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Die Suche nach »wireless meter« hat 86 Resultate geliefert. Angezeigt werden die Resultate von 61 bis 70.
SCANDAL: WHO denied Prof. Olle Johansson the democratic right to add a formal reservation
I am very sorry to inform you that the WHO, after its "Workshop on EMF Hypersensitivity", 25-27 October 2004, in Prague, completely has denied me - after all being a participant of the workshop - the democratic... ...
Starmail - 23. Jan, 23:18
Mobilfunksender strahlen permanent
Warnt vor biologischen Langzeiteffekten durch Handy-Strahlung: Medizinphysiker Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing. Foto Rohde Schinkel – Man kann sie weder sehen noch spüren. Dennoch haben Mobilfunkstrahlen Auswirkungen... ...
Starmail - 29. Apr, 15:01
Electricity that is dirty
Attached you will find a recent article on electrical pollution that was printed in the Vancouver Sun, a Canadian newspaper. Don't know if I sent this already. Below is an excert from the article. Dr.... ...
Starmail - 18. Mär, 22:19
Commentaries J. M. Danze, decorated by the Court of Appeals of Paris
Commentaries of Belgian scientist J. M. Danze, one of the few honest people in this matter, decorated by the Court of Appeals of Paris! Symptoms described are those observed by occupants of embassy of... ...
Starmail - 12. Mär, 18:52
The BRIEF NEWS ON CANCER and ELECTROPOLLUTION (VI) Many singular voices approached worried to us about the coincidence of so many cases of affections circumscribed in the syndrome of microwaves. So many... ...
Starmail - 12. Mär, 14:51
Wind of Change
It's definitely in the air, a wind of change is felt here. I hope I will be able to make you feel the wind wherever you are. There is a wave of Israeli public awareness to the issue of the microwave radiation,... ...
Starmail - 8. Mär, 16:24
Cell Phone Issue Highlighted - Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age
https://omega.twoday.net/se arch?q=Invisible+Hazards+i n+the+Wireless+Age The University of Washington Alumni Magazine interviews Dr. Henry Lai on cell phones -- excellent material on the research and concerns... ...
Starmail - 22. Mai, 18:55
Although many "experts" deny the relation between mobile telephony and diseases as cancer, the evidence gives thousands of people who sicken and die every year because of the electromagnetic radiation.... ...
Starmail - 6. Mär, 18:14
Radiation Research Trust
NEWSLETTER FEBRUARY 2005 1. "TONIGHT WITH TREVOR McDONALD" Broadcast ITV1 on 7 th February 2005 at 8.00pm. Highlighted at prime viewing time many of the issues raised by the Trust with the programme... ...
Starmail - 18. Feb, 22:14
Offener Brief im Namen von Mobilfunkstrahlung-Geschädigten und Betroffenen aus Polen an Papst Johannes Paul II
Hier ist die neue Gestaltung des polnischen Briefes an den Papst vom 1. September 2004. Mein Brief, versandt mit der deutschen Post, gefaxt und gemailt, auch an die polnischen Zeitungen, hat weder zum... ...
Starmail - 14. Feb, 15:08