
Support the spirit of Camp Casey

CODE PINK LA is co-sponsoring some fantastic events happening this weekend. Come out and support peace by attending or volunteering at any of these events. Please contact Dana at (310) 827-4320 or dana@codepinkalert.org if you are able to help out. Cindy Sheehan is in town, so see the events below and come support the spirit of Camp Casey at Henry Waxman's office or at Agape International Spiritual Center ! See details below. September 11th is this weekend as well, so see the events below and join CODE PINK as we honor, remember and move forward with reverence.

Join us for the spirit of Camp Casey as we send Cindy off to the bus tour and send aid to Louisiana … Friday, September 9


Agape Spiritual Center

5700 Buckingham Parkway Culver City , CA 90230 Speakers will include: Cindy Sheehan, Arianna Huffington, Jodie Evans of CODE PINK Jeff Key of Iraq Veterans Against the War, Eisha Mason of Agape Spiritual Center & AFSCMembers of Veterans for Peace & Gold Star Families for Peace, As well as inspiring music from LA women Event sponsored by Agape, CODE PINK , American Friends Service Committee, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Gold Star Families for Peace, Vets For Peace, MFSOWe will be collecting donations for Camp Casey Covington in Louisiana for the victims of Hurricane Katrina

Let us know you are coming with an email to rsvp@codepinkalert.org
*There is no charge for this event.

Join Cindy Sheehan as she visits Congressman Henry Waxman Friday September 9, 2005 - 4pm 8436 West 3rd st. Suite 600 , LA 90048 Please come with your support for mothers everywhere and Congressman Waxman's willingness to meet with Cindy.

Events happening on Sunday, September 11, 2005 STOP THE NEXT WAR NOW: A DAY OF REFLECTION, PLANNING AND ACTION KPFK, CODE PINK, Progressive Christians Uniting and Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace invite you to "Stop the Next War Now!" Come and empower yourself with tools and resources to make real change in the world! Call (626) 683-9004 for more information.

10:00am-11:30am : Rectors Forum
12:15 pm : Box lunch/discussion All Saints Church - 132 North Euclid Ave, Pasadena , CA

7:00 - 9:30 pm: Panel Discussion ICUJP, CODE PINK , KPFK and PCU present Medea Benjamin – Global Exchange, CODE PINK , (recently nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize) Ray McGovern – former CIA analyst; founder -Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity) Tom Hayden – former California State Assemblyman; co-author of the Port Huron Statement) Eisha Mason – Executive Director, the Center for the Advancement of Nonviolence; KPFK 90.7 Radio Host Salam Al-Marayati – Director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council of Los Angeles Hip-Hop artist Will B and other special guests tba.

Suggested Donation $10 – no one turned away for lack of funds! Immanuel Presbyterian Church 3300 Wilshire Blvd. (at Berendo, East of Vermont )

RENO : Rebel Without A Pause, Unrestrained Reflections on September 11th SPARC 685 Venice Blvd. Reno, an opinionated alternative comedian who creates heavily improvised topical monologues with political consciousness and common sense will be performing her evening length Off-Broadway hit show, Rebel Without a Pause, at SPARC to mark another September 11th. Reno was awakened on September 11th, 2001 by the impact of the first plane crash, just blocks from her loft in New York City. Three weeks later, she became the first artist to publicly exorcise her conflicting experiences with audiences looking for words to describe their own confusion.

FOR RESERVATIONS: email whit@citizenreno.com or phone: 310-205-9436. Tickets are $20, proceeds will benefit SPARC. This is an outdoor venue, chairs provided / wheelchair accessible.

Peace, Dana, Grace, Jodie, Susan, Sarah, Samantha, Tiffany and Whitney

Cindy Sheehan


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September 2005

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