
Residents vent their concerns about powerlines at environmental hearing

By Philip Raphael

South Delta Leader

Jun 16 2006

Local residents packed the Coast Tsawwassen Inn Tuesday night and vented their concerns on plans to route upgraded power lines through Tsawwassen.

Roughly 200 listened and many jeered an information summary on an environmental assessment of the project being put before B.C.’s Environmental Assessment Office for approval.

The project—proposed by the B.C. Transmission Corporation (BCTC)—to replace aging lines that deliver power via undersea cable from Tsawwassen Beach to Vancouver Island customers could result in continued use an existing right-of-way through Tsawwassen that was established in the 1950s.

Among the route options BCTC has submitted to the B.C. Utilities Commission (BCUC) for approval includes running the new, more powerful lines atop new, higher power poles, or burying the cables along the right-of-way which today has about 176 homes backing on to the area.

Residents are concerned the electro magnetic field (EMF) the lines give off is harmful to their health and want the cables routed away from residential Tsawwassen.

Much of that concern was expressed at Tuesday’s meeting.

“You have the right to the lines going overhead, but you don’t have to right to enter my home with the EMF,” said one woman in an impassioned statement.

She added she fears for the health affects the lines currently have on her young son.

Critics allege links of childhood leukemia with prolonged exposure to high levels of EMF exposure.

The crowd was informed an environmental assessment, commissioned by BCTC, cited a number of benefits to the project, such as reduced visual impact since higher, but slimmer, metal power poles are planned to replace the existing wooden ones.

Other expected benefits included $10 million in provincial and federal sales taxes on electricity in the first year of operation.

Some in the crowd reacted angrily to the list.

One man shouted, “Will there be more money for the hospitals?”

And many in the audience booed and expressed their disbelief when the review’s summary concluded with the statement that overall findings have no long-term changes or affects on the environment.

And that the expected levels of EMF is well below the accepted standard of 833 milligauss.

“You live in our homes then. Want to trade houses? one man yelled from the crowd.

Residents have long been concerned that many critics of EMF exposure have put the accepted level at around three milligaus.

Some in the audience said they have done their own testing and found levels much higher in their homes—around 50 to 60 milligaus—and upwards of 100 miligaus directly under the power lines in their backyards.

And that led some to ask where those conducting the environmental assessment managed to derive average readings that were much lower.

Jack Bulloch, a resident on 53 A Street who has the lines running behind his home, asked if the transmission corporation had any specific security measures in place to guard against vandalism or sabotage to the power poles if new ones are erected along the right of way.

Bulloch said that with such local opposition to the project, what would stop someone from destroying the poles with dynamite or an explosive concoction of fertilizer.

Bruce Barrett, BCTC’s director of major projects responded by saying the power poles are not subject to design criteria that includes destruction by explosives.

Others in the audience questioned why the environmental assessment process was being undertaken now, in advance of a decision by the B.C. Utilities Commission on what route the lines will follow.

Cecil Dunn, a prominent member of TRAHVOL (Tsawwassen Residents Against Higher Voltage Overhead Lines) asked what the transmission corporation would do if the utilities commission came back with a decision that indicated it had done a poor job and should choose another route.

BCTC’s Barrett said if significant changes were called for, it would have to withdraw its route application.

This is the last scheduled opportunity the public has to voice their concerns in person on the project.

The public has until July 27 to return their comments to B.C.’s Environmental Assessment Office.

A decision by the utilities commission is expected in the coming weeks.

© Copyright 2006 South Delta Leader




New maps fuel campaigners' claims of phone mast 'radiation'

Big Issue article enclosed.


Eileen O'Connor
Trustee - EM Radiation Research Trust http://www.radiationresearch.org

Die Gefahren von Mobilfunk und Wireless LAN

Diesen Artikel der Studentenzeitschrift der TU München gibt es zwar schon länger, aber er war bisher noch nicht im Verteiler.







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Bluetooth und Gesundheit

Roger Santini will not fight any longer with all of us for a better Life for all

----- Original Message -----
From: Roger Santini
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 8:41 AM
Subject: [Roger Santini]

This message is translated in English and spanish below

Sylvia et ses fils Paul et Alain sont au regret de vous informer que Roger Santini ne pourra plus participer au combat pour une Vie meilleure qu'il menait avec nous tous.

Il nous a quitté le Mercredi 14 Juin 2006.

Si vous voulez lui dire au revoir, vous pouvez vous joindre à nous par la pensée ou rendez vous le samedi 17 Juin - 10h en l'église Marie Madeleine, Place Wilson, Villeuranne -France.

Amitiés, Famille Santini
28 Rue Bonnet - 69100 Villeurbanne - France

----- English ----------

Sylivia and her sons Paul and Alain are sad to inform you that Roger Santini will not fight any longer with all of us for a better Life for all.

He leaved us on Wednesday, 14th of June 2006.

If you want to farewell him, you can join us in thought or meet us on Saturday, 17 th of June - 10h - in the Church Marie Madeleine - Place Wilson, Villeurbanne - France.

Kind regards

Santini Family
28 Rue Bonnet - 69100 Villeurbanne - France

------ Castellano -------

Sylvia y sus hijos Paul y Alain os informan que Roger Santini no seguira luchando a nuestro lado para conseguir una vida mejor para todos,

Se marcho el miercoles 14 de Junio 2006.

Si quereis acompañarle, podeis juntaros a nosotros por el pensamiento o venir el Sabado 17 de Junio - 10 h - en la Iglesia Marie Madeleine - Place Wilson, Villeurbanne- France

Saludos Familia Santini
28 Rue Bonnet - 69100 Villeurbanne - France

Informant: Iris Atzmon


Condolences for Roger Santini

For Buergewelle and the Santini family,

I would like to express my condolences on the death of Roger Santini, and sincere gratitude for the work that he did in his life studying the safety effects of mobile phone towers. He expressed a thought for human values in his work and an appreciation of timeless things. His work was well valued by many electrosensitives around the world, and we were grateful for that. Condolences and appreciations to his family on his passing.

Myself and electrosensitives worldwide.



Rest in Peace – Dr Roger Santini

I have received an e-mail from Dr Roger Santini’s son Paul saying Roger was diagnosed with pancreas cancer 2 weeks ago and died on 14th June.

I’ve been reading through all my communications with Roger, the last one was in February when he was wishing me good luck for meetings I was due to attend. It’s a sad day, what a great loss.

I sent the following message to Roger’s family, his son Paul said thank you for the sympathy and that Roger is no longer suffering and they will keep his memory in their hearts.

Dear Paul and family

I am so sorry to hear this, you must be proud of his achievements, he has left his mark in this world and his work will live on. I’m sure he will be sending us even more power from the Heavens above.

I hope you find comfort in the following passage written by Bishop Brent.

What is Dying?

A ship sails and I stand watching till she fades on the horizon and someone at my side says “she is gone”. Gone where? Gone from my sight that is all; she is just as large as when I saw her. The diminished size and total loss of sight is in me, not in her, and just at the moment when someone at my side says “she is gone”, there are others who are watching her coming and other voices take up a glad shout, “There she comes!” And that is dying.

By Bishop Brent

My love and prayers are with you, God Bless Roger and all your family.

Take care

Eileen O’Connor
Trustee – EM Radiation Research Trust


Message à Roger


I cried so much about him today, that I was surprised at myself how much he had touched me. We corresponded by emails, lately he wrote me that he suffered from health problems, but I didn't realize it was a sign of the worst. He was such a good man with good heart and all he wanted was to protect people and help them protect themselves. When he retired, he informed me he was not going to stop fighting also during his retirement. This issue was in his blood. He fought for other scientists that the industry and governments tried to shut up about the dangers of EMF pollution, and he could understand it well because he went through such an harrasment himself. He sent me articles and parts of his books always wanting to educate more and more. He was such a special man, when I write now I have tears in my eyes. He was a soul, a man of truth, and it is thanks to the people of truth like him, that we know we are living in a world of lie. His death made a huge hole, not many people in the history were great enough to make big holes when they left.

Iris Atzmon.


Goodbye to Roger Santini

Adieu à Roger Santini: son combat, les témoignages, un extrait vidéo . . .


Hommage National et International à Roger SANTINI, participer

Consumer Groups Warn Public of Cell Phone Industry Tactics

The wireless industry still thinks there's a sucker born every minute. Please pass this on.

Milt Bowling
Clean Energy Foundation
Phone: 1 888 436 2152
or 604 436 2152 in Vancouver
Fax: 604 436 2154

From Milt Bowling:

UPDATE: Consumer Groups Warn Public of Cell Phone Industry Tactics; Aronstein Statement, AARP New York State Director
6/15/2006 4:28:00 PM

To: State Desk Contact: David Irwin, 518-447-6723; Bill Ferris, 518-447-6712 NEW YORK, June 15 /U.S. Newswire/ — Following is a statement by Lois Aronstein, AARP New York state director:

The cell phone industry is working hard in the final days of the legislative session to keep New Yorkers from the consumer protections they deserve. In fact, Mywireless.org is even soliciting community-based consumer and senior organizations to join their “grassroots” efforts to defeat the Cell Phone Consumer Protection Act. They also recently released a poll to state legislators claiming that, if passed, consumer protection legislation will hurt consumers and seniors.

Mywireless.org is an organization created and funded by the nation’s largest cell phone companies. In fact, mywireless.org’s office in Washington DC is located in the same office as the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA), the cell phone industry’s trade association and lobbying arm. CTIA and its member cell phone companies are doing everything in their power to defeat the legislation which will provide cell phone consumer protections to New Yorkers.

Passing the legislation will make the industry more competitive and responsive to consumers. For example, the bill lengthens the trial period for cell phone purchasers so they won’t get caught in lengthy contracts prior to seeing their first bill. The bill also requires cell phone companies to improve their coverage maps and to disclose all hidden fees and surcharges.

Attached is a letter signed by New York State’s leading consumer organization that is being sent to community-based organizations statewide alerting them to beware of solicitations for support from Mywirless.org. AARP is urging New York legislators to stand up to the industry and deliver the cell phone consumer protections we need and deserve. (An AARP survey of New York cell phone consumers can be found on-line at: http://www.aarp.org/research/reference/publicopinions/aresearch-import-870.html

NOTE TO EDITORS: Adds Michael Burgess to list who signed letter —

Dear Friend,

Please be alerted to the fact that an organization you have probably never heard of, Mywireless.org, is circulating a memo asking organizations to oppose the NYS Wireless Consumer Protection Act and peddling a poll that purports to represent consumers’ attitudes on the need for cell phone consumer protections.

Mywireless.org is an organization created and funded by the nation’s largest cell phone companies. In fact, their office in Washington DC is located in the same office as Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA ) the cell phone industry’s trade association and lobbying arm.

Please don’t be fooled by the claims or materials of this organization. Well-known and respected consumer groups such as Consumers Union, NYPIRG, the Public Utility Law Project, and AARP NY have been working with legislators for three years to pass this legislation. We strongly support this legislation and urge you to do the same. This consumer protection legislation would: — Allow cell phone consumers to cancel their cell phone contracts 15 days after they receive their first bill without paying a penalty; — Require cell phone companies to provide more accurate coverage maps of where cell phones will work including the E 911 emergency features; and — Require companies to disclose to consumers all fees and charges that go with buying a phone. This legislation is needed and the public supports it.

1. The cell phone industry now outpaces used car dealers with the most complaints registered nationally, according to the Better Business Bureau.

2. The New York State Consumer Protection Board logged over 3,700 complaints about telephone and cellular phone billing and services, ranking it the industry with the second most complaints in 2003.

3. An AARP NY 2004 survey of New York residents age 18+ shows overwhelming support for the provisions of this bill. For example, nine out of ten New Yorkers surveyed support giving consumers the right to terminate their cell phone service up to fifteen days after receiving their first bill. Unlike other organizations, we stake our reputations on the information we provide to legislators and the public. We have attached a copy of the complete poll released by AARP in 2004 showing strong support for the provisions of this legislation. The survey report is based on data from a telephone survey of 801 New York residents age 18 plus that was conducted from May 6 through May 17, 2004. The survey has a sampling error of plus/minus 3.5 percent. We urge you to look with a skeptical eye upon any other polling on this issue and to consider the source of it. Please call 1-800-869-5861 today and urge your legislators to pass this bill before the end of the legislative session in Albany.

Thank you.


Lois Aronstein, State Director, AARP NY
Russ Haven, Legislative Counsel, NYPIRG
Chuck Bell , Program Director, Consumers Union
Ben Wiles, Senior Attorney, Public Utility Law Project
Michael Burgess, Legislative Representative, New York Statewide Senior Action Council

-0- /© 2006 U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770/

Source: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=491



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