

I received the following in my private email this a.m. I don't know how I ended up on their email list, but in any event, it's a useful tool and one I'm going to do. I've already sent the "Filibuster" messages to both Sen. Feinstein and Sen. Boxer, but I think this will be even more effective. My missive included just my own Senators
(plus the 3 other Swing Voters...Democrats who voted "Yes" and need PRESSURE to retract their votes), but you can easily find your own Senators and let your VOICE be heard.



We are so proud of our participants for what you did today. You turned the primary toll-free Capitol phone line (877-762-8762) into a fast busy signal. And now we're going to kick it up another couple notches. Leahy's office we know was getting LOTS of calls, but for the many who were not able to get through we're going to do it all again THROUGHOUT the weekend even bigger. There are two more toll- free Capitol phone numbers we have also tested good, which you can try at 888-818-6641 and 888-355-3588 (just ask for your senators by name). Those may fill up quickly also, so to create the greatest outpouring of public opinion by telephone that the Capitol has ever heard or seen, this is what we're going to do.

Here are the DIRECT phone and fax numbers (which many of you had asked for) of senators for your own state, for their main Washington numbers and for all their district offices:

Dianne Feinstein [CA]: Washington, 202-224-3841(phone), 202-228-3954(fax) Fresno, 559-485-7430(phone), 559-485-7430(fax) San Francisco, 415-393-0707(phone), 415-393-0707(fax) Los Angeles, 310-914-7300(phone), 310-914-7300(fax) San Diego, 619-231-9712(phone), 619-231-9712(fax)

Barbara Boxer [CA]: Washington, 202-224-3553(phone), 415-956-6701(fax) Los Angeles, 213-894-5000(phone), 213-894-5000(fax) San Francisco, 415-403-0100(phone), 415-403-0100(fax) San Bernadino, 909-888-8525(phone), 909-888-8525(fax) San Diego, 619-239-3884(phone), 619-239-3884(fax) Sacramento, 916-448-2787(phone), 916-448-2787(fax) Fresno, 559-497-5109(phone), 559-497-5109(fax)

And here are the main office numbers for the Democratic members of the judiciary committee from outside your state who voted the wrong way on Thursday in passing Roberts:

Patrick J Leahy [VT]: Washington, 202-224-4242(phone), 202-224-3479(fax)

Russell D Feingold [WI]: Washington, 202-224-5323(phone), 202-224-2725(fax)

Herb Kohl [WI]: Washington, 202-224-5653(phone), 202-224-9787(fax)

If the toll-free lines are all busy, start with your own senators' main Washington numbers and either call or fax them (or both) to register your strong opposition to John Roberts. If their message logs are full, move on to the nearest district office for each above and do the same thing, and then go BACK first thing Monday morning and follow up in Washington again. The most IMPORTANT thing is to include a full address in your message (a phone number is good too) for them to get back in touch with you. Nothing gives your comments more weight than your invitation to have them get back to you as a real live constituent.

FORWARD this message to all your friends in state. This is especially critical if you are a resident of Vermont or Wisconsin. But to the extent that the members of the judiciary committee represent ALL of us, you have every RIGHT to register your displeasure with Leahy, Feingold and Kohl, and to ask them to change their positions, which even they admit were "close calls." All we have to do is get one or two of them to heed the voice of the people and the MOMENTUM is on our side

All they simply need to say is that they have been hearing from their constituents, and while they may have been initially inclined to support Roberts, they can no longer do so. The first 24 hours of this new campaign have been a huge success. We had multiple participants on the air of both the Thom Hartmann and Ed Shultz radio programs on Friday.

You may already know the many arguments against John Roberts (and have ones of your own). OpEdNews.com, the best source of progressive news and opinion, has a comprehensive piece at


And you can also send your friends who want to know more about why Roberts must be stopped to the one click congressional email and letter to the editor action page, where there are many informative links, at


The entire future of the Democratic party is riding on your efforts. This is the last chance for the party to show some real unity and backbone, without which there can be no election gains in 2006. Understand that these people are at the end of the day just politicians and stand up ONLY if we speak out. And when they ask whom it is, let their aides tell them, "Senator, the people are calling."

We must reach out to our fellow citizens every way we can. Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at

Or if you want to cease receiving our messages, just use the function at http://www.usalone.com/out.htm

Powered by The People's Email Network

<end of snip>

ginnicus1 in ukiah, ca...mendocino county (Saturday, 09/24/05, 8:25am)

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