
George Galloway's Historic Talk at Boston's Faneuil Hall


George Galloway started his national tour at Boston's historic Faneuil Hall on September 13, 2005.

Listen to and download his speech, see photos at

Order tickets for an upcoming event in Toronto, Madison, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, or Washington, DC.

Read the national tour blog at
http://www.traprockpeace.org/george_galloway_tour/ or http://www.isreview.org/gallowaytour.shtml

In Boston, Annie Zirin, an activist from Western Massachusetts, introduced George Galloway and the four speaker who preceded him.

Speaking first was Eriko Nagai, a student with Northeastern Univeristy Campus Antiwar Network chapter. She was followed by Boston City Councilor Chuck Turner, Brown University Professor of English Literature William Keach, and Prof. Naseer Aruri of the National Council of Arab Americans.

Here are a few quotes from Galloway's speech:

“We who live in the United States or Britain, only have to answer one question, do we stand with the occupier, or with those who are resisting colonial occupation.”

“The swamp of hatred that our policies have created in the Muslim world nourish the mutation of hatred that believes killing innocent people in New York or London is somehow a blow against those responsible in our countries for those policies. All we have done be invading and occupying Iraq is increase the number of people who hate us and the intensity with which they hate us.”

All U.S. events are sponsored by: The New Press, The Center for Economic Research and Social Change, International Socialist Review, and the National Council of Arab Americans.

Traprock Peace Center co-sponsored the Boston event.

Traprock and the national sponsors wish to thank Jeff Manzelli. He recorded and edited the audio as our web editor was unavailable. His websites are http://www.freemanz.com/ and http://492cafe.org/

We were in a pinch to find an audiographer for that night, and coming to our aid in finding Jeff was Stan Robinson, the radio host with the WZBC News Team, the radio station at Boston College. We also had help with setting up and taking down equipment from two people affiliated with the North Bridge Chapter of The Alliance for Democracy.

See http://www.traprockpeace.org/george_galloway_audio.html for links to sponsoring and participating organizations.

See the National Tour Blog at

and learn more about George Galloway and the tour; find links for listening to his Sept. 14 debate with Christopher Hitchens and order tickets at http://www.mrgallowaygoestowashington.com

For those of you who wish to download the mp3 directly (and miss all the great photos and links) here is the mp3 file:


(by going to the website instead to get this link, you can right click to download to your hard drive.)

The audio may be used for non-commercial use only. Any other use must receive permission from George Galloway.

For event information: Galloway2005@comcast.net Ph. +1 415 6071924

For Media inquires and bookings: ihoward@thenewpress.com Ph. +1 212 564 4406

Charlie Jenks Website Manager;
Past President Traprock Peace Center
103A Keets Road Deerfield, MA 01342
413-773-7427 (Traprock office)
413-773-5188, ex. 2 (personal messages) Fax 413-773-7507


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September 2005

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