
Rehnquist Paved the way for the Imperial Presidency

"He was a man of character and dedication. His departure represents a great loss for the court and for our country." George W. Bush on hearing of the death of Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist

By Mike Whitney
Information Clearing House

Let's not wring out the tears for William Rehnquist. The man was the worst chief justice to ever serve on the Supreme Court; a complete failure who disgraced his office and the people he was supposed to serve. Never in the 200 year history of the nation has the high court sustained more damage under the stewardship of one man.

Rehnquist's partisan handiwork rigged the 2000 election and set the country in a downward spiral to ruin. He cobbled together the coalition of rogue-jurists who stripped the Florida Supreme Court of their Constitutionally-guaranteed right to decide the outcome of state elections and overturned the fundamental principle of democratic government; the right to have one's vote counted.
Rehnquist invoked the 14th amendment; the "equal protection" clause to elevate his friend George W. Bush to president. Prior to that, the amendment had never even been used in cases other than racial discrimination. Legal scholars and attorneys alike scoffed at the shaky reasoning that held the case together. It was a complete travesty that both Republicans and Democrats disdained. Rehnquist abandoned every principle of judicial impartiality to shoehorn a derelict-Texan into the Oval Office and to uphold his standing as a charter member of the ruling class. [...] Read the rest at http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article10136.htm or http://tinyurl.com/eynww

If you are interested in a history of the Bush family , starting with 1918 and going to the present, you will find one at http://www.hereinreality.com/familyvalues.html
We were still gasping for unpolluted air after statements made by Bush and his NeoCon cronies, when we noticed that Cheney had not surfaced...

© Virginia Metze


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