
Share Your Home


Operation: Share Your Home was started in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and launched by a group of friends and co-workers that wanted to pitch in and make a difference as quickly as possible.

What are the goals of your organization? To serve as a bridge of communication between those who are in need and those who have resources to offer. Through our network of users via our website and call center we hope to find temporary homes for families affected by Hurricane Katrina.

Where are you looking for homes? We are looking for homes specifically in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and neighboring states but many people are interested in going anywhere in the US. We are going to match families together to the best of our ability based on preferences stated from both sides.

Who can help? Anyone who has resources to lend a helping hand.

How can my family be sure it is safe to volunteer my home? Share Your Home can provide a background check if requested. Host families will be able to communicate with their families to discuss logistics and iron out all necessary details prior to arrival.

If my family is a victim of Hurricane Katrina does it matter what state I am from? Share Your Home is matching Hurricane Katrina victims from Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi.

What if my matched family doesn't work out, does Share Your Home find new placement? We understand that every match can't be perfect and we will make every effort to match as many needs on both sides again and again if need be.

If my family shares our home, how long do we house the family in need? This answer is up to the family lending the house. We realize that lengths of time may shorten and lengthen depending on the quality of the match. Again, we will make every effort to match as many needs on both sides.

Does my family receive compensation for sharing our home? Not at this time. Some families may want to pitch in and help but this is not a requirement.

Is Share Your Home a tax-exempt organization? Operation: Share Your Home is a non-profit organization and has applied for 501 (c)(3) status. Share Your Home does not discriminate with respect to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, or partisan affiliation.


Informant: Friends


User Status

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September 2005

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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 8. Apr, 08:39
