
Residents delighted with mast decision

Sep 23 2005

By Liza Williams, Chester Chronicle

AN APPLICATION for a phone mast just two metres away from children's bedrooms has been withdrawn.

The dramatic U-turn decision by Orange concerning the site at Olympic House in Tattenhall was announced after a meeting held last Monday between the company and residents.

The Chronicle reported on September 9 that the mobile phone company proposed to erect a mast at the site next to The Mount, two metres from bedrooms occupied by Kath Jameson's sons. After hearing the decision, Kath said: 'We are all delighted. It was definitely worth the rallying around.

'The company have been reasonable and realised there was just too much opposition to this site. I don't think they realised there are people living near it, they thought it was all offices. 'I'd like to thank The Chronicle for highlighting the problem, as it raised awareness. Most people had no idea about the proposal before the article.'

The proposed mast caused concern among many local residents due to the proximity to housing and the lack of consultation within the village.

However, this now appears to have been redressed. Jonathan Kersh, chairman of Tattenhall Parish Council, received confirmation of the withdrawal after the meeting. He said: 'The company will be consulting with the village on other locations for the mast. It is great news.'

An Orange spokesman said yesterday: 'After the meeting, we took the decision to withdraw the application for now but are still looking for a site.'



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