
Yes Minister Scenario - AN OUTSIDER'S VIEW


I read the latest Mast Sanity PR announcement with despair. How tragic that we are being forced to live a life cocooned in protective devices and kept functioning by taking expensive remedies. As I said earlier (and please forgive me for repeating myself) the many thousands of victims of this technology in the UK must surely make this a human rights issue on a grand scale. We need some decisive action.

I mention this again because I sense a subtle change in strategy occurring, whereby people will accept and / or be expected to protect themselves against the technology, rather than requiring the technology to change to protect people (see the article on the HPA Report).

Is Mast Sanity as a charity, able to seek advise from Human Rights lawyers on this? Being forced to sleep under Faraday cages, lining walls and curtains with metal, carrying protective boxes etc etc, is frankly outrageous, and surely amounts to the subjugation of a vast number of British citizens. Sadly, for many there is no choice if they are to survive and function with any degree of normality. Perhaps they could send the bills for these protective measures to their local councils and demand that they pay them! However, that's an action that could have a sinister backlash. What would happen if the Government suddenly saw this as a way of getting round their difficulties?

I can almost hear their devious minds clicking away.

'How can we deal with this - it's just not going away, is it? Do you think we ought to throw them a sop? How about looking at ICNIRP - I mean it's just not convincing anyone anymore is it, and it's not making us look good.' What??!! You must be joking. Lose all that revenue, all those kick backs and jollies. Not on your life. Besides, the Ops would hang us out to dry. No, there must be another way .... I know ...

The Swedish method looks promising. We could save billions by not having to make the technology safe - all we have to do is put the people into protective custody instead! Clever eh?' 'You mean make them all walk around with masks and those big puffy white suits that astronauts wear?' 'Are you taking the piss? No, we fund protective materials for ES sufferers, and that way we would be seen to be caring, compassionate, and actually doing something!' 'Great, but won't it be pricey?' 'No, it'll look good on paper but in practice we won't need to spend anything. They'll have to be nearly dead to qualify and even if they do, we could pass a law to say that if only one member of a household is ill, there'll be no entitelement.'

'Great! The Ops'll love it. They'll get free reign across the country and we get lots of lovely dosh!' Pause 'But what about the ... er ... backlash? (said in an embarrassed whisper) 'Won't the people suspect ...?' Laughter. 'Of course they will, but so what? They'll put up with it, they always do. Actually I quite enjoy seeing them frustrated at every turn. It's become quite a spectator sport, especially for us at the ODPM. Just thank your lucky stars that most of them are too nice or too law abiding to do anything radical. If they started that kind of caper we'd really be in the sh ....! '

With huge apologies to Yes Minister, and of course sincere apologies to those who hate people who gum up the system with time wasting trivialities, even if they are trying to make a serious point. I keep trying to find a box to fit into but can't. Jenny



You are a gem.

Can you remember a few years ago when the government said it was going to give a computer to every poor child so they could have one at home.

They can't understand why the funds are all still in the safe.

And there was this about doing something about a deprived area of a city, it was a name given area. But 3-4 years later when a reporter went to take a look, it looked the same, only more deprived.

Words are cheap, especially hot air. Always have been.

You just promise the same just before the next election, and get voted in again.

So, now you have another 4 years where you can rally around telling everyone how great you are,

You have promised to make radical changes to this and that, knowing that no one investigates it for another

4 years, and then the same old, same old.

And if someone reminds you of the misery at home that you promised to do something about, you are busy to go somewhere else to look at other peoples misery, and have a nice time away from the homemade one. And when you come back you talk about having to do something about the Global misery and the homemade stays the same and forgotten, because you have such big ideals.

The same old Merry-go-round.



Thanks Agnes - and I couldn't agree more. The terrible truth is we have been manipulated from first to last. Being patient, reasonable and acquiescent is just what they want - always has been. We've been playing into their hands for years. We can't afford to for much longer. As long as we continue to play by their rules, we'll always lose! We need to start making our own rules - people power is a far greater force than governments and big business - we should start using it. Jenny


Wonderful stuff, Jenny and Agnes, and I wholeheartedly agree with you. I have faith in people power, but will the people have faith that they can do it? That is the question. In Poland many people are behind a person who is helping to get masts down. In other countries people are backing those who are trying to make changes. Will the UK achieve this? This rests with the people. It seems in the UK that every bit of research or evidence that is brought forward is overlooked, watered down, or dismissed! Will this continue to be so? If it does, then the people will need to speak out or nothing can be achieved.

Agnes, I understand your feelings so well. Not only do I talk to sick people on the advice line, but some of my family and friends suffer, and so do I. When I first realised how callous and evil some are, I was totally gutted and shocked. When I got over this, my hate and anger were tremendous - warpath variety with no let up! But having reasoned with this, in view of my deep belief and faith in Our Creator, I came out the other side and feel I now work more productively, when I am not zapped too much!




You are a gem.

Can you remember a few years ago when the government said it was going to give a computer to every poor child.

So they could have one at home.

The cant understand why the funds are all still in the safe.

And there was this about doing something about a deprived area of a city, it was a name given area

But 3-4 years later when a reporter went to take a look, it looked the same, only more deprived.

Words are cheap, especially hot air. Always have been.

You just promise the same just before the next election, and get voted in again.

So, now you have another 4 years where you can rally around telling everyone how great you are,

You have promised to make radical changes to this and that, knowing that no one investigates it for another 4 years, and then the same old, same old.

And if someone reminds you of the misery at home that you promised to do something about, you are busy to go somewhere else to look at other peoples misery, and have a nice time away from the homemade one. And when you come back you talk about having to do something about the Global misery and the homemade stays the same and forgotten, because you have such big ideals.

The same old Merry-go-round.



I could not agree more.

I am trying to do my bit now, and showing the telecoms as what they are, a greedy, sinister lot whose only care is the cash they can rake in, in a short time, not the tragedy the inflict on those standing in their way.

With the big help of Eileen O´Connor we have finally got through to the press, and the sum: £. 407,398,06 seems to have been enough to make them sit up straight.

And, by now they have put on investigative reporters, so maybe there is hope after all. Please cross your fingers for me.

Judging by the way they have reacted to the press, they are not used to be challenged (and do not like it) at the moment they are trying on the LIE bit again to turn things their way.

But I have nothing to loose anymore, so I will not give up.

I will use everything I can to show them for what they are.

Wish me luck. I am scared shitless, but I will not give up.

I have stopped being patient, reasonable and nice, all that is left is hate.

I went to Worcester yesterday, with the GGC Midlands Today and stood outside my old home

After 1½ years it is still vacant, and I can see it is crumbling, it is 200 years old, it needs TLC

On a steady basis, and it is not getting any.

Sorry, I still love that house, and my happy times there Pre-H3G mast.

So, I guess I am like you really are describing, a rabid dog, full of disgust for the people who have no regard for others lives and health as long as they can cash in.

And, that goes for the telecoms and the people who call them selves the rulers of this land.

Who ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR WELLBEING, BY LAW, but only act on fads that they think can make them look good, and whatever gives cash there is to be scraped up.

So, lets hope all of us shake of the apathy, and join the unions. And get active.

Sorry for the raving, but my feelings are very, very strong.

Best regards.



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September 2005

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