
Councillors agree: The mast must move


Covered in the Evening News today is the story of how the mast must move. T-Mobile had erected one of their telephone masts in the wrong position. Local residents hope to be even more pleased than they were when the Council voted to take enforcement action against t-Moble because the rumour is that there is a gas main just below where the mast got planning permission to be erected.

Locals remember when there used to be a house on the site and have fairly good information that when t-Mobile were erecting the mast they watched the erectors trying in the right place then moving further south, towards the school and sticking the mast where they could.

A T-Mobile spokesman admitted the whole saga had been “embarrassing”. He said: “We are aware we will be presented with formal notice to move the mast.

“If that’s the decision I think we can promise it will be moved. “There’s no doubt at all this was a mistake. It’s unfortunate and slightly embarrassing. “But the need for a base station to serve mobile traffic in that area has not altered.”

It may be a bit more embarrasing for the company if they try to move the mast and hit on the suspected gas main!

Believe it or not, the the Councillors did an amazing job against the opposition of their Enforcement Officer who recommended keeping the mast where it was - 4 meters closer to the Brunstane Primary and Nursery School. Special mentions must go to Alnwickhill’s Councillor Ian Murray who spoke out furiously aginst the mast, Councillor Longstaff who said “it’s not like we are asking them to move a house” and even local councillor Maureen Child played a blinder on the day.

A thank you to all the planning committee who really saw sense on this matter and took the appropriate action. I hope we are not getting too soft!


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September 2005

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