
North Sea Birds Dying as Waters Heat Up

Scientists warn that warmer conditions could have a catastrophic effect on east coast ecosystem...


Informant: Anna Webb

Using RFID to manage evacuations and TRACK employees


Citing the increased threat of terrorist attacks on commercial buildings, Axcess promotes its system as a way to track employees during emergencies.

By Claire Swedberg

June 17, 2004—Axcess International, a Dallas-based provider of RFID-enabled personnel access control, asset management and surveillance systems, recently marketing a new use for its RFID tag system, ActiveTag: emergency-evacuation management. The ActiveTag system, which is in use by the U.S. military to track vehicles, personnel and missiles, as well as being tested by businesses, was designed to help track movement of office personnel for security reasons. But the company maintains that its system can provide an effective way for businesses and organizations to track their employees’ evacuation of a facility in the event of a fire or some other disaster.

With ActiveTag RFID readers installed at building doorways, stairs or other exit points, the system would automatically identify personnel as they leave the building, and as they assemble at a disaster meeting or "mustering" point away from the facility, provided that they brought their tags with them. The identification system will allow them to have the credential tag (an ID-size card with a battery-powered RFID tag) in a pocket, on their clothing or in a purse or briefcase and still be identified as they exit the building. The size of a typical driver’s license, the credential tag has a small, lightweight form factor compliant with the ISO 7810 ID-1 standard. Axcess also makes "docking" tags, which have the same components as credential tags and can be inserted into an existing access control card. Each tag transmits at a UHF band (either 315 MHz or 433 MHz) to palm-size network-based RFID readers 18 inches to 700 feet away, depending on the antenna used on the reader.

Axcess RFID tags can also be affixed to employee vehicles and office equipment, and read by readers at doorways, gates or even hallways and elevator entrances. Griebenow adds that the system can be used in conjunction with motion detectors to notify security about unauthorized movement in the building. Motion detectors, for example, can trace the presence of a person who is not carrying an RFID tag and alert security that an unauthorized person is in the office and where that person is.

The ActiveTag system is in use on military bases as well as some universities and commercial establishments to track movement of vehicles and personnel, Griebenow says. In addition, it has been tested for its mustering capabilities at a U.S. Department of Defense research facility. Although Axcess has been working with the technology for the past two years, use of the ActiveTag RFID system in offices has been limited.

“Security systems are driven by cost,” Griebenow explains. While a passive RFID tag may cost 30 cents, the ActiveTag battery-powered tag averages $20. On the other hand, ActiveTag RFID readers are considerably less expensive, averaging about $1,000.

Griebenow adds, however, that the efficiency and accuracy of the ActiveTag makes it the reliable choice for emergency evacuation management and will increasingly become the more popular choice for large companies. To date, a company’s decision to purchase and deploy an emergency evacuation management system, such as the ActiveTag’s, is “usually driven by a problem or a foreseeable problem,” Griebenow says. He argues that the notion of a potential disaster risk has been changed by the increased threat of terrorist attacks that target commercial sites.

Informant: Anna Webb

Plakatkampagne für Informationsfreiheitsgesetz auf Bundesebene gestartet



Mit dem Slogan "Sie dürfen zwar alles zahlen, aber nicht alles wissen!?" soll pro-information seit Montag an 250 Bus- und Tramhaltestellen, Informationsflächen und Litfass-Säulen in Berlin für ein Informationsfreiheitsgesetz auf Bundesebene werben. Mit einem solchen Gesetz hätten laut pro-information Bürger und Journalisten bessere Möglichkeiten, sich über Aktivitäten der Verwaltung zu informieren. Das Gesetz wäre ein Schutz vor Korruption und würde bürgerschaftliches Engagement erleichtern.

Bereits am 11. Juni soll die Unterschriftenkampagne http;//www.pro-information.de , die online Unterschriften für ein Informationsfreiheitsgesetz sammelt, gestartet worden sein. Die Internet-Aktion würde von namhaften Erstunterzeichnern wie Gesine Schwan, Präsidentin der Viadrina-Universität, unterstützt. Ihre Begründung: "Ineffizienz, Amtsmissbrauch und Bürgerferne führen zu Staats- und Politikverdrossenheit. Mit einem Informationsfreiheitsgesetz kann der Staat zeigen, dass er transparenter Partner der Bürger sein will - und nicht geheimnisvoller Gegner."

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Gentechnik im Futter auch in der Milch nachweisbar

Studie drei Jahre geheim gehalten


Genmanipulierte Futtermittel lassen sich auch in der Milch von Kühen finden, die diese gefressen haben. Das geht aus einem drei Jahre unter Verschluss gehaltenen Untersuchungsbericht des Forschungszentrums für Milch und Lebensmittel in Weihenstephan/Bayern hervor, den die Umweltschutzorganisation Greenpeace am Montag veröffentlicht hat. In der Milch eines Landwirtes, der Gen-Soja und Gen-Mais verfütterte, fanden Wissenschaftler Teile der Erbsubstanz dieser Pflanzen. Greenpeace forderte weitere Studien und eine Kennzeichnung von tierischen Produkten, die mit Gen-Futter hergestellt wurden. Bisher sei angenommen worden, dass Gen-Pflanzen bei der Verdauung abgebaut würden und nicht in Fleisch oder Milch gelangen könnten. "Die Wissenschaftler haben anscheinend Angst vor den eigenen Ergebnissen", sagte Henning Strodthoff, Gentechnikexperte von Greenpeace. Was die Forschung bisher für unmöglich hielt, müsse nun anders bewertet werden.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

The Legend of Skull and Bones


Informant: Our bill of rights

Western Drought Could Be Worst in 500 Years


Western Drought Beats Dust Bowl,
Could Be Worst in 500 Years
By Angie Wagner
Associated Press

Friday 18 June 2004

Las Vegas - The drought gripping the West could be the biggest in 500 years, with effects in the Colorado River basin considerably worse than during the Dust Bowl years, scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey said Thursday.

"That we can now say with confidence," said Robert Webb, lead author of the new fact sheet. "Now I'm completely convinced."

The Colorado River has been in a drought for the entire decade, cutting an important source of water for millions of people across the West, including Southern California.

Environmental groups said the report reinforces the need to figure out a better way to manage the Colorado River before reservoirs run dry.

"The water managers, they just continue to pray for rain," said Owen Lammers, director of Living Rivers and Colorado Riverkeeper. "They just say, well, we hope that things change and we see rain."

The report said the drought has produced the lowest flow in the Colorado River on record, with an adjusted annual average flow of only 5.4 million acre-feet at Lees Ferry, Arizona, during the period 2001-2003. By comparison, during the Dust Bowl years, between 1930 and 1937, the annual flow averaged about 10.2 million acre-feet, the report said.

Scientists use tree-ring reconstructions of Colorado River flows to estimate what conditions were like before record-keeping began in 1895. Using that method, the lowest five-year average of water flow was 8.84 million acre-feet in the years 1590-1594. From 1999 through last year, water flow has been 7.11 million acre-feet.

"These comparisons suggest that the current drought may be comparable to or more severe than the largest known drought in 500 years," the report said.

The report said the river had its highest flow of the 20th century from 1905 to 1922, the years used to estimate how much water Western states would receive under the Colorado River Compact. The 1922 compact should now be reconsidered because of the uncertain water flow, said Steve Smith, a regional director for the Wilderness Society.

The report did not surprise water managers.

Adan Ortega, spokesman for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, said the water district has been increasing water storage, buying water from farmers, and investing in alternatives to the Colorado River.

"The big lesson is communities cannot afford to put all their eggs in the proverbial basket. You need ... a diverse portfolio of resources," Ortega said.

Herb Guenther, director of the Arizona Department of Water Resources, said the agency continues to plan for a lingering drought.

"It's serious, but the sky is not falling. Of course, we wish it would in the form of rain," he said.

Droughts seldom persist for longer than a decade, the report noted. But that could mean the current drought is only half over.

"If you're a betting person, you will bet that we will come out of this drought next year," Webb said. "It's a very severe event, and these things tend to end fast. There are other indications, though, that suggest that this drought could persist for as long as 30 years. "We don't really know."

Informant: Hopedance

Mobilfunk-Messreihe in Hessen abgeschlossen


Kommentar dazu:


US-Unteroffizier wirft Militär Vertuschung von Folter vor


Soldat in Heidelberg spricht von dutzenden Tätern

Stuttgart - Im Skandal um die Misshandlungen irakischer Gefangener hat ein in Heidelberg stationierter US-Soldat der Armee seines Landes Vertuschung vorgeworfen. Zugleich widersprach US-Unteroffizier Samuel Provance im Gespräch mit der "Stuttgarter Zeitung" (Dienstagsausgabe) Behauptungen der US-Regierung, die Misshandlungen im irakischen Gefängnis Abu Ghraib seien Einzelfälle. In seiner Einheit, dem in Heidelberg stationierten 302. Bataillon des Militärnachrichtendienstes, gebe es zahlreiche Soldaten, die in Abu Ghraib gewesen, aber nicht befragt worden seien. Provance sagt der Zeitung, es gebe dutzende weiterer Täter. (AFP)


21.06.04, 20:45 Uhr

Forging Alliances: A Quick Look at How

Democrats Helped Bush Rape Mother Nature

by Josh Frank

George W. Bush’s environmental record can be dummied down to one simple word: devastating. And yet Bush's pillage has been given a big assist by the Democrats....


America's Blind Faith in Government

by Harold Williamson

It was Alexis de Tocqueville who said that despotism can govern without faith, but liberty cannot. For Americans it has always been a matter of faith that their government's intentions were noble. But recent history has twice proven this to be delusional....


War on What?

by Bill Berkowitz


George Bush, Destroyer of the Faith

by Zbignew Zingh

Ironically, the President who touts faith-based initiatives as the salvation of America is himself the Destroyer of the Faith. It is not religious faith that Mr. Bush destroys – although he has certainly undermined that, too – but the faith in the myth and systems that form the foundation of American power. The bedrock of that power is

1) a belief in unlimited, inexpensive access to natural resources,
2) faith in our economy and the robustness of the dollar,
3) confidence in our institutions, and
4) unshakable faith in our security systems....


Greenpeace warnt vor Gentechnik-Spuren in Milch

Forscher: Genfutter nicht nachzuweisen

Hamburg/München - Die Umweltschutzorganisation Greenpeace hat vor Spuren genveränderter Futtermittel in Milch gewarnt. In Milchproben eines Landwirts, der genetisch verändertes Soja und Mais an seine Kühe verfüttert habe, sei die Erbsubstanz des Genfutters nachgewiesen worden, teilte die Organisation am Montag in Hamburg mit. Das zuständige Forschungsinstitut in München erklärte jedoch, die bereits vor mehr als drei Jahren überprüften einzelnen Proben hätten keine wissenschaftliche Aussagekraft. In anschließenden umfangreichen Studien sei eindeutig nachgewiesen worden, dass weder im Gewebe der Kuh noch in der Milch Rückstände von Genfutter zu finden seien. (AFP)

21.06.04, 15:54 Uhr


Forget the Democrats: Bush Losing Support Among Republicans


Informant: Laurel

Nicht-thermaler Hitzeschock, Auswirkung von Mikrowellen

Prof. Guido Zimmer, Arzt u. Biochemiker, Berater der Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität (Frankfurt am Main)


Die Lehren aus der REFLEX-Studie : Besitzen hochfrequente elektromagnetische Felder ein genschädigendes Potential?

Prof. Dr. Franz X. Adlkofer, Geschäftsführer der Stiftung VERUM (München)


Gesicherte Einflüsse elektromagnetischer Wellen - Störung der zentralnervösen Regulation

von Prof. Rainer Frentzel-Beyme, IGUMED (Bremen)


Reizthema Mobil- und Kommunikationsfunk aus gesundheitlicher Sicht

Dr. Ulrich Warnke, Universität des Saarlandes


Wissenschaft und Mobilfunk

Elektrosmog kontrovers - Der Umgang mit gesundheitlichen Risiken in Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft

von Markus Kerrmann, Arzt und Wiss. Mitarbeiter am Institut für Allgemeinmedizin der Charité (Berlin)


BUND Tagungsband Mobilfunksymposium 2004 und " Leitfaden für Initiativen"

Sowohl der Tagungsband des Mobilfunksymposiums vom 12. Juni 2004 - "Wissenschaft im Widerstreit" - als auch die neue BUND-Broschüre "Streitfall Mobilfunk. Leitfaden für Initiativen" können jetzt von unserer Homepage als pdf heruntergeladen werden:

Katia Neubauer
Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND)
Landesverband Rheinland-Pfalz e.V.
Gärtnergasse 16
55116 Mainz
Fon: 06131 / 231973
Fax: 06131 / 231971
E-Mail: katia.neubauer@bund-rlp.de
Internet: http://www.bund-rlp.de


BUND: Streitfall Mobilfunk - Ein Leitfaden für Initiativen:

Wollen Sie Ihren Job verlieren?

Ministerpräsident Koch begrüßt Mobilfunk-Messreihe in Hessen


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Abu Ghraib a crime scene

Military judge: Abu Ghraib a crime scene


Informant: kevcross5

Omega-News Collection 21. June 2004

Surviving a Brain Tumor: IP-6

European petition against Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)

Stop RFID in its tracks before we're all bugged

Contrails Cause Climate Change

Big Win on Tongass Amendment

Farewell to the forests

Global water tax


Crossing the threshold

Critics take aim at secret court

A Temporary Coup

Martial law threatened for Iraq

US has secret prisons : US accused of worldwide network of secret prisons

Accused contractor at Abu Ghraib says he told guards what to do

Tout Torture, Get Promoted

Abu Ghraib General Says She's Scapegoat

Interrogator Instructed Prison Guards

Torture Policy

Pressure at Iraqi prison detailed

So Torture Is Legal?

George Orwell... meet Franz Kafka

Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness

Detention, treatment and trial of alleged terrorists

New Abuse Charges

Torture, War, and Presidential Powers

The strange, sad death of the American way

US Lacks Votes for Immunity from War Crimes Court



Legal scholars say condoning abuse could be impeachable offense

Harvard Law Professors Urge Congress to Review Interrogation Policy and Hold Executive Branch Accountable

Cheney's Multi-Million Dollar Revolving Door

Auditor describes waste, cost overruns in Iraq contracts

Congress inquiry links Cheney aide to Halliburton deal

The Truth About Cheney

This won't hurt much

Spying in America: How the Pentagon is Overcoming Privacy Laws to Spy At Home

Declarations of Independence

The Power of People's Media

911 - In Plane Site

Report savages Bush's claim on terror links

Cheney, Still Without Proof Of A Saddam-Al Qaeda Connection, Blames The Media

The big lie


Creeping fascism

Blood of Victory

Breaking The Silence

Forgive me, I was wrong on Iraq

Ministry of Defence accused of 'buying silence of families' over civilian deaths

Leo Strauss the neo-cons and Iraq

Censored by the CIA

American Empire Is Squeezing Out American Democracy

BBC Investigation Into How Voter Data Was Used To Prevent Democrats From Voting In The Last Presidential Elections

The draft is coming back

Pentagon Simulated a Scenario of an actual Terrorist Attack 10 months before 9/11

Unsettling signs

On the road to nowhere

Facts vs. fiction

Failures that begat a fiasco

Freedom, Incorporated

Freedom, Incorporated


Informant: ECOTERRA Intl.

Failures that begat a fiasco

Washington Times

by Stefan Halper & Jonathan Clarke


One reason the United States finds itself at the edge of a foreign policy disaster is its underinformed citizenry, a key weakness in a democracy. Some seven years ago, the veteran journalist Garrick Utley noted a counterintuitive paradox. As U.S. global power -- military and economic -- expanded in the 1990s, coverage of international affairs in the U.S. press diminished. A closer look revealed that except for the principal national newspapers, most major metropolitan papers had little or no staff reporting daily from abroad. News editors say they could not justify the cost of expensive overseas bureaus in view of their readers' limited interest in foreign affairs. As a result, readers were offered fewer foreign stories and
had less context for understanding overseas events...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Facts vs. fiction

Boston Globe

by Thomas Oliphant


Now that President Bush and co-president Cheney have backed themselves into a corner with statements about Iraq and terrorism that aren't credible, it's interesting to watch them squirm. Bush has an entertaining habit of confusing assertion with argument. For example: 'The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and Al Qaeda is because there was a relationship between Iraq and Al Qaeda.' The logic here is breath-taking. Cheney is, as ever, more elliptical. Cornered for a change, he is striking out at the press, preferring not to take on the 9/11 Commission whose evidence (more to the point, its absence of any) exposes his pre-invasion and post-invasion hype and, shall we say, misstatements...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

On the road to nowhere

Mother Jones

by Stanley Greenberg


With only five months to go before the presidential election, the American public has concluded that something is going very wrong with America. Faced with the stark images of prisoner abuse and the grim reality of rising combat deaths, it is perhaps not surprising that a pall hangs over the nation. But doubts about the state of the union run deeper than those about Iraq and suggest how difficult it will be for the White House as it struggles to hold power in Washington. In this special national survey for Mother Jones, ordinary citizens describe an America where so many aspects of life, from the economy and financial standing to the country's character and position in the world, have taken a bad turn...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Unsettling signs


by Vox Day


For the last three months, contrarian economists have been looking at the Fed's wild and crazy increase of the M3 money supply, which has been jacked up by $1.4 trillion since January, and wondering what in the world is going on. It has led some to conclude that the Fed is aware of an imminent disaster approaching as the Fed usually only cranks the printing presses up to high after an event like 9-11 or the 1987 Long-Term Capital Management disaster. But what sort of event can you expect and plan for months in advance? Consider the other evidence...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Pentagon Simulated a Scenario of an actual Terrorist Attack 10 months before 9/11


Informant: Halojumper82

Electrical Aspects of Epilepsy and ADHD

Some insights into the electrical aspects of epilepsy and ADHD






Informant: charles_w_2000

Farewell to the forests

June 20, 2004
OVERVIEW & COMMENTARY by Glen Barry, Ph.D., Forests.org

Papua New Guinea's rainforests are going to hell. The government finances itself based upon clandestine sanctioning of illegal logging. The Malaysian timber mafia runs the country. The World Bank nears its third decade of failed sustainable forestry reforms. Local environmental groups posture and talk with little impact. Local peoples still view meager benefits from the razing of their forests as their best option for advancement. And after 15 years of service to PNG's rainforests, this activist sees little hope. The world's third largest rainforests have become a cesspool of ecological devastation, corruption, violence, and wasted development potential. Efforts to transition the timber industry to community based eco-forestry have faltered. The forces of death, greed and despair have won. PNG's rainforests are toast and its peoples doomed to poverty for the rest of time. Trangu, sari tumas.



Farewell to the forests

Wi-Fi mobilize your Chromosomes in Hospital

1. critical aspect of daily "life" in the hospital?

* The human head can serve as a lossy resonator for the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the cellular telephone, absorbing much of the energy specifically from these wavelengths.

2. maturation of the 802.11 standards? (collectively known as Wi-Fi)

* Are the 802.11 "cellular killer standards"? (collectively known as Wi-Fi)

Wi-Fi, Health Care, and HIPAA: WLAN Management in the Modern Hospital

Wireless networking has quickly become a critical aspect of daily life in the hospital IT environment. With the maturation of the 802.11 standards (collectively known as Wi-Fi), hospital staff can remain connected to their critical systems regardless of their location in a facility. Additionally, a new breed of mobile applications has evolved that provide caregivers and administrators with on-demand access to the information and systems they need to better serve their patients. This has led to an increase both in the accuracy and efficiency of hospital operations, which has in turn led to patients that are more satisfied and better served.




Effect of electromagnetic field produced by mobile phones on the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD-1) and the level of malonyldialdehyde (MDA)--in vitro study

Stopczyk D, Gnitecki W, Buczynski A, Markuszewski L, Buczynski J.

Zakladu Medycyny Zapobiegawczej i Promocji Zdrowia, Wojskowej Akademii Medycznej w Lodzi. e-mail: darstop@poczta.onet.pl

The aim of the study was to assess in vitro the effect of electromagnetic field produced by mobile phones on the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD-1) and the level of malonyldialdehyde (MDA) in human blood platelets.

The suspension of blood platelets was exposed to the electromagnetic field with the frequency of 900 MHz for 1, 3, 5, and 7 min.

Our studies demonstrated that microwaves produced by mobiles significantly depleted SOD-1 activity after 1, 5, and 7 min of exposure and increased after 3 min in comparison with the control test. There was a significant increase in the concentration of MDA after 1, 5, and 7 min and decrease after 3 min of exposure as compared with the control test. On the grounds of our results we conclude that oxidative stress after exposure to microwaves may be the reason for many adverse changes in cells and may cause a number of systemic disturbances in the human body.

PMID: 12474410 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]



Weinberger Z, Richter ED.

Jerusalem College of Technology, Jerusalem, Israel


Headache and other neuropsychological symptoms occur in users of cellular telephones, and controversy exists concerning risks for brain cancer.

We hypothesize these effects result from the head serving as an antenna and brain tissue as a radio receiver. The frequencies for transmission and reception by cellular telephones, about 900MHz for analog and 1800MHz for digital transmission, have wavelengths of 33-35 and 16-17cm, respectively.

Human heads are oval in shape with a short axis about 16 to 17cm in length. Near the ear there will be a cross-section in the head with an axis half the wavelength of RF/MW transmissions of 900MHz and equal to the wavelength of RF/MW transmissions at 1800MHz.

Therefore, the human head can serve as a lossy resonator for the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the cellular telephone, absorbing much of the energy specifically from these wavelengths.

Brain cells and tissues demodulate the cell-phone's audio frequencies from the radio frequency carrier. Low audio frequencies in the ranges of alpha and beta waves affect these waves and thereby influence brain function.

These effects state the case for a precautionary policy.

Med Hypotheses. 2002 Dec;59(6):703-5.

Copyright 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd.
PMID: 12445512 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Message from Dr Miguel Muntané

Neue Studie aus Polen: Biologische Schädlichkeit von Mobilfunkstrahlung erneut bewiesen - oxidativer Stress siehe auch weitere polnische Beiträge: Mobilfunkbasisstationen schaden der Gesundheit

Quelle: Pubmed, Med Pr. 2002;53(4):311-4. Polish. PMID: 12474410

Oxidativer Stress durch Mikrowellenstrahlung mögliche Ursache für viele negative Zellveränderungen und eine Vielzahl von systemischen Störungen im menschlichen Körper.

Weiteres wichtiges Schlüsselergebniss zum Wirkungsmechanismus der Krebserzeugung durch Mobilfunkstrahlung.

Abstrakt der Studie: (Deutsch):

Ziel der Studie war es, an Zellkulturen in vitro die Wirkung des von Mobiltelefonen produzierten elektromagnetischen Feldes auf die Aktivität von Superoxid-Dismutase (SOD-1) und den Anteil von Malondialdehyd (MDA) in menschlichen Blutplättchen (Thrombozyten) zu prüfen. Die Blutplättchen-Suspension wurde 1, 3, 5 und 7 Minuten mit Mikrowellen (900 MHz, heutige GSM-Mobilfunk-Frequenz/D-Netz) bestrahlt. Die Studie bewies, dass die von Mobiltelefonen ausgehenden Mikrowellen die SOD-1-Aktivität nach 1, 5 und 7 Minuten Exposition signifikant stark reduzierte und nach 3 Minuten erhöhte - im Vergleich zum Kontrolltest. Nach 1,5 und 7 Minuten gab es eine signifikante Erhöhung der MDA-Konzentration und eine Abnahme nach 3 Minuten im Vergleich zum Kontroll-Test. Die Wissenschaftler folgerten aus ihren Studienergebnissen, dass oxidativer Stress nach Mikrowellen-Exposition der Grund für viele negative Zellveränderungen sein könne und eine Vielzahl von systemischen Störungen im menschlichen Körper verursachen könne.


Die medizinische Zeitschrift Praxis - Wissenschaft - Originalia äußerte in ihrer Ausgabe 7/97 bereits:

"Das antioxidative Potential des Organismus ist vorrangigstes Überlebensprinzip und entscheidet weitgehend und unmittelbar über Gesundheit oder Krankheit."


Ein sehr wichtiges Anti-Oxidanz-Enzym. Primärer enzymatischer Fänger für freie Radikale. Es gibt Mangan-Superoxid-Dismutase in Mitochondrien und cystosolische Kupfer-Zink-Dismutase mit exrazellulären Formen in Blut, Lymphen und anderen Körperflüssigkeiten. Superoxid-Ionen werden durch die mitochondriale Atmung, aktivierte Leukocyten, Mikrosomen, toxische Chemikalien und Strahlung in den lebenden Zellen produziert. Superoxid-Dismutase sorgt für den 200fach schnelleren Spontanzerfall von Superoxid. Der Bildung von hochaggressivem Singulett-Sauerstoff, Hydroxyl-Radikalen und anderen reaktiven Sauerstoff-Radikalen wird wirksam vorgebeugt.


Quelle: http://lapmueller.de/html/info_27.html:

Malondialdehyd - ein Marker für den oxidativen Stress der Zelle

Der menschliche Organismus ist in der modernen Gesellschaft einer Vielzahl Belastungen aus seiner Umwelt ausgesetzt, die hohe Anforderungen an die antioxidativ wirkenden Systeme des Körpers stellen. Durch UV-Strahlung und verschiedenste Noxen werden in den Zellen eine große Menge freier Radikale freigesetzt. Eine Überproduktion von Sauerstoffradikalen oder unzureichende antioxidative Abwehrmechanismen führen im Organismus zu einem vermehrten Auftreten von pathologischen Abbauprodukten, die zu schweren Zellschädigungen führen können. Vorzeitiges Altern und Krankheiten (Diabetes mellitus, Krebs) können sich in der Folge einstellen.

Durch die Oxidation ungesättigter Fettsäuren der Zellmembran werden im Organismus unterschiedlichste Hydroperoxide gebildet. Diese sind chemisch instabil und zerfallen in Aldehyde. Ein besonderes unter diesen stellt das Malondialdehyd (MDA) dar, da es die Eigenschaft hat, Proteine und Lipide zu vernetzen.

Malondialdehyd stellt damit einen Marker dar, der anzeigt, inwieweit das antioxidative System eines Patienten mit der einwirkenden oxidativen Belastung zurechtkommt. Oxidativer Streß führt zu einer verstärkten Lipidoxidation in der Zelle und damit zum Ansteigen der Konzentration von MDA.

Solche erhöhten Werte weisen darauf hin, daß ein oder mehrere Faktoren der antioxidativen Regulation überlastet sind und ein Eingreifen erforderlich wird. An dieser Stelle sollte nach Möglichkeiten der Veränderung der Lebensweise (Rauchen, Ernährung, Wohn-/Arbeitsumfeld) gesucht und eventuelle Schwachstellen in der antioxidativen Abwehr (Vitamine, Spurenelemente) diagnostiziert und gegebenenfalls ausgeglichen werden.

Im Anschluß an eine Therapie läßt sich durch die Bestimmung des Malondialdehyd bei sinkenden Werten ein Erfolg der eingeleiteten Maßnahmen belegen.

zur Interpretation:

Deutlich erhöhte Werte für MDA werden vor allem bei terminaler Niereninsuffizienz, septischem Schock, Schwangeren, bei Einnahme von Antikontrazeptiva, akuter Pankreatitis und Myokardinfarkt beobachtet. Allgemein nimmt der MDA-Spiegel mit zunehmendem Alter zu. Fast alle Risikofaktoren für kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen (Rauchen, Adipositas usw.) manifestieren sich auch in erhöhten Konzentrationen von Malondialdehyd.

Zuweilen werden geringfügig erniedrigte Konzentrationen beobachtet. Hier scheint ein Mangel an ungesättigten freien Fettsäuren zu einem geringeren Gesamtumsatz zu führen. In diesen Fällen sollten andere Wege zur Diagnose des oxidativen Stress (z.B. die Messung des Antioxidantienstatus, vgl. Info 28) beschritten werden.

Die Messung von Malondialdehyd (MDA) hat sich als anerkannte Methode etabliert, die Zerstörung von Lipidstrukturen durch Freie Radikale in vivo zu quantifizieren (siehe: http://oego.or.at/co/co_vii_3.htm).

Quelle: http://www.iddd.de/umtsno/semm.htm


Daten-Adern für das Krankenhaus der Zukunft

WLAN Funknetz als Strahlenschleuder?


Gesundheitsgefahren durch kabellose Laptops

Bluetooth und Gesundheit


Forscher auf der Spur einer unsichtbaren Gefahr?

Eine neue Studie liefert angeblich Beweise, dass Funkwellen das Erbgut schädigen können. Gemäß Studienkoordinator Franz Adlkofer konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass Mobilfunk-Strahlung die Gene schädigen kann. "Seit 40 Jahren gilt die Lehrmeinung, dass elektromagnetische Felder zu schwach sind, um das Erbgut zu verändern", sagt Adlkofer. "Unsere Ergebnisse können jetzt das Gegenteil zeigen." Zweieinhalb Jahre haben sich zwölf Forschergruppen aus sieben EU-Ländern mit den Auswirkungen von Mobilfunk-Strahlung auf Körperzellen beschäftigt.


Quelle: FGF-Infoline vom 17.06.2004

Mobilfunk und das Handy zentrales Thema

Belastungen durch die Umwelt

In Sachen Umwelt wird der Mobilfunk und das Handy zentrales Thema sein. Da während eines Telefonats mit dem Handy im Vergleich zu Basisstationen deutlich höhere Felder auf das Gehirn einwirken, sollten Kinder das Handy nicht mehr als notwendig nutzen. Laut einer belgischen Studie raubt der exzessive Handygebrauch mittlerweile vielen Kindern schon den Schlaf: 3% aller Kinder werden demnach jede Nacht einmal von einer eingehenden SMS geweckt. Die Kurzmitteilungen sorgen sogar für mehr Schlafstörungen als Fernsehen oder der Computer. Handys sollten deshalb aus dem Kinderschlafzimmer verbannt werden.

Quelle: FGF-Infoline vom 17.06.2004

The draft is coming back


Leo Strauss the neo-cons and Iraq

Noble lies and perpetual war


Informant: Let's Make Change

Surviving a Brain Tumor: IP-6

I hope folks recovering from brain problems, will STAY OFF of CELL PHONES!!!! NG

In the last 20 years (during the introduction of cell phones) the incidence of brain cancers went up 40%!

The media won't cover it - too much money involved.

In the meantime, brain dysfunction due to cell phone microwave radiation is affecting many people's metabolism and resistive capacity - immune system breakdown.

Advice: Stay at least 6 to 8 feet away from anyone on a cell phone.

Jerry Mittelman, DDS, FAPM

A Swedish study links mobile phones to brain damage in rats The safety of cellphones has been called into question, again.This time the scientific community is paying very close attention.

Last summer neurosurgeon Leif Salford and colleagues at Lund U. in Sweden published data showing for the first time an unambiguous link between microwave radiation emitted by GSM mobile phones (the most common type worldwide) and brain damage in rats. If Salford's results are confirmed by follow-up studies in the works at research facilities worldwide, including one run by the U.S. Air Force, the data could have serious implications for the one billion plus people glued to their cellphones. -E. Svubodo - Popular Science

The Dental Connection? A micro-waved brain would be associated with a weakened immune response system, affecting periodontal health, TMJ, digestion with concurrent nutritional depletion - every aspect of one's metabolism. The effects are additive - and could appear over an extended period of time.

Jerry Mittelman

Omega see also:

Brain tumours: the silent killer

Wi-Fi mobilize yours Chromosomes in Hospital

Contrails Cause Climate Change



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