
Decreasing of negative influence of physical factors on human health

On measures of decreasing of negative influence of physical factors on human health

Now in the Republic of Kazakhstan there is marked the tendency of increase of negative influence on health of the population of such harmful physical factors, as noise, vibration and electromagnetic radiations. Complex influence of factors of the environment both natural and industrial forms up to 75 % of all cases of diseases, more than 50 % of cases of death, about 60 % of cases of wrong physical development.

The state bodies and the organizations, the legal and physical persons, managing subjects not fully provide observance of requirements of sanitary-and-epidemiologic rules and norms regarding prevention of harmful influence of physical factors on health of people and environment of their dwelling. There was daily practice a manufacture and import of the equipment, machines, mechanisms without the indication their vibro-acoustic and electromagnetic parameters.

The amount and capacity of sources of electromagnetic radiations of high-frequency and superhigh-frequency ranges, both in conditions of manufacture, and in a life, increase. The basic contingent of the population is in zones of the compelled irradiation electromagnetic fields of a complex spectrum which sources are base stations of radio engineering objects, high-voltage electric mains, and electrical household appliances.

Being guided by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On sanitary-and-epidemiologic well-being of the population» and in the performance of the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from June, 9, 2000 ? 878 «On the statement of the National Plan of action on hygiene of environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan», in order of health protection of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and reduction of negativee influence of physical factors, creation of favorable working conditions, a life and training, during 2004-2005, I DECREE:

1. To the Ministry of transport and communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1). To carry out in all subordinated organizations the account of the equipment and the mechanisms generating noise, vibration, electromagnetic radiation with obligatory carrying out of researches of levels of influence of the specified physical factors. For carrying out of measurements of parameters of physical factors to involve the laboratories, having corresponding license;

2) To develop a plan of measures on protection workers and the population from influence of physical factors with use of modern means of protection, taking into account achievements of science and technology.

2. To the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide in all organizations of education:
1) The account of working and educational places together with the state bodies and the organizations of sanitary-and-epidemiologic service and studying of conditions of training in the general educational, high and average educational organizations, and also working conditions on the workplaces, equipped with computers. For carrying out of measurements of parameters of physical factors to involve the laboratories, having corresponding license;

2) Protection of users of personal computers with use of modern means of protection, taking into account achievements of science and technology.

3. To the Ministry for Power and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan to carry out researches of a level of intensity of an electromagnetic field from high-voltage transmission lines of an alternating current of industrial frequency (50 Hz) in dwelling territory in the points which are close to houses and in premises, most close located to high-voltage lines. For carrying out of measurements of intensity of an electromagnetic field to involve the laboratories, having corresponding license.

4. To Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Information and Communications at registration for physical and legal persons operation of radio-electronic means and realization of control-supervising functions to demand presence of sanitary passports coordinated with the state sanitary-and-epidemiologic service.

5. To physical and legal persons, irrespective of type of ownership, having radio engineering objects:
1) To make sanitary passports with calculations of zones of influence of electromagnetic radiation on the population, with their subsequent coordination with the state sanitary-and-epidemiologic service. To provide a total estimation of electromagnetic fields, irradiated by all radio engineering objects placed in territory;

2) To provide protection of the users personal computers, by modern means of protection.

6. To the organizations and the consortia working on extraction, processing and transportation of oil and gas:
1) To provide certification of workplaces with the analysis of working conditions at special methods, including negative influence of physical factors and their complex estimation;

2) To provide creation of healthy and safe working conditions at the enterprises;

3) To develop plans of measures on protection workers and the population from influence of physical factors with use of modern means of protection, taking into account achievements of a science and new technologies.

7. To Committee of the State sanitary-and-epidemiologic supervision, Department of treatment-and-prophylactic work of Ministry of Health of Republic Kazakhstan:

1) To carry out the profound analysis of a condition of disease of the population connected to negative influence of physical factors as noise, vibration, electromagnetic radiations and on this basis to develop a complex of effectual measures on protection of the population against their negative influence;

2) To organize and carry out seminars - meetings at the international level on studying and generalization of experience, requirements to realization of protective actions from influence of negative physical factors (noise, vibration, electromagnetic radiations) both in industrial, and in household sphere.

8. To regional Managements, Departments of public health services to arrange on preventive maintenance of harmful influence of physical factors (noise, vibration, electromagnetic and ultra-violet radiations, an electrostatic field) on patients during of diagnostic, physiotherapeutic and other procedures, and also on the persons working with this equipment.

9. To the State bodies and the Organizations of sanitary-and-epidemiologic service:

1). To accept direct participation in the account of workplaces of the enterprises and the organizations, conditions of training in comprehensive schools, the high and average educational institutions under physical factors with application of the modern equipment and devices for their quality evaluation;

2) On the basis of the received materials to develop a complex of protective actions from influence of physical factors with use of modern means of protection, taking into account advanced achievements of a science and technical equipment;

3) To place for consideration of Akims of oblasts, the cities of Astana and Almaty a question on protection of health of the population against influence of harmful physical factors and acceptance of measures under the decision of problems on protection of the population against their negative influence.

10. The control over execution of the present decision I leave behind myself.

11. The present decision is commissioned from the date of registration in the Ministry of Justice of Republic Kazakhstan.


The first Vice-Minister for Vice-Minister for power and transport and communications mineral resources

_____________Lavrinenko J.I. _______________Kiinov L.K.

5 December 2003 4 December 2003.


The first Vice-Minister The Vice-President of Agency
of Education and sciences on information and communications

__________________Gamarnik G.N. _________________Zhumagaliev A.K.

4 December 2003 5 December 2003.

Informant: Shivani Arjuna Small


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März 2004

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