
Calls for more mobile masts checks

Sep 18 2005 ic Wales

Campaign for independent study into health risks of masts

Louise Day, South Wales Echo

Pressure is mounting for independent checks to be carried out on the possible health risks of mobile telephone masts before they are built near people's homes.

The Vale of Glamorgan council is leading the way in a campaign to ensure that residents' concerns about the health risks that the mast could pose are given more weight.

And a battle to prevent the expansion of a mast in Barry is set to come to a head in the next few weeks.

The Vale council has written to local MPs, AMs and Carwyn Jones, the assembly's minister for environment, planning and the countryside calling for more research to be carried out into the possible health dangers of mobile telephone masts.

It follows an independent radio frequency test on the health risks from a mast in The Heathers, Barry, which residents have been campaigning against.

The test, paid for by the mobile phone company, showed the radiation from the mast fell within Government health guidelines.

Omega see "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under:

But residents are still concerned and will oppose the planning application which has already been made to the Vale council.

Residents leader Angie Homer said: 'We believe there is a potential health problem. We suffer nausea and headaches and there have bee three cases of cancer.'

Resident Chris Murphy said: 'Despite this test, we are deeply concerned about the health implications involved in having it there. We agree there should be more research into the possible health risks posed by these masts.'

The companies maintain there is no evidence for such risk.

A spokesman for Orange said the Government encouraged mobile phone companies to share masts where ever possible in order to reduce the overall number of masts.

'We are aware there is opposition to mobile phone masts, but the reality is that the local community want to use mobile phones and without masts the phones won't work,' he said.


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September 2005

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