
Mobile phone mast plan sparks alarm

RESIDENTS have vowed to fight plans to build a mobile phone mast in the heart of their Chester community.

Vodafone wants to install a 15m pole at the Fox Barracks to introduce 3G coverage in the Moston area.

Householders near the proposed development received letters from the firm outlining its plans and asking for views and comments.

The mobile phone company chose the barracks after plans for a mast in the Demage Lane area were dropped following consultation with residents.

But the new site is likely to meet with similar opposition. One resident, Hayley Noden, said she was extremely worried about the plans.

Mrs Noden, a mother-of-two and who also has a step daughter, said: “I am really concerned about this mast being put there. We do not want to be living near a mast, especially when it has not been proved that they are safe. There will be children living and playing near this mast and that really worries me. It also concerns me that it is a 3G mast and they operate at an even higher frequency. Apart from that I think it would be a bit of an eyesore. This mast is not going to be hidden.

“We are only a small community and we are all against this. We do not want this mast here.”

A spokesman for Vodafone said: “Vodafone is in the process of securing a suitable site at Fox Barracks for a new radio base station in order to introduce 3G service to the Moston area.


“The proposed mobile base station would consist of a 15m-high parallel column with three antennas and associated ancillary equipment. It is considered that at this height, the installation will be better assimilated into the street scene and therefore not have a detrimental impact upon the visual amenity of the area, However, we are inviting comments on this proposal in advance of our formal planning submission to Chester City Council.”



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September 2005

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