
Big Win on Tongass Amendment

June 17, 2004

Good Vote on NFMA, House Still to Vote on Yellowstone

Last night, the House of Representatives voted on the Tongass Forest Road Subsidy and the Forest Wildlife Conservation amendments to the Fiscal Year 2005 Interior Appropriations Bill. The House is still to vote on the Yellowstone amendment today. Thanks to everyone who made calls and sent faxes this week, they really paid off! Also, if you have a moment today please do make a call to your Representative at 202-224-3121 (the Capitol Switchboard) to thank them or express your disappointment in their vote on the Tongass and Forest Wildlife Conservation (NFMA) amendments and urge them to VOTE YES on the Yellowstone amendment.

The Tongass Subsidy Amendment

In a spectacular win for the Tongass National Forest, the House of Representatives voted to limit logging road subsidies on the Tongass!

The amendment passed 222 to 205. Due to the strong leadership of Representatives Steve Chabot (R-OH) and Robert Andrews (D-NJ), the House sent a strong signal to the Bush Administration Forest Service that building logging roads in America's rainforest at enormous ecological and taxpayer expense is not acceptable. In December 2003, the Bush Administration exempted the Tongass National Forest from receiving roadless area protection under the Roadless Area Conservation Rule. Currently, the Forest Service is moving forward with nearly 50 logging projects in roadless areas of the Tongass that prior to December 2003 were protected from commercial logging. To find out how your Representative voted please go to:


Please call your Representative and thank them if they voted to limit logging road subsidies on the Tongass National Forest and express your disappointment if they voted against.

Forest Wildlife Conservation Amendment

Yesterday, the House of Representatives also voted on Representative Tom Udall's (D-NM) Forest Wildlife Conservation (NFMA) amendment. The amendment would have limited Forest Service funds to go toward implementing the Bush administration's damaging National Forest Management Act regulations. The administration's anticipated regulations weaken wildlife protections, undermine public involvement, ignore science, and play favorites with special interests. The amendment failed 195 - 230. To find out how your Representative voted go to:


Please call your Representative and thank them if they voted for the Forest and Wildlife Conservation amendment and express your disappointment if they voted against.

Yellowstone Amendment

Today, the House of Representatives will vote on an amendment offered by Representatives Rush Holt (D-NJ), Christopher Shays (R-CT), Nick Rahall (D-WV), and Tim Johnson (R-IL) to ensure the timely phase-out of snowmobiles in Yellowstone National Park.
Please call your Representative at 202-224-3121 (the Capitol Switchboard) and ask them to: Vote YES on the Shays/Rahall/Holt/Johnson YELLOWSTONE AMENDMENT to protect the health of America's first National Park, its wildlife, employees and guests, by continuing to phase-out snowmobiles use inside Yellowstone.

Talking Points:

· Americans overwhelmingly support protecting Yellowstone by replacing snowmobile use with snowcoaches. The National Park Service has received half a million comments - the greatest outpouring of public comment on a national park issue in American history. By a 4-to-1 margin, Americans have urged the Park Service to phase out snowmobile use from Yellowstone and its sister park, Grand Teton.

· Studies conducted independently by both the National Park Service and the EPA in 2000 and again last year concluded that ending snowmobile use within the park would protect Yellowstone, its employees and visitors best. Yellowstone needs congressional leadership not another study. It is time to act upon what is best for the park, not delay the decision with yet another study.

Lisa Dix
National Forest Program Director
American Lands Alliance
Ph: 202-547-9105; Fax: 202-547-9213

Informant: STRIDER


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Juni 2004

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