
Historic Day in Washington, D.C.

Follow links to original reports at http://www.traprockpeace.org

George Galloway and Friends Rock the House to Close Historic Day in Washington, D.C. Hear the diverse voices, and see the photos - of this unforgettable program. (more below)

See 198 Photos - virtually the entire DC march, including coverage of the huge "College Not Combat - Relief Not War" contingent called by Campus Antiwar Network. The contingent drew over 2000 students and supporters to DC and San Francisco marches.

National Exhibit on uranium weapons educates hundreds of activists on these illegal and inhumane weapons. See photos and links to resources:

More on George Galloway Tour Finale: (first some quotes from the evening)

"We have to raise our demands. We don't want Bush out of the Whitehouse, we want Bush in prison with Blair and all the other war criminals who have brought us to this pass." - George Galloway

As Muhammed Ali said: "No Viet Cong ever called me nigger. And I will not fight for Democracy in Vietnam when I cannot fight for Democracy in Mississippi." Prophetic words coming after Hurricane Katrina showed the world that the government that claims to be able to rebuild nations, cannot save its own citizens..." - Ahmed Shawki

"I have asked Tony Blair to meet me for a year, and his answer always is 'I don't wand to debate a grieving mother.' We know why he doesn't want to debate a grieving mother." - Rose Gentle

"Only when the the United States is at peace with itself can it be at peace with this world. We cannot allow the administration to deny the people of the Gulf Coast and New Orleans the right to return as they deny the Palestinians the right to return." - Elias Rashmawi

"They hated the occupation, they hated the power that oppressed them. But whenever there was room for dialogue, there was dialogue. Whenever there was room for tea, there was tea. Whenever there was room for food, there was food and they shared it with us. They shared their Holy Koran with me, a Christian occupier of their land. So the notion that they need 160,000 foreign troops in order to succeed is offensive to me." - Camilo Mejia

George Galloway, Member of Parliament - UK (Respect Unity Coalition), spoke to a capacity audience at the First Congregational Church in Washington, DC. Ralph Nadar and Dennis Brutus were special guests, while Louisiana activists were honored (see below). Appearing with Galloway were, in order of speaking, Virginia Harabin (moderator); Mounzer Sleiman, PhD, who made welcoming remarks on behalf of National Council of Arab Americans; Camilo Mejia, Army soldier who refused to fight in Iraq; he is a conscientious objector and member of Iraq Veterans Against the War; Elias Rashmawi, National Council of Arab Americans; Rose Gentle, founding member of Military Families Against the War (UK); and Ahmed Shawki, Editor, International Socialist Review and Board member of National Council of Arab Americans - he introduced George Galloway.

Download audio and see photos at

High bandwidth for radio airplay mp3 1:35:00 minutes; 96 kbps mono; 65.3 mb

Medium bandwidth for broadband and radio airplay mp3 1:35:00 minutes; 48 kbps mono; 37.2 mb

Low bandwidth for dial-up connections mp3 1:35:00 minutes; 16 kbps mono; 10.9 mb

Copyright Notice: Non-commercial use only; all rights reserved. Radio stations may play audio with notification (not permission) to Traprock Peace Center (413-773-7427 or charles@mtdata.com). Any use requires this attribution and notice: "Copyright 2005 Traprock Peace Center; all rights reserved." Any request for permission to use commercially must be made to George Galloway.

Charlie Jenks
Website Manager;
Past President Traprock Peace Center
103A Keets Road Deerfield, MA 01342
413-773-7427 (Traprock office)
413-773-5188, ex. 2 (personal messages) Fax 413-773-7507 http://www.traprockpeace.org


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