
Biological Effects of Microwaves

I was sending info to a friend today about how MW ovens affect food. Thought folks here might find this excerpt of interest. Re. sensitization. As you read this section, keep in mind that every oven I have checked so far irradiates strongly in every direction, reaching many feet into rooms behind walls, whenever it is used.


from: http://www.create-your-healthy-home.com/microwave-ovens.htm

Biological Effects of Microwaves

Exposure to microwave emissions also has a negative effects upon the general biological welfare of humans. This was not discovered until the Russians experimented with highly sophisticated equipment and discovered that humans can be adversely affected without even ingesting the foods that have been subjected to microwave radiation.

Merely Entering the Energy Fields of the Food causes such harmful side-effects that the Soviets outlawed all much microwave apparatus in 1976. Here are the effects observed in humans having ‘direct’ exposure to microwaves, that is, without their having consumed the Irradiated [microwaved] food substances.

Life-energy Field Breakdown: Persons near microwave ovens in operation experience a breakdown in their life-energy fields which increases relative to the length of exposure.

Cellular Energy Decreases: The cellular-voltage parallels of individuals using the apparatus degenerate – especially in their blood and lymphatic serums.

Destabilized Metabolism: The external energy activated potentials of food utilization are both destablilized and degenerated.

Cell Damage: Internal cellular-membrane potentials during catabolic processes into the blood serum from the digestive process degenerate and destabilize.

Brain Circuitry Destruction: Electrical impulses in the junction potentials of the cerebrum degenerate and break down.

Nervous System: Nerve/electrical circuits degenerate and break down while energy field symmetry is lost in the neuro-lexuses (nerve centers) in both the front and rear of the central and autonomic nervous systems.

Loss of Bioelectric Strength: The bio-electric strengths within the ascending reticular (see Note 6) activating system (the system which controls the function of waking consciousness) go out of valance and lose their proper circuiting.

Loss of Vital Energies: Humans, animals, and plants located within a 500 meter radius of the equipment in operation suffer a long term, cumulative loss of vital energies.

Nervous and Lymphatic System Damage: Long-lasting residual and magnetic ‘ deposits’ become located throughout the nervous and lymphatic systems.

Hormone Imbalances: The production of hormones and maintenance of hormonal balance in both males and females becomes destabilized and interrupted.

Brainwave Disruption: Levels of disturbance in alpha-, delta-, and theta-wave signal patterns are markedly higher than normal.

Psychological Disorders: Because of the disarranged brain waves, negative psychological effects will also result. These include loss of memory and the ability to concentrate, suppressed emotional threshold, deceleration of intellective processes and interruptive sleep episodes in a statistically higher percentage of individuals subjected to continual rang-emission field effects of microwave apparatus, from either cooking apparatus or transmission stations.

Potential Use In Mind Control

Due to the creation of random, residual magnetic deposits and binding within the biological systems of the body (nervous and lymphatic systems damage) which can ultimately affect the neurological systems (primarily the brain and nerve centers), longer-term depolarization of tissue neuroelectronic circuits can result. Because these effects can cause virtually irremissible damage to the neuroelectrical integrity of the various components of the nervous system (see Note 7), ingestion of microwaved foods is clearly contraindicated in all respects. Their residual magnetism effect can render the psychoneural-receptor components of the brain more subject to influence by artificially induced, microwave-radio-frequency fields from transmission stations and TV relay networks. [Thus rendering the individual more electrically sensitive to all forms of electrical pollution, including the high frequencies riding into their home on the 60 Hz from their utility company. -Shivani]

Soviet neuropsychologists at Uralyera and Novosibirsk (see Note 8) have theorized the possibility of psychotelemetric influence (i.e., affecting human behavior by transmitting radio signals at controlled frequencies), causing subjects to comply – involuntarily and subliminally – with commands received through microwave transmissions acting upon their psychological energy fields. For this reason, and due to the 28 other contradictions listed above, the use of microwave apparatus in any form is definitely ill-advised. Present scientific opinion in many countries clearly opposes them, as exemplified by the mentioned Soviet Ban.


MICROWAVE DANGERS: How unseen frequencies can harm your health

Radiation Ovens: The Proven Dangers of Microwaves

The Hidden Hazards Of Microwave Cooking

Microwave oven info



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