
Responsibility Has Consequences

"To the extent that the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility." - George W. Bush

Impeach Bush Now!

House Committee to Vote on Resolution of Inquiry on 9/14

A Resolution of Inquiry into Bush's war lies (H Res 375) now has 70 co-sponsors. It will come to a vote in the House International Relations Commitee on September 14th, where it has the co-sponsorship of most of the Democrats and one Republican. To pass, it needs all the Democrats and three Republicans. The more Congress Members not on the committee who co-sponsor, the more likely some committee members are to vote yes. A substantial debate on the issue is expected. The committee meets in Room 2172, Rayburn House Office Building, at 10:30 a.m. this Wednesday.

Email Your Congress Member
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Or call switchboard tollfree at (888) 818-6641

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Here are Current Co-Sponsors

If passed, H Res 375 will require the White House and the State Department to "transmit all information relating to communication with officials of the United Kingdom between January 1, 2002, and October 16, 2002, relating to the policy of the United States with respect to Iraq."

We have the Downing Street Memos from the UK. This Resolution, if passed, will demand similar evidence from the US. The Downing Street Memos strongly suggest that the President knowlingly deceived Congress in his March 18th formal letter on why the war was necessary: he cited a threat to the US from Iraq and a need to go after nations behind the 9-11 attacks. If the President was honest about his reasons for war, H Res 375 is his chance to clear his name. The majority of Americans believe he lied (Washington Post/ABC poll).

Lots More Info is Here:

When you call your Congress Member:

Please ask for the Legislative Director or the person in charge of Iraq or foreign policy. If they tell you that the representative will not be co-sponsoring H. Res. 375, ask for the reasons. Also try to determine what it would take for them to be a co-sponsor. If your Congressional representative is a Republican, mention that Rep. Jim Leach, Iowa, is co-sponsoring the ROI (Resolution of Inquiry.)

Ask for a fax # and / or email address to send copies of the Resolution of Inquiry and the actual Downing Street Minutes for the Representative or staffer(s) to look at, if need be.Then quickly fax or email these materials to the proper address or number. We can't assume your Congressperson is aware of these materials, so here they are.

ROI: a one-page PDF of the Resolution of Inquiry you can fax or email.


Downing Street Memos:

We cannot thank you enough for your willingness to help get Rep. Barbara Lee's H. Res. 375. passed out of the I.R. Committee. Your efforts really count!

Yours for Peace and Accountability, The AfterDowningStreet.org Coalition

9/15 Hearing and Rally on Ending the War

On Thursday, September 15, in Washington , D.C. , Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey will hold a hearing on exit strategies for Iraq. A coalition of organizations demanding an end to the war will hold a rally afterwards at 5 p.m. in front of the White House. Please ask your Congressmember and Senators to take part in both events. Email them here: http://tinyurl.com/7vjej

Or call the switchboard toll free: (888) 818-6641

And please come to these events yourself if you can (but remember that we are building toward a mass mobilization on September 24; if you can only come to DC once, come then).

Rally updates and flyers:


HEARING: Thursday, September 15, 2005, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. WHERE: 122 Cannon House Office Building WITNESSES: U.S. Senator Max Cleland, former member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, former head of the Veterans Administration and triple amputee from his military service in the Vietnam War; General Joseph Hoar (Ret. USMC), former Commander in Chief of U.S. Central Command; Ambassador David Mack, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Near East, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, and current Vice President of the Middle East Institute; Dr. Ken Katzman, Middle East analyst and Iraq specialist at the Congressional Research Service; Anas Shallal, an Iraqi-American and founder of Iraqi-Americans for Peaceful Alternatives.

Both Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate have been invited. Some 25 Democratic Members are expected, and several Republican Members, including Rep. Walter Jones Jr. (N.C.), have indicated they will participate for at least a portion of the hearing.

Rep. Woolsey's Advisory:

Sept. 6 Article in Roll Call:

RALLY: at Lafayette Square Park (in front of White House) at 5 p.m. ET on September 15, 2005, sponsored by Progressive Democrats of America, After Downing Street, Code Pink, Peace Action, Democrats.com, and Democracy Rising.

SPEAKERS: Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey and other Congress Members; Gold Star Families for Peace Member Tia Steele; Founder of American Families United, Gold Star Mother, Member of Military Families Speak Out, and star of "Farenheit 9-11" Lila Lipscomb; Veterans for Peace Board Member Ellen Barfield; Family member of U.S. soldier serving in Iraq Jawaid Khan; Co-Founder of Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) Tom Hayden; Code Pink Co-Founder and United for Peace and Justice organizer Gael Murphy; Peace Action Organizing and Policy Director Paul Kawika Martin; U.S. Labor Against the War Co-Founder Gene Bruskin; Center on Conscience and War Executive Director J.E. McNeil; PDA Board Member and After Downing Street Co-Founder John Bonifaz; Pastor of Pasadena, Calif., All Saints Church Ed Bacon; PDA Executive Director and After Downing Street Co-Founder Tim Carpenter; PDA Board Member and After Downing Street Co-Founder David Swanson; Democracy Rising Director and likely U.S. Senate candidate from Maryland Kevin Zeese; Pacifica Radio Washington Bureau Chief Verna Avery Brown; Co-Founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity Ray McGovern; PDA Board Member and President & CEO of Hip Hop Caucus Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr; diplomat who resigned in opposition to Iraq war, and Camp Casey coordinator Ann Wright; Research Fellow, Institute for Policy Studies, Erik Leaver, Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg.

Also the same day, a coalition of organizations will hand in to Congress a petition for an exit strategy. See
http://www.peoplespetition.org (Note that not all sponsors of and participants in the rally are participants in or supporters of the petition or the hearings.)

Information on mass mobilization September 24-26:

Information on civil resistance on September 26:

Sign Up for Exciting Workshops in DC on Sept. 25 These events, organized by Progressive Democrats of America, will include a discussion with Cindy Sheehan, as well as a focus on the Downing Street Memos and remarks by John Bonifaz, Co-Founder of After Downing Street.


9/16 DC: The Crisis of US Elections

9/16 Baltimore: U.S. Constitution in Crisis

9/16 NYC: Burning Bush: A Faith-based Musical A Democrats.com Night of Fun!

9/18 Philadelphia: Beyond Oil Teach-In & Conference

9/28-30 Portland OR: National Summit to Save our Elections


NOW: Renew the Violence Against Women Act before 9/30

President Bush: Meet with Cindy Sheehan It's time to get Out Of Iraq! Impeach Bush and Cheney Prosecute Bush for War Crimes

From the Democrats.com Blog

John Roberts: Fascism with a Smile Bush Admits Katrina Guilt - Impeach Bush Now!

Say Hello to 'Duck Tape Man' Bush Resign's, Bush Resign's! - Don't We Wish... Bye-Bye Brownie, Horse's Ass Resigns, 'Bout Time Rove Launches Smear Campaign Against John Conyers The Pentagon's 911 Freedom March to Totalitarianism Welcome to Bush's Third World America The War of the Elites: The New Right (Neocons) v. The Oil Barons Debt Slavery Law Rears its Ugly Head FEMA Director Brown Hardly a Lawyer, Just a Political Poseur? Dear Secretary Chertoff: Ten Questions for Judge John Roberts http://democrats.com



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September 2005

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