
It Was the Oil, Stupid

Cindy Day 25

So it is official, Casey had his blood shed in Iraq for OIL. He died so we could pay over $3.00/gallon for gas. Like I suspected all along, my dear, sweet son, almost 1900 others, and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis died so the oil fields wouldn't "fall into the hands of terrorists" and so George and his immoral band of greedy robber barons could become wealthier. Like I have said all along: how can these people sleep at night and how can they choke down their food knowing it is purchased off of the flesh and blood of others? We have found our "Noble Cause." And it is OIL. This man and his handlers need to be stopped.


Resolution of Inquiry into Bush Lies Gains Momentum

There are now 59 co-sponsors on Barbara Lee's Resolution of Inquiry into the Downing Street Memos, including one Republican member of the International Relations Committee, Jim Leach. Cindy Sheehan is meeting with another Republican committee member, Ron Paul, tomorrow. A vote in committee will come between Sept. 6 and Sept. 16. Now is the time to contact YOUR Congressmember - and be sure to use our Feedback Form:


Sign the People's Petition

Have you signed the petition for an exit strategy? Has everyone you know done so? Please make sure you can say Yes before September 16: http://www.peoplespetition.org/

"Bring the Troops Home Now" Bus Tour Began Today Three buses left Crawford, Texas, this morning carrying military and Gold Star families, veterans of the Iraq War and veterans of previous wars. These buses will travel different routes across the country, converging in Washington, DC on September 21, for the United for Peace and Justice Mobilization September 24th-26th. Cindy Sheehan is on the Southern bus route for the first two days and planned to meet with Rep. Lloyd Doggett today and Reps. Ron Paul and Tom Delay tomorrow. The bus will not go to New Orleans, as had been planned, but is carrying supplies as close as possible to those who need them. Please give them a warm welcome at the stop nearest you. http://www.bringthemhomenowtour.org/

Bring Camp Casey to YOUR Congressperson

Cindy sent a letter to all the members of Congress holding them responsible for taking us into war and therefore ending this war. We need you to create a Camp Casey outside the offices of those who are not agreeing to a meeting. Sign up here to join in, check in daily to see who is answered and who hasn’t, and support this effort to hold our leaders responsible and accountable. We have a short window, we want to have contacted all the members by the time Cindy and the buses arrive in Washington, DC for the mass mobilization on September 24th. We will be at the offices of those who aren't responding on September 26th to lobby them and let them experience the pressure from citizens' voices emboldened at Camp Casey. http://meetwiththemothers.org/

Out of Iraq Rally in D.C. on September 15

The peace movement will rally against the war in front of the White House following Democrat-led hearings on an exit strategy hosted by Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA). Learn more:


Be Part of the Largest Anti-War Effort

Join a massive mobilization against the war in Washington, D.C., on September 24, and stick around for workshops and trainings on the 25th, followed by a day of lobbying and civil disobedience on the 26th. http://www.unitedforpeace.org/septmobe

Sign Up for Exciting Workshops in DC on Sept. 25

These events, organized by Progressive Democrats of America, will include a discussion with Cindy Sheehan, as well as a focus on the Downing Street Memos and remarks by John Bonifaz, Co-Founder of After Downing Street.


From the Democrats.com Blog:

MSM Refuses to Poll on Impeachment
Can Bush Survive $4 Gasoline?
My Pet Goat Part Deux - Let Them Eat Cake!
Bush Strummed While New Orleans Drowned
Rally to End War at White House 9-15
Make Bush Kids Put Their Lives on the Line
Bush Cut Hurricane, Flood Protection Funding to New Orleans - June 2005
Iraqi Constitution is a Miserable Failure - Impeach Bush Now
Bush Brings In "Ringer" To Defend Roberts' Ethics
Bike-Deep in the Big Muddy



Cindy Sheehan


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September 2005

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