
Mast plan is toppled


Last posted: Saturday 3 September 2005 10:12
This is Bolton

PEOPLE power defeated a company's bid to put a mobile mast in Harwood.

Nearly 700 objectors added their names to a petition against T-Mobile's plan to install the 12-metre high mast on Lea Gate near the Morrisons supermarket.

Bolton Council received hundreds of letters of objection before the proposal was heard and rejected at a planning committee meeting on Thursday.

Nina Pendlebury, who championed the residents' objection, told the committee that the mast - which would have been positioned near the supermarket's petrol station - could cause a potentially fatal blast.

She said: "Any electrical magnetic activity could create a spark and cause a tremendous explosion. I live three cottages away and I feel terrified by the prospect.

"I ask that the fire authority be asked to give their express approval about the safety. Is the council willing to take full responsibility if something goes wrong?"

Ms Pendlebury added that the mast - which would have provided a network for third generation mobiles, the very latest technology - would attract vandals and ruin "a picture postcard area".

Outside the meeting she celebrated the planning committee's decision to reject the application, saying: "The objectors will be thrilled by this. The sheer weight of feeling about the application was forceful.


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September 2005

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