
World Without Waves (WWW) debuts in Moscow to packed theatre

Moscow report

Dear friends,

Thanks to all of you for your support and kind words. I'm sorry to send a group letter.

It's difficult for me of course to give a completely objective account of yesterday evening, but I am pleased to report that last night was really a pretty big success. I was really surprised that the screening was sold out..people were turned away, and actually people were standing in the theater. I estimate the theater holds about 250..maybe more.

I was given a generous introduction by the head of the film museum of Russia, a really great and famous man of cinema here named N.I. Kleiman.

I made short introductory speech, then Will Stewart, the actor made a few comments. Will and I were presented flowers. Then I found a seat and the film rolled on.

It went really well. I felt the audience was brought into the film and
stayed with it. Afterwards we got a really good round of applause. I'm told that audiences here are very honest about their reactions.in fact I attended films here where there were no applause afterwards.

I was approached afterward by many people asking lot of questions and giving great feedback. I was surprised how insightful the comments. One woman actually recited word for word the Doug dialogue about electricity..I was shocked.

Another young man very much wanted a sound track cd..he thought the music was great.

Another commented that the reason the film is great for the Russian and European audiences is that is shows that American people have the same problems which they have....that the film was honest and didn't use a grandiose story, technical tricks, or other distractions to entertain.

We have not yet been written covered by the Moscow times, so this has been so far a goal not met. More about this later. Monday we'll see if nick holdsworth comes through. I'm hoping.

In summary, I think we're now on the map, and that the festival organizers will hear good things about this evening.

Mitchell Johnson

Informant: David Jones


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Juni 2004

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