
Fight over phone mast is back on

Wakefield Express

RESIDENTS have vowed to fight new proposals to place a phone mast at a football club near an infant school.

The planning application to erect a phone mast at Ossett Albion FC comes two months after a similar application to place a mast on the same site was refused.

People living in the area around the Dimplewells Road site, close to Dimplewell Infant School, fought a determined campaign to prevent a mast being erected last time – and have promised they will do the same again.

The new planning application, by T-Mobile, is for a phone mast antennae to be attached to one of the existing floodlights, instead of a separate phone mast.

Determined residents have restarted the Ossett Residents Against Mobile Phone Masts (ORAMM) pressure group and are collecting signatures against the planning proposal.

Margaret Walker, of Dimplewells Lane, is a member of ORAMM.

She said: “It’s going to be close to the school. I don’t think it’s a suitable site for a phone mast. I think it will devalue our house because it is so near to it.

“In addition, there are the health hazards, which they say are none existent, but I don’t believe that at all.

“We are all in agreement. All the way up Dimplewells Lane and Dimplewells Road, and in the surrounding areas, they are objecting.

“We are just hoping that the planning department will take notice and say no to them again.”

Ms Walker is helping ORAMM collect signatures for the petition.

She said: “I have never done anything like this before in my life, but I feel so strongly about it. A lot of other people do as well, especially those with young children.”

Stuart Garside, vice-chairman of Ossett Albion FC, based at Ossett Cricket and Athletic Club, said the club have a football team that play in the Unibond League, an under 19s side, and are in negotiations with youth sides to bring them to the club.

He said: “Any money raised from the mast will be going to help promote football in the area from juniors right through to seniors.

“We are self-financing and we have got to do everything ourselves.

“It won’t look out of place. It’s going to be an addition to the floodlights.

“There will be no difference in outlook from any of the houses.

“There isn’t a health issue – it hasn’t been proved in the courts.

“If there was a health issue in the future, we would have no hesitation in taking the mast down.”

Omega this is a health issue yet today. See under:

Wakefield Council has extended the closing date for comments on the application, reference number 05/99/687566/A, to Friday, September 16.

09 September 2005


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