
Pass the Million Solar Roofs Bill

From: "Dan Jacobson, Environment California Legislative Director" DanJ@environmentcalifornia.org Date: September 7, 2005 3:55:42 PM PDT To: gmvye@pacbell.net Subject: Environment California : Three Days to Pass the Million Solar Roofs Bill

We have just three days left to pass the Million Solar Roofs bill. Over the past six months, dozens of people have helped us lobby in Sacramento, thousands of people have called their legislators, and over 60,000 Californians have sent emails or signed a postcard in support of this solar bill. Now we're down to the wire, and we need your help again.

Please make one more call to your Assemblymember RIGHT NOW and urge your Assemblymember to support the Million Solar Roofs bill, SB 1. Then ask your family and friends to help by forwarding this email to them.

You can call your Assemblymember, Pedro Nava, at 916-319-2035

Here is a sample message you can leave: "Hi, my name is _____ and I live in _______ (your city). Please support SB 1, the Million Solar Roofs bill, and do everything you can to help it pass."

Then let us know you called. This is an important part of our work! It lets us track how many people each legislator is hearing from.

To report your call, click on this link or paste it into your web browser:


Environment California is working to make California the nation's solar power leader by passing the Million Solar Roofs bill, SB 1, which would be the nation's largest solar power policy.

The Million Solar Roofs bill would build a million solar power systems over 10 years including building half of all new homes with solar panels. These goals would grow California's solar market 30- fold, cutting the cost of solar power in half and bringing clean air and energy independence to all Californians.

The Million Solar Roofs bill would accomplish these goals by:

* Creating a $2.5 billion fund to provide one-time rebates to homeowners of both new and existing homes as well as businesses, farms and schools over 10 years. The fund would come from a small surcharge on ratepayer bills of around 55 cents per month. Low- income ratepayers would be exempt from paying into the fund and 10 percent of the fund would go specifically to installing solar on affordable and low-income housing.

* Raising the current cap on a program called net metering, in which solar customers are given a credit on their electric bill for excess power generated by their solar system. State law currently caps this program at 0.5 percent of a utility's peak load. SB 1 would raise this cap five fold, up to 2.5 percent.

* Requiring new, large single-family housing developers to make solar panels a standard offer, similar to marble counter tops.

We have just three days left to pass the Million Solar Roofs bill. Over the past six months, dozens of you have helped us lobby in Sacramento, thousands have made a personal phone call, and over
60,000 California residents have sent emails or signed a postcard in support of this solar bill. Now we're down to the wire, and we need your help again.

Please make one more call to your Assemblymember RIGHT NOW and urge your Assemblymember to support the Million Solar Roofs bill, SB 1. Then ask your family and friends to help by forwarding this email to them.

You can call your Assemblymember, Pedro Nava, at 916-319-2035

Here is a sample message you can leave: "Hi, my name is _____ and I live in _______ (your city). Please support SB 1, the Million Solar Roofs bill, and do everything you can to help it pass."

Then let us know you called. This is an important part of our work! It lets us track how many people each legislator is hearing from.

To report your call, click on this link or paste it into your web browser:


Dan Jacobson Environment California Legislative Director DanJ@environmentcalifornia.org http://www.EnvironmentCalifornia.org

P.S. Thanks again for your support. Please feel free to share this e-mail with your family and friends.

Informant: Hopedance


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September 2005

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