
Anti-mast residents win battle with mobile giant

Edinburgh Evening News 05.09.05

RESIDENTS who took on phone giant T-Mobile after a mast was built three metres closer to their homes than agreed have won their fight.

Neighbours in the area around Brunstane Road South, who embarked on the David and Goliath battle, took their case to city planners.

A council development committee has now agreed to order T-Mobile to move the mast. The move marked what residents hope will be the end of a six-month campaign which began when the controversial mast was erected in the wrong spot.

Sandra Yeaman, of Milton Road East, said: "It's excellent news. This is massive to me because it is currently standing just 21 metres from my kitchen window and it is 15 metres high."

Unless T-Mobile appeals the decision, the mast will be moved to Milton Road East where residents claim it will be further away from homes, and a nursery and primary school.

A T-Mobile spokesman admitted the whole saga had been "embarrassing".

He said: "We are aware we will be presented with formal notice to move the mast.

"If that's the decision I think we can promise it will be moved.

"There's no doubt at all this was a mistake. It's unfortunate and slightly embarrassing.

"But the need for a base station to serve mobile traffic in that area has not altered."

A council spokeswoman said that if T-Mobile was good to its word the local authority would not issue a formal notice.


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