
This Is Vital to Public Health: Petition to Remove Repacholi - a reminder

From: Hans Karow

This Is Vital to Public Health

Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:50 AM
Subject: Repacholi petition...a reminder!!!!!!!!!!

The EMR mess we are in is thanks also- if not mainly – to Michael Repacholi, head of WHO’s EMF department and also member of ICNIRP:


Please, if you have not signed the petition yet, then do so, and send to all people you are related and befriended and acquainted!

You can be choose to have your name hidden on the list…. I however did not, I have nothing to hide and I don’t fear anything!

I signed back in last year, # 155….you will find names that you recognize, including EMF experts!

When writing to other people, write some personal notes as well!

Thanks, cheers,


Informant: Robert Riedlinger


Hans has some good ideas that we need to act on. Rewording the petition so that it is easily understood by anyone who reads it is necessary so that even WHO will understand what the real issue is. A petition can be a powerful tool and unless there is momentum (the will of the people) behind this issue nothing will ever be done because the corporate muscle behind this technology is awesome. We can imagine that a few of us can have an effect, but let’s face the reality that this issue has been around for a really long time and the technology just keeps advancing with no end in sight. There is literally nowhere that we or our children can be safe anymore.

I am a teacher, and I have been examining the statistics within my own school. In my own Junior Grade 4 class of 8/9 year olds, 30% have a learning disability or are functioning at or below a D level. In the Grade 5 class of 9/10 year olds, 50% of the children have a learning disability and are working at or below a D level, and in the Grade 6 class of 11/12 years olds 50% of the children as well have learning disabilities. The Primary division has similar statistics. This represents a decade of digital TV, cell/remote phones, computer/video games, microwave ovens, wireless notebooks/classrooms, WAN and WLAN. The teachers in my school are alarmed as we examine the extent of the learning exceptionalities and the lack of resources to deal with it. I have been teaching for over 20 years and it seems that there are more and more children who simply cannot function within the expectations of a normal curriculum. The number of children who are MID (Mildly Intellectually Delayed), dyslexic, autistic, ADHD etc. continues to grow each year. And now despite my valiant efforts, we have a wireless communication tower complete with parabolic dishes (with more to be added) attached right to our school building sanctioned by our School Board (the profits to be made are just too seductive to consider what is happening to our children. The Board’s argument is that there is no conclusive proof that there is causation for any deleterious effects so wireless technology must be safe).

The general population must be educated as to what electromagnetic energies are before the people/parents can make a decision that they need to distance themselves from it, or use it for less time each day, or to use protective screens/clothing or not use it at all. Gaussmeters need to be universally available at the local hardware store. You all realize the reason why meters are difficult (close to impossible) to find….because then the people will have “the knowledge” and knowledge is POWER and corporations do not want people to have this power because then they will have to be ACCOUNTABLE for their actions. Corporate profit margins may go down or they may have to spend more money in design and production to make technology that is actually people-friendly. It may even mean that technology that we already have and are presently using should no longer be used because the risk is too high.

What will become of the children of this generation who at the first decade marker of their lives have not a hope of a bright and prosperous future because they are already damaged beyond repair?I see how they struggle with simple concepts, their inability to process information, their inability for creative innovation, their inability to even focus and remain at task to complete an assignment. Years ago, children like this were an anomaly; now they are making up a larger and larger part of our classes (at least where I live). These are the children who are supposed to grow up and take up where we left off. What if a large part of the present working population becomes prematurely senile from RF/MW which can cause toxins to pass the blood brain barrier into the brain causing Alzheimer’s disease? Will our society/economy have to go into such a downward spiral towards destruction in the loss of our intellectual resources before anyone/everyone takes a stand to say enough is enough (Will we even be able to remember that this is what we must do?) At the very least, we must protect the children now! If we do nothing, we are just as culpable as Dr. Repacholi in our own inaction. We must look at this petition as another opportunity to make a statement of our concern.

Dr. Repacholi MUST be held accountable, NOW. Waiting for him to “self-destruct” (Larry) just wastes precious time when our children are destructing before our very eyes. I do not believe that the children of this generation have the luxury of several years wait until “the situation change[s]…in such a way that the concerns of the informed members of the public (us) will become much more influential.” (Marjorie) FOR STARTERS, we need a statement from the WHO, clear and unequivocal, that children/students with developing brains (the newest evidence from U. of Pennsylvania is that the brain does not complete development until age 25!) should not be using cell phones at all, except in dire emergencies. If you watch TV with your children, you will of course be apprised of the intense advertising to children/teenagers to have the newest technology such as downloading favourite music right to his/her cell.

Statements such as the following, hidden in the back of the “Motomanual” (2005) for a Motorola cell phone, serve only as a means to nullify corporate liability: “Present scientific information does not indicate the need for any special precautions for the use of mobile phones. If you are concerned, you may want to limit your own or your children’s RF exposure by limiting the length of calls or by using handsfree devices to keep mobile phones away from your head and body - Source WHO Fact Sheet 193.” Which kid reads the back pages anyway?- certainly not the one who is excited about choosing ringtones and learning how to text-message. And which kid is concerned about limiting the length of calls – certainly not the one with a girlfriend or boyfriend. And where is the cell phone carried – the front pocket of the jeans or jacket. And most of the time, the cell is turned ON.

In my opinion, we all should sign the WHO petition to put our mark in the sand, then rewrite it as Hans suggested so that laypeople understand what the issues are and sign it again! If the trend in learning difficulties in my own school is representative of what is happening in other communities, within ten years we are going to have a people problem that will be impossible to solve.

Best regards,



Omega see also: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/877606/

Bring Regime Change Home

In order to bring regime change home, David Swanson calls for the combining of two criteria: opposing the war and supporting impeachment.



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From Information Clearing House

Increased cancer risk for mobile users

From: Eileen O'Connor
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 11:27:50 -0000
Subject: Increased cancer risk for mobile users: studies
February 3, 2006 - 12:03PM
The Age, Melbourne, Australia.


People who have used mobile phones for 10 years or more have an increased risk of brain tumours, three European research groups have found.

The separate studies add new fuel to the debate over mobile phone safety.

A correlation between the tumour's location and the side of the head where people reported they held the phone was found in two of the studies.

One also suggests the greatest risk is in people who began using the phones before age 20. Researchers said the study group was small and more research should be done.

Two of the studies, one in England and one in Germany, are part of the 13 nation Interphone Study, an effort sanctioned by the World Health Organisation to assess possible health risks from the radiation emitted by mobile phones.

Both studies found an increased risk of glioma, an often deadly brain cancer, in people who had used mobile phones 10 years or more.

An earlier Interphone study, reported in October 2004 by researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, found an increased risk for a non-cancerous brain tumour called acoustic neuroma after 10 years of mobile phone use, but not for glioma.

"When you put the three large Interphone results together - the German, English and Swedish - they tell a story, and it begs for attention," said Louis Slesin, publisher of Microwave News, who has been reporting on the health effects of such radiation for two decades.

John Walls, vice president of public affairs for CTIA, The Wireless Association, a mobile phone industry trade group in Washington, said the increase in glioma in people who had used the phones more than 10 years was "statistically insignificant".

There is no cause for concern, he said.

The German study, conducted by Joachim Schuez and colleagues at the University of Mainz, was published online by the American Journal of Epidemiology.

The researchers compared a group of 749 brain tumour patients with 1,494 similar people who had not used mobile phones and found a doubling of the risk of glioma after 10 years of use.

They said the number of people in the study who had used the phones for 10 years was small, and the findings needed to be confirmed by other studies.

The British researchers compared a group of 966 brain tumour patients with a group of 1,716 healthy patients who had not used mobile phones.

They found a 20 per cent increase in cancers among long-term users, but no overall increased risk in people who used mobile phones.

The study, funded largely by the mobile phone industry and published online by the British Medical Journal, found a significantly increased risk for tumours that developed on the side of the head to which patients said they most often held the phone.

But lead researcher Patricia McKinney said that finding probably was due to many patients not accurately recalling which ear they'd used most of the time.

Critics said conclusions drawn by the researchers were "highly misleading" and might give mobile phone users a false sense of security.


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The destruction of the world's wetlands is exacerbating global disasters such as floods and famines and is a potential source of conflict in volatile regions, environmentalists said on Thursday.


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