
The Neutralizers

It is VERY simple.

Those who spend their time fighting tyranny are patriots.

Those who spend their time fighting patriots are advancing tyranny.

The message to which this is a reply, is a good example of one or more of the common strategies of disinformers. A brief discussion is listed below.

The items of relevance, in the message, to which this is a reply are:

2. Dividing patriots into fighting each other by creating strife among patriots

6. ABOVE ALL: Accusing the most effective patriots of being false opposition.

Always accuse your adversary of whatever is true about yourself.
How to recognize false opposition (NEUTRALIZERS)

NEUTRALIZERS are people who distract patriots from defending freedom. AMONG MANY OTHER TACTICS, they do this by:

1. Deceiving patriots into supporting hoaxes.

2. Dividing patriots into fighting each other by creating strife among patriots

3. Deceiving patriots into creating class struggle by promoting ethnic hatred.

4. Attempting to waste the time of patriots, by forcing them to respond to personal attacks.

5. Using multiple aliases to create the appearance that there is someone, who believes them to be credible.

6. ABOVE ALL: Accusing the most effective patriots of being false opposition.

Always accuse your adversary of whatever is true about yourself.

Any person, who does ALL of the above is certain to be a NEUTRALIZER.

Rather than wasting time responding to personal attacks, it is better to respond quickly to this foolishness, basically by sending a "form letter", which addresses anything worthy of comment.

Then go back to work opposing tyranny.

IN THIS WAY Neutralizers ACTUALLY DO NOT waste the time of patriot activists. Just dispense with them, with a standard response
(This is also a standard response).

Those who seek truth can use facts. Those who argue fiction must resort to insults.

It is unusual to find adults who resort to name calling in the place of addressing issues.

Making personal attacks does not evade the responsibility to provide facts about issues.

Those who seek truth can resist the tempation to shift the discusion from the message to the messenger.

If you have a point to make, about some issue of relevance I would be happy to discuss it with you.

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.

I am not here to talk about you. I am not here to talk about me.
I am here to talk about ideas, if there is anyone else here, who has that type of intellect.

Informant: John Perna (excerpt from his message)


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Juni 2004

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