

Thanks to Mary Ann Stratton for joining the list of volunteers who are helping to coordinate the Washington D. C. rally and Senate hearing. Her expertise in managing the Controlled America seminars across the country is an important asset to our events.

The purpose of the rally and hearing is to (1) raise public awareness, (2) gain the interest of the media and (3) encourage politicians to pass legislation that will help to promptly end the misuse of electronic weapons and related technology. It is important that we have a large turnout and all join together as a team to make sure that this event is a success.

The rally is on Saturday, October 8 at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, area 5, at the corner of Constitution Avenue NW at 21st Street NW, Washington D. C. from 9 am to 5 pm. The Columbus Day holiday makes it a three day weekend for many of us.

If you would like to join us in D. C., please RSVP so that we can make plans for the right number of participants. Derrick, who is another event volunteer, can be contacted at 513-531-8873 or southeastern115@yahoo.com.

The following information is about hotels, air transportation, ground transportation, camping, other related topics and our contact information.


The following hotels are rated with three stars. One hotel is two miles from the rally in Washington D. C., but the other hotel is more affordable. Please make your reservations in advance and register under Southeastern Christian Association for the group discount.

It is a good idea to check the cost of airline tickets before registering at the hotel. Arriving one day earlier or staying one day longer may significantly reduce the cost of the airline ticket.

Days Hotel Conference Center
2200 Centreville Road
Herndon, VA 20170

The rate per room is $76.00 including taxes for two double beds for 1-4 occupants.

The hotel is 21 miles from D. C.

Dulles Washington International Airport is two miles from the hotel, which offers shuttle service to and from the airport.

The Metro bus to the Metro subway to the rally is across the street from the hotel.

Quality Inn Iwo Jima
http://www.qualityinniwojima.com/ (This web link may not work.)
1501 Arlington Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22209

The rate per room is $122.00 including taxes for two queen beds for 1-4 occupants.

The hotel is two miles from D. C.

Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport is three miles from the hotel. The hotel does not offer shuttle service to and from the airport. The Metro subway is next to the airport and two blocks from the hotel.

If you live near D. C., please consider inviting someone to stay at your residence overnight.


The airport closest to Washington D. C. is the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. This airport is three miles from the Quality Inn Iwo Jima.

The other airport that is located 30 minutes west of Washington D. C. is the Washington Dulles International Airport. This airport is two miles from the Days Hotel Conference Center.

Discount airfares are available through the following websites:

http://www.southwest.com 1-800-I-FLY-SWA or 1-800-435-9792 http://www.hotwire.com 1-866-HOTWIRE or 1-866-468-9473

http://www.lodging.com 1-888-LODGING or 1-888-563-4464

http://www.priceline.com 1-800-774-2354 (Name your own price--for flexible travel schedules)


Volunteers are needed to help coordinate carpool, vanpool or bus rentals in different geographic areas. Please contact us or individuals in your area about whether you have transportation to offer to others, or if you need to share a ride and split the travel expenses.

Discount rent cars are available through http://www.hotwire.com, http://www.lodging.com, http://www.priceline.com or any of the major rental car companies.

The Greyhound Bus Lines phone number is 1-800-231-2222. The bus stops at Union Station in D. C., which is located at the Metro subway. In some areas, it is more expensive to ride the bus than it is to fly.

Please consider offering a ride to the rally to someone staying at your hotel.


East of Washington D. C.

Greenbelt Park (National Park Service)
6565 Greenbelt Road
Greenbelt, MD 20770

The rate is $14.00 including tax per night. Sleeping in a car is permitted.

The campground is 18 miles from the rally.

The closest Metro subway is Greenbelt, which is three miles from the campground.

Call 301-344-3944 for directions to the park.

West of Washington D. C.

Bull Run Regional Park


7700 Bull Run Drive

Centreville, VA 20121

The rate is $21.25 plus tax for up to four people per night. Sleeping in a car is not permitted.

The campground is 28 miles from the rally.

The closest Metro subway is Vienna/Fairfax-GMU, which is 12 miles from the campground.

Call 703-631-0550 for directions to the park.

Both campgrounds have nice outdoor settings and facilities.


Volunteers are needed to help organize the rally. Please contact Gordon Ormand at gordonormand@yahoo.com if you are able to help with any of the following topics: fund raising for travel or hotel expenses, PA and backup PA systems, podium, supply or set up chairs, quiet generator, gas can, extension cords, water, cups, press kit, etc.

If you know of media organizations that have already covered stories related to technology, please assemble their email addresses and fax numbers for our press release in the near future.

Additional speakers, civil rights groups and other organizations still need to be invited to attend the rally. Please discuss your suggestions with us before inviting the individuals or groups. We would like to be sure that their speech topics are compatible with our agenda.

Distributing fliers and making signs for the rally is encouraged. However, we would like to offer suggestions to help improve the messages to make the best impression.

A banquet is planned for the night of Friday, October 7. An informal meeting to talk about our accomplishments and future plans is scheduled after the rally on Saturday, October 8. The times and places will be announced in another email.

On the day of the rally, please arrive a few minutes early.

Food is available from street vendors with carts, or at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History on Constitution Avenue NW at 14th Street NW.

Additional parking is along the Potomac River and at the Jefferson Memorial, which is to the southeast of the Lincoln Memorial.

For a map to the rally, click on the following web site:

The Metro subway stops eight blocks from the rally. The Federal Triangle subway station is closest to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial rally site. The station is located on the west side of 12th Street NW between Pennsylvania Avenue NW and Constitution Avenue NW. Contact information for Metro is 202-962-1234 or http://www.wmata.com/. For a map of the Metro subway, click on the following web site:

A guided tour of the Capitol building is suggested on Monday through Saturday. Arrive early to obtain free tickets at the southwest corner of the Capitol at the white tent. Remember to visit the Capitol as a tourist, not as a victim.

Security is a high priority in the Capitol area. It is safe to travel on the Metro subway. Signs at the Virginia state line warn travelers not to carry a concealed weapon for personal protection without checking on their laws.

In D. C., the October average low temperature is 49 and the average high temperature is 68. It is a good idea to check the weather forecast several days before the rally.


Some emails are not being received. All inquiries about travel or hotels will be answered. If you send an email (to only one of the individuals listed below) and do not receive a reply within a few days, please call.

Gordon Ormand, Event Coordinator 936-588-4538 (central time zone) or gordonormand@yahoo.com or southeastern111@yahoo.com

RSVP with Derrick, Event Volunteer 513-531-8873 (eastern time zone) or southeastern115@yahoo.com

Dr. Le Roy Gillam 832-228-3207 (central time zone) or southeastern0@yahoo.com

Remember that we are going to Washington D. C. to ask for help. This is a peaceful rally.

Thank you for sending this email to your friends.

Informant: Romy


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September 2005

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