
Bayer will Monopol auf Gen-Saaten durchsetzen

Europäisches Patentamt: Bayer will Monopol auf Gen-Saaten durchsetzen


Die entscheidende Verhandlung über ein Patent der Firma Bayer (EP 275957) findet am Dienstag am Europäischen Patentamt (EPA) in München statt. Das Patent steht beispielhaft für die Praxis des Amtes, das Verbot zur Patentierung von Pflanzensorten zu unterlaufen. Die Ansprüche des Bayer-Patentes umfassen die Nutzung und Verwertung genmanipulierter Pflanzen wie Reis, Raps und Mais. Den Einspruch gegen das Bayer-Patent reichte die Münchner Initiative "Kein Patent auf Leben!" 1993 kurz nach Erteilung des Patents ein. Greenpeace unterstützt den Einspruch durch rechtliche Expertise.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Amendments to Interior Funding Bill Would Protect Forests, Parks and Wildlife

Your Calls Needed!

The second shoe to drop in this frantic week of legislative activity will hit on Wednesday, June 16, when the U.S. House of Representatives takes up the Interior Appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2005. Few things are harder to follow than the serpentine course of appropriations bills through the Congress, but few things are more important to our public lands.

Time is very short -- your calls are needed urgently before Wednesday. Please call your Representative and ask her/him to vote FOR pro-conservation amendments in the FY05 Interior appropriations bill and to OPPOSE cuts in the Land and Water Conservation Fund. The Capitol Switchboard, at 202-224-3121, will connect you to your Representative's office. You can look up who your Representative is at:

Please use the talking points below in your phone call. If you absolutely can't call your Representative, please click here to send him/her a fax immediately from:

Talking Points
It takes only a few minutes to call your representative's office. It's painless and the message is simple and straightforward. Ask for the staff person who is handling the Interior Appropriations bill. Identify yourself and explain you're calling to urge the representative to oppose draconian cuts in the Land and Water Conservation fund and to vote FOR four amendments to the Fiscal Year 05 Interior Appropriations bill:

- The Holt-Shays Yellowstone Snowmobile Amendment;
- The Chabot-Andrews Tongass Subsidy Amendment;
- The Udall Forest Wildlife Conservation Amendment; and
- The Hinchey-Bass Yellowstone Bison Amendment.

Amendments Aim to Protect Yellowstone, Tongass, Other National Forests

Several members of the House will offer a common sense conservation package of amendments to the FY05 Appropriations bill to protect Yellowstone National Park, end subsidies for logging on the Tongass National Forest in Alaska, and block new rules that would gut the National Forest Management Act that protects all our forests and their wildlife. This same Interior Appropriations bill proposes to eliminate funding for almost all new Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) land acquisition.

Conservation Amendments to the Appropriations Bill
Not only funding levels are specified in the annual appropriations measures that must pass the Congress. Those bills also often include specific directions and prohibitions for federal agencies. This year, The Wilderness Society is working hard for passage of four such amendments, a sensible, bipartisan conservation package to protect some of America's best-known lands.

The Yellowstone Snowmobile Amendment
Reps. Rush Holt (D-NJ), Christopher Shays (R-CT), Nick Rahall (D-WV) and Tim Johnson (R-IL) will offer an amendment to protect America's first national park. It would require completion of the timely phase-out of snowmobiles from Yellowstone and nearby Grand Teton National Parks. The National Park Service and the Environmental Protection Agency have found that a transition from snowmobile to snowcoach access is necessary to protect public health, wildlife and the parks' natural environment.

Americans strongly support this transition to less intrusive, less polluting snowcoaches for the two parks. Under the amendment, the public will continue to enjoy full access to Yellowstone, while snowmobiling use will continue on millions of acres of public lands surrounding Yellowstone.

For more information on Yellowstone snowmobiles go to:

Tongass Subsidy Elimination Amendment
The Tongass National Forest in southeast Alaska is America's Rainforest. It's our largest national forest, one of the wildest and among the richest in wildlife with bears, wolves, salmon and bald eagles in abundance. In a policy remarkably like hiring someone to damage your dearest possessions, American taxpayers have lost as much as $35 million in a single year to subsidize logging on the Tongass.

Reps. Steve Chabot (R-OH) and Robert Andrews (D-NJ) will offer the Tongass Subsidy Amendment" to prohibit spending of tax dollars to build new roads in the Tongass. If the President and the Congress are serious about cutting government waste, this subsidy to the Alaska timber industry is a perfect place to begin.

In all, we taxpayers have spent nearly a billion dollars since 1982 to subsidize the logging of America's temperate-zone rainforest. The forest deserves better; so do American taxpayers! For more information on the Tongass National Forest go to:

Forest Wildlife Conservation Amendment
For nearly 30 years, the National Forest Management Act has guided Republican and Democratic administrations in the management of our 191 million acres of national forests. The Act's planning rules, developed under President Reagan, provide common sense standards for sustainable, scientific forest management, including landmark standards that can keep fish and wildlife from extinction.

The fondest wish of the timber industry has been the wholesale revision of these rules. The Administration has obliged by proposing radical new rules that will weaken wildlife protection, undermine public involvement, ignore science and play favorites with special interests.

Rep. Tom Udall (D-NM) will offer the "Forest Wildlife Conservation" amendment to block these disastrous new rules. His amendment will ensure that we continue to strive for sustainable management of our national forests and protection of their wildlife. Over 325 prominent scientists, including E.O. Wilson, have urged the Administration to withdraw this special-interest revision of the rules.

For more information on the National Forest Management Act and the proposed rule changes go to:

The Yellowstone Bison Amendment
Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) and Rep. Charles Bass (R-NY) will offer an amendment to deny funds for the continued slaughter of bison that leave Yellowstone each winter to seek food on adjacent public lands. If passed, the amendment would force the National Park Service to find common-sense solutions to bison herd management. Last year, a similar amendment very nearly succeeded; your representative could make the difference this year.

Over the past two decades, the National Park Service, the same agency that is charged with protecting wildlife and other park resources, has slaughtered over 3,700 Yellowstone bison. This year alone, the agency captured 482 bison inside the park and sent 277 to slaughter. Bison are a national icon and Yellowstone's bison are the only genetic link to the great herds of millions that once ranged over the western plains. This is no way to treat a national symbol!

For more information on the Yellowstone bison slaughter go to:

Land and Water Conservation Fund Attacked
This House is proposing to eliminate funding for almost all new federal land acquisitions through the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). LWCF is one of the most popular programs of the federal government. This bipartisan measure has served since 1964 to conserve land, water and open spaces, by buying land from willing sellers.

It works to complete and expand our treasured national parks, forests, refuges, wild lands and recreation areas and to protect watersheds and wildlife habitat and sites of historical and cultural significance. Without it, many of these places will be lost to development. Cutting LWCF funding is desperately shortsighted.

For more information on the Land and Water Conservation Fund, go to:

Please Take Action Now!

Again, there is very little time: the Interior Appropriations bill will come to the House floor as early as this Wednesday, June 16. Please call today -- 202-224-3121 and asked to be connected to your Representative. If you absolutely can't call, you can send a fax to your representative immediately from

If you'd like to write your own fax, we've included below a sample letter you can draw from. You can find fax numbers and other congressional contact information at

U.S. senator seeks Halliburton special counsel

Attorney General John Ashcroft should appoint a special counsel to investigate whether Vice President Dick Cheney helped his old firm Halliburton get lucrative deals in Iraq, a senior Democratic senator said Monday...


N.D. Officials Probe Pelican Disappearance


Informant: Anna Webb

Flood-menaced population to double by 2050

UNITED NATIONS - The number of people vulnerable to floods is expected to double to 2 billion worldwide by 2050 due to global warming, deforestation, rising sea levels and population growth in flood-prone areas, U.N. researchers have warned...


Omega-News Collection 15. June 2004

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ChemTrail Pictures

Vote against any attempt to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling

Stop Drilling in the Arctic

World faces seeping flood crisis

Polluters can be sued, court says in precedent-setting decision

U.S. Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez Personally Authorized Torture in Iraq

New Pictures of U.S. Torture in Iraq

Tortured meanings

The torturers

General Granted Latitude At Prison

Man beaten so long and so severely his kidneys failed

A little legal redefinition and torture becomes a necessary abuse to save the US

3,000 held in America's global gulag

This is Imperial Arrogance

Torture Incorporated: Oliver North Joins the Party

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US Torture Tactics Date from Vietnam Era

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Intelligence: The Pentagon—Spying in America?

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Gambling on Voting

Deja Vu all over again?

US 'meddling in Australian vote'

War, War, War

Bush's secret army

How America armed Iraq

Ronnie & Saddam

Our First Victory Was Zapatero

Bush's Neocons Guilty of 'Unlimited Incompetence'

War spending 'has made country more vulnerable':

Down with the Presidency

Retired Diplomats, Military Leaders Say Bush Must Go

CNDP Statement on UN Iraq Resolution

Brahimi quits post as UN envoy in Iraq

Comprehensive coverage of homeland security spending and policy news

The perils of hegemony

Control Room

Based on Hollywood image, would you trust America?

Extensive US War Crimes in Iraq

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Republican Leadership Ready to Attack Our Civil Liberties Again

A Special Report on the National Emergency in the United States of America

Tomorrow we face today again

A Declaration of Financial Transformation

European voters batter governing parties

Nuclear weapons challenges rise

Fiery Hell on Earth, Part 2

Independent inquiry into Gulf war illnesses

U.S. Military in Crisis

Can you believe this could happen in the Land of the Free?

Gefangene wie Hunde behandeln

Gefängnischef Miller: "Gefangene wie Hunde behandeln"

Neue Enthüllungen im Folterskandal um Abu Ghuraib, der in seinen Auswüchsen schon nach bisherigen Informationen kaum zu übertreffen war: Nach Aussage der früheren Direktorin von Abu Ghuraib Janis Karpinsky, war es Generalmajor Geoffrey Miller, der Chef des Lagers in Guantanamo, der die Anweisung ausgegeben habe, Gefangene wie Hunde zu behandeln.

Karpinsky erklärte in einem Interview der BBC, welchen Rat sie von Miller erhalten habe:

"Er sagte, sie seien wie Hunde, und wenn du ihnen zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt erlaubst zu glauben, dass sie mehr sind als ein Hund, hast du die Kontrolle über sie verloren".


Geoffrey Miller wurde inzwischen die Aufsicht über alle irakischen Gefängnisse übertragen. Er genießt offensichtlich das Vertrauen der amerikanischen Regierung, einen angemessenen Umgang mit irakischen Gefangenen zu pflegen.

Nachricht von Gerhard Wendebourg

Torture, War, and Presidential Powers


Informant: kevcross5

U.S. Military in Crisis


Informant: kevcross5

Überwachung durch Funkchips (RFID)

Quelle: http://ecolog.twoday.net/stories/240796/

Can you believe this could happen in the Land of the Free?

How many people rot in jails, prisons for no good reason. If the Justice system can screw up murder cases how much more can they screw up smaller less significant crimes? We need Justice and Prison Reform NOW! ...bdpoe

Published on Monday, June 14, 2004 by CommonDreams.org


by Kathy Kelly

I've always liked the restful quiet of an empty classroom. Maybe this is why the large room where we wait to start mealtime duties, here at Pekin Federal Prison, feels comfortably familiar. During breaks, in the dining area, I've spent many hours reading, writing, studying Arabic, and staring out the window.

Today, looking out the window, I watched Kim LaGore crossing the compound, flanked by Ruth and Malika.

Yesterday, when I left the dish room, I sensed something was radically wrong. Clusters of women were gathered, many already puffy-eyed and tearful. "It's Kim," I was told. "Her other son just died."

On March 21st, 2004, Kim Lagore's younger son, Dustin, was killed in Iraq. He was a 19-year-old US soldier who had tried his best to stay out of combat. 72 days later, Sean, Kim's older son, age 29, died from complications following back surgery. Ruth and Malika, who also lost children while in prison, have been like guardian angels for Kim, holding and helping her through this wretched grief.

Every person in the prison camp yearns to spin a protective cocoon around her. The authorities couldn't do much. The system traps their compassion too. They allowed Kim extra phone calls and submitted a furlough request. I feel sure that they each wished for swift procedures to re-sentence Kim to home confinement during the remaining three months of her sentence. Who wouldn't want to respond humanely to a woman who has lost both of her children within three months time while forcibly separated from her relatives and her hometown community? But the system's wheels turn slowly, very slowly.

"I know many of you don't know what to say," Kim wrote on a card posted in the laundry room of our dorm. Thanking us for surrounding her with kindness, she added, "To be honest, I don't know what to say either, except that we'll make it through…"

I remember my first conversation with Kim, about three weeks after Dustin was killed. Having learned that I had been in Iraq many times and lived there during the "Shock and Awe" campaign, she came to me with his picture and an article she'd written reflecting her pain and confusion. She still has not been able to learn any details about Dustin's death other than that, after two weeks in Samarra, a city north of Baghdad, he was killed in a training accident. "I want to go with you to Iraq," said Kim. "I want to tell Iraqi parents that my son Dustin never wanted to hurt anyone. He never wanted to kill."

Kim is here for a "paper crime," - a first time offender, she was convicted of a nonviolent and "victim-less" crime. In her former job as a bail bondswoman, she had been anxious that a particular client might not return for a court date, and she insisted that he pay her in cash if she posted bond for him. A prosecutor then accused her of accepting drug money, and Kim was convicted of money laundering. Kim believed she wasn't responsible to determine how her client had raised the money.

Enron, Halliburton, Boeing and Dow Chemical CEOs adeptly cover and shield themselves from harm when accused of shady dealings. I haven't kept informed about their most recent appearances in courts, but I don't want any of them to go to jail. I do want the court of public opinion to regard peddling weapons, designing massive machines for destruction, ravaging the world's ecosystems, and poisoning our environment as criminal behavior. Would these CEOs ever refuse clients who declare foreign wars to exploit other people's resources? Would they ever insist that their clients stop making war against the biodiversity of Mother Earth? What would their thoughts be if they heard Kim's story?

June 26, 2004 is Prisoner Awareness Day in the US. We've thought of inviting our network of friends, outside the prison to observe the day by making advance agreements to completely suspend all communications with loved ones, friends, and household members for just one day. No phone calls, emails, visits, or conversations. At the end of the day, participants could write about the experience to elected representatives or local media, voicing concern over the isolating and long sentences imposed on US prisoners. The action could give a brief glimpse into the dark frustrations felt by women and men whose contact with loved ones hangs on the slimmest and most fragile of threads. Our society desperately needs the social imagining that could envision alternatives.

But for now, Kim's own words and the wordless comfort brought to her by her fellow "criminals" hold enough for a long lesson. Who are the criminals? What are the most serious crimes? And what happens when compassion dies?

Kathy Kelly, co-founder of Voices in the Wilderness and three-time nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize, began a four-month prison sentence April 7th for her actions of civil disobedience at the School of the Americas/WHISC and an ELF tower in Wisconsin.

Kathy Kelly's Prison Address:
Kathy Kelly #04971-045
FPC Pekin
PO Box 5000
Pekin, IL 61555-5000

Independent inquiry into Gulf war illnesses


Informant: Davey Garland


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Juni 2004

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