
Joy as phone mast plan withdrawn

Chester Evening Leader 08 09 05

CAMPAIGNERS against plans to put a mobile phone mast in the heart of their Chester community are celebrating success.

Vodafone wanted to install a 12-metre pole and equipment box at the junction of Victoria Road and Victoria Crescent, near Chester Business School.

Residents said the mast would be an eyesore in an area under a conservation order and they said they were also worried about the health implications of living close to one.

But the company decided to withdraw its application after discussion with planning officers.

Jane Frapwell, electromagnetic field adviser for Vodafone, said: “This site is a conservation area. And after discussion with the local planning officer we decided it would be best to find an alternative site.”

She said the company still needed a mast in the area to boost coverage.

But residents and councillors who were against the plans also believe the strength of feeling against putting a base station, as they are officially called, there had some bearing on Vodafone’s decision to withdraw.

College ward councillor Sandra Rudd said: “We are delighted they withdrew the plans. I believe the strong objections raised by residents and the ward councillors have been a major contribution to this decision.

“I know the company needs a mast somewhere in this area so people can use their mobile phones, but this was an inappropriate development. This decision is a victory for residents.”

Other councillors to object included College ward’s Janet Black, and City and St Anne’s’ Gwyn Cooper.


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September 2005

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