
Is Cindy Sheehan leading a Ghandian non-violent revolution?

MARK THESE WORDS, THIS EVENT: HERE NOW IS THE BEGINNING OF THE SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION. It will take 20 years to fully win it, but this is the beginning. It may be no more than a brief skirmish at the moment, but these people are blazing the path.

Ask yourself, is Cindy Sheehan leading a Ghandian non-violent revolution?

The first objective of this revolution should be to force Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rice out of office.

Since we have a government which no longer functions except by executive fiat, and since we no longer have a prosecutorial class nor poltical parties which are remotely interested in doing their jobs by serving the public interest, perhaps the best method and the only method available to us is for 50 million people to sit down, sandbag Federal government offices, EVERYWHERE, except where they are serving emergencies, sing songs, and refuse to move.

A lot of people will have to go to jail until the Imperial regime realizes that it can't hang onto its power any better than it has in Iraq or "made America safer". The regime can stuff several million people into concentration holding pens and create a monumental human crisis beyond any known, but if people keep coming, like the masses who followed Ghandi. The Imperials cannot win. They will break, run, and Congress will be forced to impeach the Bushiters and install the Speaker of the House as a President for the remainder of this term.

The focus should be: impeach them

The people should form themselves up as a Committee To Impeach The Imperials.

It could be done, the question is, are enough people fully and trully fed up and angry enough to disrupt their lives for a few months with civil disobedience trespassing and disorderly citations?

Ghandi's movement won because people just kept on coming. LIke a vast unrelenting hurricane, the people just kept coming at the British and totally overwhelmed them, all with non-violent tactics of total opposition and refusal to be moved by the Brits. They literally sandbagged the Brits with their bodies. Finally the British realized they were too exhausted to continue their bluff. They handed off independence to the Indians.

This current political establishment in Washington DC is so corrupt and dishonest, it is easy to call their bluff. Nobody believes them. We just need to all call their bluff all together with a load voice. The concerted hurricane will blow them right out of office.

Also see below: http://www.truthout.org/docs_2005/092605Y.shtml#1
Sheehan Arrested during Anti-War Protest •

Cindy Sheehan Arrested at White House
By TO Staff t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Monday 26 September 2005

Cindy Sheehan, along with several well-known figures, has been arrested at the front gates of the White House in Washington, DC. Sheehan had attempted once again to gain an audience with George W. Bush; again she was refused. Sheehan and her supporters then proceeded to sit down and pray at a restricted point in front of the White House. She and many others have been arrested.

Those who have been arrested with her include Cindy's sister Dee Dee, former State Department official Ann Wright, Medea Benjamin of Code Pink, and many veterans and their family members.

More to come.

http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-092605antiwar_lat,0,1300769.story?coll=la-tot-promo&track=morenews Goto Original

Sheehan Arrested during Anti-War Protest By Ryan G. Murphy and Emma Vaughn The Los Angeles Times

Washington - Cindy Sheehan, whose protest camp outside President Bush's vacation home in Texas became a focal point of the antiwar movement this summer, was arrested today outside the White House at the head of a civil disobedience campaign intended to dramatize the opposition to the war in Iraq.

On the third day of demonstrations that brought tens of thousands of opponents to the war to Washington on Saturday, a much smaller group sat down in front of the executive mansion, after being refused an opportunity to meet with a White House staff member.

Before Sheehan, 48, was arrested, she took a picture of her son, Casey, who was killed in an ambush last year in the Sadr City section of Baghdad, from around her neck and tied it with a pink ribbon to the tall, wrought iron fence that surrounds the White House.

As police moved in on the protesters, the demonstrators sang Amazing Grace, This Little Light of Mine, and other songs.

U.S. Park Police spokesman Sgt. Scott R. Fear said, it's a peaceful demonstration. We are going to take our time arresting them. The demonstrators were given three warnings, after which they were arrested for demonstrating without a permit.

On Capitol Hill, meanwhile, other opponents of the war sought to lobby members of Congress to withhold funding for the military operations.

Mimi Kennedy, an actress who is chairing Progressive Democrats of America, and several others under the banner of Code Pink and United for Peace and Justice, spent the day seeking to argue their case before Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and other Democrats.

Best Wishes,
Michael Wells
The Hills of Arizona

Cindy Sheehan



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