fleet.

I am pleased to announce that we have added a new section to our website entitled: http://www.seashepherd.org/whales/whales.html Defending Whales. There you will find information on Sea Shepherd's upcoming campaign to Antarctica, our history protecting whales, issues facing whales around the world, and how you can take action to help protect these gentle giants.

For those of you in the Pacific Northwest, you probably know that the http://www.seashepherd.org/whales/whales_attend_makah_hearings.html Makah plan a return to whale killing. In October of 2005, there will be three public hearings held by the United States Federal Government required in federal environmental law to prepare an environmental impact statement. We encourage all who can to attend these hearings and voice your opposition. If you are interested in attending with a group of Sea Shepherd members, please email Connie at mailto:connie@seashepherd.org

On October 8th, Sea Shepherd will be participating with dozens of other organizations in the
http://www.seashepherd.org/taiji/taiji_worldwide_protest.html Japan Dolphin Day in protest of the slaughter of over 20,000 dolphins to take place in Japan. There are demonstrations scheduled at Japanese consulates and embassies around the world around the world. If you are interested in organizing a demonstration in your city at a Japanese embassy or consulate, please contact us at volunteer@seashepherd.org

I also want to let you know about another place where seals are in danger - this time in South Africa. Long-time friend of Sea Shepherd, Francois Hugo, has been working as Seal Alert - South Africa to stop the senseless slaughter of the beautiful Cape fur seals. He is trying to gather a petition to the government and also to raise USD$18,000 to purchase a 24' long by 15' wide catamaran. It will be used as a floating platform that can house rehabilitation equipment, freezer, liquidizer, etc. It will allow Francois to stay abroad for 24-7, and is big enough to accommodate 50 to 100 seals needing rehab. You can read about his campaigns on our http://www.seashepherd.org/news/media_050819_1.html Seal Alert Page, view slide shows of the Cape Fur seals, learn how to sign the petition, and support his work with a financial donation.

As you can see, we have many battles to wage. Your participation is crucial for the defenseless marine animals we work to protect and I thank you for your continued support.

Captain Paul Watson

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Sea Shepherd and the Whales

Whale Campaign Home Page

http://www.seashepherd.org/whales/whales_SSCS_history.html SSCS History Saving Whales

The Intelligent Whale

Whaling Around the World

What You Can Do

Seal Campaign

Seal Campaign Home Page

Boycott Canadian Seafood - *You have the power to end the seal hunt!*

News Releases

Two Good Reasons to Read OUTSIDE Magazine This Month

Sea No Walrus, Hear No Walrus, Do Not Speak of the Walrus

Bogus Hunt, Bogus Poll, and Bogus Politicians

Sea Shepherd Board Member Elizabeth May Receives the Order of Canada

Twelve Reasons to Oppose the Plans by the Makah Whales to Murder Whales

Shark Killers Get No Favors from Sea Shepherd


Captain Paul Watson's Canadian Speaking Tour

Sea Shepherd Unveils Dead Lobster T-shirt Design - *Order your T-Shirt Today!*

Sea Shepherd Unveils it's Seal of Approval Campaign

Commentary and Editorials

Report on the Sierra Summit

Vancouver Chefs Stand Up to Defend the Fish

World Wildlife Fund Validates Sea Shepherd Efforts

Watson Vs. Moore in the San Francisco Examiner and the Denver Post

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the U.S. Founded in 1977 by Captain Paul Watson, Sea Shepherd's mission is to defend, conserve, and protect marine wildlife and their habitats.

Thank you for your ongoing support of Sea Shepherd! Working together we will succeed.

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society PO Box 2616 Friday Harbor, WA 98250 USA Phone: (360) 370-5650 Fax: (360) 370-5651
Website: http://www.seashepherd.org/
Email: info@seashepherd.org

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September 2005

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