
Update from the Redwoods

September 15th marked the end of marbled murrellet nesting season, which means the beginning of old growth redwood logging season, so we need as many people to come and help out as possible. We didn't have a huge rally this year, yet many people will be gathering at EarthDance, so the tribes will be gathering nonetheless! September 17th will also be the 7-year anniversary of the death of David "Gypsy" Chain, an Earth First! activist killed when an enraged Maxxam Corp./Pacific Lumber Co. logger began intentionally falling trees towards a group of NCEF! activists. So maybe light a candle, burn some cedar and sage, and send some prayers up for the forest and all of us (including yourselves) who work to save them and protect the Earth. North Coast Earth First! continues to grow and evolve, as does each and every one of us. Tree-sits continue in the Fern Gully tree-village in the Freshwater Creek watershed, here in Humboldt County, California. Fern Gully is one of the last old growth redwood groves left on Earth, and just so happens to stand right above an elementary school in the small rural community of Freshwater. Maxxam/Pacific Lumber logging has been suspended in Freshwater, thanks to the Water Quality Control Board, yet Fern Gully still remains unprotected. Should the children who will go to that school for the next 100 years have to look at a clearcut, or should they have the unique privelege of looking up to see one of the world's wonders for years to come? Feel free to contact Schwarzenegger's office and give them an earful about why they should save Fern Gully, for the children, the watershed, and out of general principle. Here's the info...

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger State Capitol Building Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: 916-445-2841 Fax: 916-445-4633

To send an Electronic Mail please visit: http://www.govmail.ca.gov

Many activists are still dealing with harassment from the S.L.A.P.P. suits being brought against them by Maxxam/PL, while Charles Hurwitz received a ruling for $72 million for allegedly being harassed by a vast conspiracy between the government and environmentalists. Can you believe this world? Thankfully, the FDIC has appealed the ruling, and the $72 million won't go to Hurwitz quite yet, and hopefully never will. Activists are being sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars for allegedly costing the company so much money to deal with us. Maxxam/PL fails to mention the debt they have accrued with the people of Humboldt County, for years of sedimentation, landslides, assault & battery, increased flooding, and other blatant criminal activity they have been engaged in for the past 20 years.

I've been out of town for a bit, so haven't had a chance to work on our website, http://www.northcoastearthfirst.org, very much lately. We could definitely use help with web design and maintenance, if anyone is interested. It has some good information and links, yet I acknowledge that it's a bit lackluster...all apologies...

A Sun Dance was held in mid-August, along the Avenue of the Giants. The focus of the prayer was for the old growth redwoods and the people working to protect them. It was a beautiful ceremony, and will continue for the next three years. You are all invited to attend, and we hope that many of you will come to join in this sacred ceremony for the Earth and her people.

As many of you know, the Pepper Spray plaintiffs had a victory in court, after a court battle that has lasted approximately eight years. Details of the case and the steps that are still being taken to ban the use of pepper spray as a torture device on non-violent activists are available at http://www.nopepperspray.org .

Thanks for being on our update e-mail list! The global resistance to corporate control and exploitation in ongoing, and more people are waking up every day. It's an exciting time to be alive, and feels right to be part of an international movement towards protecting the Earth...Earth First! Ok, on to the support section...don't even like to go there, yet it's a vital part of maintaining our front-line resistance...

To make a secure donation via PayPal, please go to the following link (I've done away with those pesky HTML buttons in e-mails)...

Also, be sure to use shunka_2004@yahoo.com for the e-mail to send donations to.

You can send donations via snail mail to...

North Coast Earth First! P.O. Box 28 Arcata, CA 95518 (NOT Bayside, CA)

You can also make a tax-deductible donation to our media office and collective, at the following link:


Just scroll down to "North Coast Earth First! (NCEF!)", and click on "Continue>"

You can also reach our media office at...

NCEF! Media
920 Samoa Blvd., Suite #221 Arcata, CA 95521
(707) 822-1513

With Love, Light, and Re-evolution, Shunka Wakan North Coast Earth First!

Be sure to check out http://www.northcoastearthfirst.org

Informant: Hummingbird Lou


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September 2005

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