
Save the People of New Orleans Jobs/Income & Housing for All


Save the People of New Orleans Jobs/Income & Housing for All Displaced Families Real Relief – Yes! Racism – No!

Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2005 Los Angeles Protest: 6 pm, Westwood Federal Building 11000 Wilshire Blvd (corner of Wilshire & Veteran)

What is taking place today in Louisiana and Mississippi is a crisis rarely seen in this country. It has provoked an outpouring of concern for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Millions of people across the United States and around the world are watching in horror at both the scale of suffering and the lack of response by the U.S. government. Thousands are dead or missing; millions have been displaced or lost their jobs and homes.

The African American community in New Orleans has been especially hard hit, and on top of massive suffering has suffered vicious racist scapegoating at the hands of government officials and the corporate media. The real "looters" are the big oil companies that are making super-profits by jacking up the price of gas and oil.

It is becoming clearer every day that this crisis goes far beyond a "natural disaster." The danger that a hurricane posed for New Orleans and the region had been known and discussed for years—with no significant preparations taken. The U.S. government and all its agencies are guilty of criminal neglect. The Senate relief bill of $10.5 billion—which equals just 7 weeks of the cost of war in Iraq— is completely inadequate.

Working people in the United States need to stand with the victims of this crisis and demand that the government take immediate and long-term action to give real assistance to those who have lost everything.

Join the protest on Wednesday, September 7 in Los Angeles and demand real relief for the victims of Hurricane Katrina!

Stop Racist Scapegoating of the Victims! Jail the Real "Looters" – The Oil Company Executives! Money for People's Needs, Not for War!

National Protests Scheduled: Los Angeles: 6 pm, Westwood Federal Building,11000 Wilshire Blvd (corner of Veteran & Wilshire) Washington, DC: 5 pm, White House San Francisco: 5 pm, Powell & Market Sts.

For more info call 323-464-1636 or e-mail answerla@answerla.org.

A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition-LA Act Now to Stop War and End Racism
323-464-1636 http://www.answerla.org answerla@answerla.org
1800 Argyle Ave, #410 Los Angeles , CA 90028 Join us each Tues at 7 pm for A.N.S.W.E.R. Activists Meetings.

Informant: idthomp


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September 2005

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