
Visible proof of chemtrails existance, DVTB tower radiation visualised by chemtrails

Visible proof of chemtrails existance, DVTB tower radiation, star structure visualised by chemtrails



Proof for existence of magnetic properties of pictured clouds as described in Welsbach's patent.

Welsbach's patent (288,5KB) is an invention purchased and patented by Hughes Aerospace of Los Angeles from two Chinese scientists I-Fu Shih and David Chang.

Station of digital television in Hamburg*** shows star structure of its electromagnetic radiation through chemtrails which are mixture of barite with aluminium microdust sprayed in the atmosphere by army aircrafts allover the world according to secret plans.

Propaganda ridicules these theories providing explanations like airplanesÕ exhaust fumes or signal gases.

Picture #1 for the first time in the world we can see magnetic features of so called "exhaust fumes". These features are clearly arriving from Welsbach's patent about chemtrails: aluminium dust reflects UV radiation and creates electromagnetic field with barite.

Picture #1 is the first proof of chemtrails existence. This picture shows that electromagnetic field intensity changed structure of this cloud to star shaped regardless strong wind (5°).

This proofs that clouds are electromagnetic sensitive and considering that vapour does not have this sensitiveness it proofs that these are not exhaust fumes or steam but chemtrails made of aluminium dust sensitive to electromagnetic radiation.

***DVTB station in Hamburg has strengthen its power in order to provide better reception of TV programmed. Influence of human health has not yet been analyzed neither studied. This is potential source of health hazard for citizens of large cities like Hamburg or Munich.

Additional photo taken at 6 PM. Check for more at "Streifen am Himmel".

Best wishes from Hamburg, Germany
Krzysztof Puzyna


Auch in der Schwiz habe ich Veränderungen festgestellt. Viele Menschen können nicht mehr schlafen deswegen! Wenn nun nicht schnell etwas geändert wird, werden wir ein immenses Chaos haben. "Enough is enough" ist der Titel eines amerikanischen Buches gegen die Nanotechnologie. Warum nur lesen die meisten Leute zu wenig, denken nicht mehr kritisch? Weil sie fernsehen! Diese Tatsache hat sicherlich sehr viel dazu beigetragen, uns dahin zu bringen, wo wir jetzt sind! Nun werden wir noch mehr fernsehen können! Das Fernsehen ist unter anderem schuld daran, dass die "Gehirne" unserer Kinder nicht mehr richtig strukturiert werden ("Vorsicht Bildschirm"M. Spitzer klett-Verlag) Freundliche Grüsse

Sibylle Gabriel


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