
New mast battle for residents

Harborough Today 05.09.05

CONCERNED residents have organised a public meeting to discuss controversial plans for a 15m high phone mast in Kibworth – just weeks after successfully challenging a similar scheme.

Last month Hutchison 3G submitted a planning application for a mast 90m away from the 17th century Kibworth Windmill, off Langton Road, Kibworth Harcourt.

Campaigners have arranged a meeting for tomorrow at the Methodist Church in School Road from 6.30pm.

Hundreds of pamphlets raising awareness of the plan have also been distributed to residents.

Protester Beverley Burdett said: "If they can put a man on the moon why can't they find a better place to put these phone masts. "We are not just going to lie down and die. If we are unsuccessful, we will go down fighting."

Villagers successfully campaigned in March against an application from Orange for an 18m high mast 250m away from the Grade II listed windmill. It was thrown out by councillors in May because they felt the siting and appearance would adversely affect the character and appearance of the rural landscape. It is believed the windmill was built in the early 1600s although the main post has a carving dated 1711.

Hutchison 3G say the mast is needed to provide mobile phone coverage for customers. In the application documents Hutchison said: "We have carefully designed a solution to blend in with the farm setting and maximise the use of natural screening." They say the mast will not affect the view from the windmill as it will be screened by conifers.

05 September 2005


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